Basset Hound Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

Basset Hound are short-legged dogs with droopy features and long ears. Because of their unusual height, it may be difficult to monitor Basset Hound's growth.

Basset Hound Growth Chart
Basset Hound Growth Chart

If you're considering purchasing one of these charming charmers or already own one, read this guide about Basset Hound Growth Chart to discover everything there is to know about its growth!

When Do Basset Hounds Stop Growing?

Basset Hound Height Chart
Basset Hound

As with other dogs, a Basset Hound is considered fully developed at about a year of age.

However, even at a year of age, your Basset Hound may still be growing. Most Basset Hounds do not attain full adult size until they reach the age of 16 months.

Even though your Basset Hound reaches its full height by the time he is 16 months old, most dogs continue to gain weight until they reach the age of roughly 2 years.

Because of the stockier build of this breed, you should not be surprised if your pup packs on some extra pounds.

Basset Hound Growth Pictures

Basset Hound Dog Breed Information
Puppy Basset Hound
Basset Hound: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care
Basset Hound in the nature

What is the Standard Basset Hound Size

Despite their diminutive form, the Basset Hound is a medium-sized breed. They have robust muscles that give them the appearance of being well-built when fully matured. However, Basset Hound must go through their growth curve in order to achieve this type of physique.

A Basset Hound's whole growth curve might last between 12 and 18 months. Indeed, if one considers the incremental weight gain, their growth curve can prolong up to two years of age.

Each dog's rate of growth will vary. Certain canines will mature quickly, while others may take a little longer.

In terms of height, Basset Hound are relatively short. This is mostly because their full-grown height is comparable to their puppy height.

Meanwhile, you may expect a Basset Hound puppy rapidly gaining weight within several months!

Basset Hound Weight Chart

Here is the weight chart of a Basset Hound:

AgeMale WeightFemale Weight
3 Months19 – 24 lbs17 – 22 lbs
4 Months26 – 30 lbs23 – 28 lbs
5 Months30 – 37 lbs28 – 35 lbs
6 Months36 – 45 lbs32 – 41 lbs
7 Months39 – 48 lbs35 – 46 lbs
8 Months44 – 55 lbs37 – 53 lbs
9 Months46 – 57 lbs39 -54 lbs
10 Months47 – 58 lbs41 – 55 lbs
11 Months49 – 61 lbs45 – 57 lbs
12 Months52 – 63 lbs46 – 58 lbs
Basset Hound Weight Chart

Basset Hound Growth Chart – What To Expect
Basset Hound Weight Chart by Age

Basset Hound Weight  1-2 weeks

The neonatal stage is the first two weeks of your puppy's existence. Puppies will be born weighing only a few ounces, but should easily gain a pound during the first two weeks.

During this stage, the puppies' eyes will be closed and they will not leave their mother at all. They will fully depend on their mother for milk. If the litter is large, ensure that all of the puppies are growing well.

Basset Hound Weight 3-12 weeks

Between the ages of three and twelve weeks, your puppy will have many different growth spurts. This is a period of rapid growth. By the time your puppy is 12 weeks old, he will weigh between 17 and 24 pounds and will be eating only puppy chow.

His energy level will also increase significantly during this time period, and he will be separated from his mother and littermates.

Basset Hound Weight 4-6months

When your Basset Hound puppy is four months old, he should weigh between 23 and 30 pounds, depending on his sex and genetics.

Given that most of his growth will occur between 9 and 12 months, it's unsurprising that your dog will weigh between 39 and 57 pounds at that age. He will continue to grow, albeit at a slower rate.

See also  BloodHound Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

Basset Hound Weight  10-12 months

Between 10 and 16 months, a Basset Hound puppy will continue to grow, but at a much slower rate as the puppy approaches his final, adult weight.

A Basset Hound's average weight at ten months of age is between 41 and 58 pounds. At 16 months, the weight ranges from 48 to 64 pounds. You should continue feeding puppy food to your dog until he is at least a year old.

