Bernese Mountain Dog Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

Given the Bernese Mountain Dog's teddy bear-like appearance as puppies, it's natural to desire to adopt one.

Considering their enormous size, it's critical to understand what to expect as they mature beyond their cute appearance into adulthood.

Bernese Mountain Dog Growth Chart
Bernese Mountain Dog Growth Chart

Consulting a Bernese Mountain Dog growth chart is an excellent way to determine the size of your dog once he reaches maturity.

A growth chart is one thing; you also need to understand how to correctly measure your dog, how to determine whether or not your dog's size is healthy, and what to do if your dog is overweight.

 Information about Bernese Mountain Dog
Information about Bernese Mountain Dog

When Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Stop Growing?

Compared to tiny breeds, large breeds such as Berners grow slowly. A tiny breed will reach full growth within a year, whereas a large breed may take up to two years.

With Berners, it takes between two and three years for a dog to achieve its full height and weight, and even then, they can continue to fill out and grow in size.

These dogs are still puppies and appear unsteady on their feet until the age of 18 months when other dogs are completely grown.

Bernese Mountain Dog Size Chart

You can use the Bernese Mountain Dog Weight Chart to establish whether or not your dog is meeting his developmental milestones on schedule.

Berners are small for such a large dog. At one month, they range in size from 20 to 25 cm and weigh between 2.5 and 4.5 kg.

After another month, the situation appears to be much different. A 2-month-old pup's minimum size is currently 28 cm, and the maximum size is 36 cm.

The smallest dogs will have tripled their birth weight, while the largest will have doubled it.

By the time the puppies reach the age of six months, they have grown quite a bit. The smallest dogs are half a meter tall, while the largest are 61 centimeters tall. You can already tell that the puppies will be large, heavy canines at this point.

The smallest dogs weigh 25 kg at six months, while the largest dogs weigh 38 kg.

When they reach the age of one year, the smaller dogs attain a height of 58 cm, while the larger dogs reach a height of 70 cm. Smaller dogs will weigh approximately 39 kg, while larger dogs will weigh approximately 52 kg.

Bernese Mountain Dog Growth Pictures

Bernese Mountain Dog Puppies - Animal Facts Encyclopedia
Puppy Bernese Mountain Dog

What is the Standard Bernese Mountain Dog Size

Because the breed was bred for work, it is powerful and muscular. Males stand between 25 and 27 inches tall, while females stand between 23 and 26 inches tall. Both are built solidly and are often taller than they are long. Their weight varies between 75 and 120 pounds (34 to 54 kilograms).

Bernese Mountain Dog Weight Chart

Here is the weight chart of a Bernese Mountain Dog:

AgeWeight in Kg
1 Months2.5 kg – 4.5 kg
2 Months6.0 kg – 10 kg
3 Months11 kg – 17 kg
4 Months15 kg – 26 kg
5 months20 kg – 33 kg
6 months25 kg – 38 kg
7 months30 kg – 42 kg
8 months34 kg – 35 kg
9 months36 kg – 47 kg
10 months37 kg – 49 kg
11 months38 kg – 51 kg
12 months39 kg – 52 kg
Bernese Mountain Dog Weight Chart

Bernese Mountain Dog Growth Chart – What To Expect
Bernese Mountain Dog Weight Chart by Age

Bernese Mountain Dog Weight  1-2 weeks

Puppies are born deaf and blind. Puppies spend their first-week feeding and napping.

They are still blind and deaf at two weeks old but have enormous heads and powerful jaws.

They continue to spend most of their time feeding and sleeping, but they now attempt to stand and sit. Additionally, the litter members notice one another.

Bernese Mountain Dog Weight 3-12 weeks

Puppies' eyes are partially open at three weeks of age. They can walk normally but frequently fall down. They continue to mostly sleep.

They enjoy engaging with people and each other even at this young age. These cuddly puppies relish the opportunity to be picked up.

By six weeks of age, the puppies are extremely lively and will bite anything in their path. They have excellent eye-to-mouth coordination. Puppies are ready to go home with their owners when they reach the age of eight weeks.

Puppies begin to appear taller and their bodies appear sleeker between 10-12 weeks and up to 16 weeks. You can begin house training your