Basset Hound Adult Weight

As previously stated, your Basset Hound's growth will probably cease at 16 months, but he may continue to gain weight for up to 24 months.

A mature Basset Hound weighs between 40 and 65 pounds on average, depending on the dog. They are, however, quite short compared to their weight.

A Basset Hound's average height is between 11 and 15 inches, and its average body length is between 26 and 35 inches.

What is the Full Grown Basset Hound Weight?

A fully grown Basset Hound weighs between 40 and 60 pounds (18–30 kg) and stands approximately 11 to 15 inches (27–38 cm) tall. They attain full size at roughly 18 months of age, but continue to gain weight until they reach the age of two.

Basset Hound Height Chart

Here is the height chart of a Basset Hound:

AgeMale HeightFemale Height
3 months8 – 9 inches(20 – 23 cm)7 – 8 inches(17.8 – 20 cm)
4 months8 – 9 inches(20 – 23 cm)7 – 8 inches(17.8 – 20 cm)
5 months9 – 10 inches(23 – 25 cm)8 – 9 inches(20 – 23 cm)
6 months9 – 10 inches(23 – 25 cm)8 – 9 inches(20 – 23 cm)
7 months10 – 11 inches(25 – 28 cm)9 – 10 inches(23 – 25 cm)
8 months11 – 12 inches(28 – 30.5 cm)10 – 11 inches(25 – 28 cm)
9 months11 – 12 inches(28 – 30.5 cm)11 – 12 inches(28 – 30.5 cm)
10 months12 – 13 inches(30.5 – 33 cm)11 – 13 inches(28 – 33 cm)
Fully Grown(12 – 18 months)12 – 15 inches(30 – 38 cm)11 – 14 inches(28 – 36 cm)
Basset Hound Height Chart

How To Measure Your Basset Hound Height?

Measuring your Basset Hound's height is straightforward. You can take two types of height measurements: withers height and standing height.

The most frequently used measurement is the dog's withers height. Whenever you encounter a description of a dog's height in breed standards or kennel club data, it is almost always referring to this measurement.

Height at the withers is measured from the base of your hound's foot to where its neck and shoulders meet. The standing height of the dog, on the other hand, is measured from the base of its feet to the highest point on its head.

The following are four simple steps for measuring the height of your Basset Hound:

Step 1: Placing your Basset Hound against a wall or door frame is the first step. To get a precise height measurement, position your hound perfectly parallel to the wall. This phase may require the use of a tasty food or a squeaky toy to pique your dog's interest. Alternatively, you might seek help from a nearby someone. They can assist you by restraining your dog. However, ensure that they do not use excessive force on your pets, as this could cause aggressiveness.

Step 2: Feel the withers of your Basset Hound. When measuring your dog's height at the withers, be careful to feel his or her actual withers. You must not include the coat of your Basset Hound in the measurement. Otherwise, your outcome will be erroneous! On the other hand, if you want to determine your dog's standing height, you may just feel the top of its head. Simply ensure that you are not placing any weight on it to get an accurate measurement.

Step 3: Align the level with the withers or the crown of the dog's head. Once you've located your dog's withers, place a carpenter's level on top of them. Place the level against the door frame and ensure that it touches your hound's withers physically. To determine your dog's standing height, repeat the previous procedure but rest the level on his head rather than his withers.

See also  Catalan Sheepdog Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

Step 4: Take measurements. Once you've secured the level against the wall or door frame, attempt to maintain its position! Following that, lure your dog away with a treat or toy. Once your dog is distracted, you can use a measuring tape to determine the distance between the floor and the level's location.

What Is A Basset Hound’s Neck Size?

While the average adult basset hound will fit a 20 inch or 50cm collar, it is strongly suggested that you measure your basset hound's collar size to ensure you receive the perfect size.

How Big Do Basset Hound Get?

Basset Hounds were originally bred in France and Belgium and are small dogs with a strong hunting instinct. Their short legs keep them closer to the ground, which enhances their sense of smell.

Additionally, their legs are believed to be adapted for easy plodding over rough terrain in the company of a human on foot. A Basset Hound's height is undoubtedly one of its most distinguishing characteristics.

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), fully mature Basset Hound weigh between 40 and 60 pounds. These canines will range in height from 11 to 15 inches. These measures are accurate regardless of the gender of the dog.

It is worth mentioning, however, that male Basset Hound are slightly heavier and taller on average than their female counterparts. Male Basset Hound weigh between 51 and 64 pounds, while females typically weigh between 44 and 60 pounds.

Similarly, gender disparities in height are negligible. Male Basset Hound stand 12 to 15 inches tall at the withers, while females stand 11 to 14 inches tall.

For comparison, full-grown Basset Hound are around the same height as Beagles, Schipperkes, and Miniature Schnauzers. They are only slightly taller than the French Bulldog and Bichon Frise.

Factors That Affect Basset Hound Puppy Growth 


The size of a Basset Hound is heavily influenced by its parents. Genetics is one of the uncontrollable factors that contribute to your dog's size. Keep in mind that your hound should be approximately the same size as its parents when fully grown.

Your hound's health is a critical component in influencing their growth. As with humans, health difficulties can significantly impair your Basset Hound puppy's growth spurt. Keeping your hound healthy and free of illness is always the best course of action.

Diet & Nutrition

Although Basset Hound are short-legged dogs, they do not inhabit the territory of small dogs. You should never underfeed your hound. Choosing a nutritious kibble and feeding it in the amounts will assist your hound in growing normally.

Physical Activity & Health

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Physical Activity & Health for a Basset Hound

Taking part in physical activities with your Basset Hound will significantly aid in its growth. Not only will exercise help them burn any excess calories, but it will also strengthen their muscles and bones. As with people, a sedentary lifestyle is unhealthy for dogs.

Will My Basset Hound Continue to Grow After Being Spayed/Neutered?

While neutering and spaying your Basset Hound provide several health benefits, there is reason to believe that these artificial treatments should be postponed.

Yes, your Basset Hound will continue to grow after being neutered/spayed; but, there are risks.

According to Shecara Basset Hound, it is recommended to wait at least a year before spaying or neutering your hound. This is because these canines reach their full skeletal maturity at the 12-month point.

It is recognized that neutering/spaying Basset Hound influences their growth plates. Having said that, Basset Hound that are neutered/spayed at a young age may have slightly out-of-proportion bones when fully grown.

Common Questions about Basset Hound

At What Age Is A Basset Hound Fully Grown?

Between the ages of 12 and 18 months, Basset Hound normally cease developing. While the majority will continue to gain weight after this age, it will be in small increments.

This extended period of growth is typical of medium-large breeds. Compared to tiny dogs, Basset Hound have compact muscles that take longer to mature properly.

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Because they are not considered active dogs, you should always be on the lookout for signs of obesity. Regular exercise and high-quality kibble are the way to go.

How Long Are Basset Hound Pregnant?

Pregnancy lasts an average of 63 days in the basset hound. Labor, alternatively referred to as whelping, can last up to 24 hours.

Pregnant basset hounds, according to Dr. Jim Baker, DVM, are prone to bloat. Divide their daily ration into four small meals rather than one or two large ones to help prevent this. Avoid overfeeding your dog, as excess weight can create complications during pup delivery.

How Many Puppies Do Basset Hound Have?

The average litter size of Basset hounds is eight puppies. However, litters of 15 or more puppies are not uncommon.

What Is The Life Expectancy Of Basset Hound?

The Basset Hound, with an average lifespan of 8 to 12 years, is predisposed to serious health problems such as osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), gastric torsion, elbow dysplasia, thrombopathy, entropion, otitis externa, ectropion, glaucoma, von Willebrand's Disease (vWD), and canine hip dysplasia (CHD). Obesity is a prevalent issue in the breed, which can cause back issues.

Additionally, it may be affected by patellar luxation. A veterinarian may prescribe eye and hip exams for this breed of dog to detect any of these concerns; platelet tests may help confirm vWD.

How Much Does It Cost To Own A Basset Hound?

Basset Hound puppies are normally priced between $600 and $1200, but can exceed $2000 depending on their lineage. Owners often spend an additional $750-$1500 for all other upfront costs, such as required canine, environment, and home materials.

How To Help Your Basset Hound Lose Weight If He Is Overweight
Maintain Your Dog's Activity

As with humans, exercise is critical for your overweight dog's health. Increased movement helps your dog burn off excess energy (and calories consumed). Avoid panic! Exercising your pet does not have to include marathons or lengthy hikes. Regular walks and the opportunity to run and play safely off-leash.

Even creating a stimulating indoor environment that encourages your dog to exercise regularly can help. Remember different breeds require varying amounts of exercise, so visit your veterinarian, breeder, or your dog's breed standard for recommendations on recommended activity levels.

Distinguish Begging from Hunger

Begging is not motivated by a desire for more food; it is also used to gain attention. (And, by rewarding the behavior, you reinforce and encourage it to continue.) If your dog begs, do not automatically assume he is hungry. Trust your instincts and keep track of the date and time of your last meal.

If your dog is prone to begging and you are prone to succumb to those puppy dog eyes, choose a high-protein meal with a fiber blend to help control your dog's hunger and voluntary food consumption. In this manner, you may feed your dog with the assurance that he will feel fuller and content for a longer time.

Restriction on treats and table scraps

Even when our dogs are not begging, many of us provide an excessive amount of treats and table scraps. Dogs are not required to share our food! Consider treats and scraps for your pet in the same way that you would candy for children to help you keep them in check. If you're going to use snacks for training, choose low-calorie, low-fat ones and keep the portions small.

As an alternative, keep in mind that clickers are excellent for reinforcement and they have no calories! After all, a few extra pounds can make a significant impact in the lives of dogs, which are significantly smaller than humans. (Even the colossal breeds!) Therefore, focus on a balanced diet and resist the temptation to “reward” them with extra.

Real Food Ideas For Dogs and Foods Dogs Shouldn't Eat

Customize Your Dog's Diet

Not all weight-loss foods are created equal, which is why it's critical to match your dog's nutrition plan to their unique needs. Choose a brand that caters to your dog's unique needs, whether they be weight control, dietary sensitivities, or illnesses.

Conclusion on Basset Hound Growth Chart

Basset Hound is a wonderful dog breed to own. Anyone can fall in love with their cute, droopy looks and affectionate disposition.

However, before you adopt a Basset Hound, you should know the dog's size.

It is critical to remember that they are not enormous dogs and will require the highest quality food and plenty of exercises to live long, happy lives.

You may always refer to a Basset Hound size chart to determine your dog's average size and to monitor his progress.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long does a Basset Hound take to mature?

Two years of age
Basset Hound are extremely large-boned dogs with a massive torso and rather short legs. Because of their weight, bassets mature slowly, frequently not reaching full size until they are two years old.

Why are bassets' ears so long?

The long ears help bring odors closer to the nose, while the sagging skin on the face keeps the scent in place for maximum olfactory impact. This is why Basset Hound constantly excel in AKC Scent Work and Tracking, let alone the devoted sport of Basset Hound Field Trials.

Are basset hounds cuddly?

Are basset hounds cuddly? Both pups and adults Basset Hound like cuddling and quickly develop an attachment to their owner and family. Bassets love two things: couch surfing and cuddling. As your Basset Hound ages, his activity level will decrease, giving you more opportunity to cuddle with him.Are basset hounds cuddly?

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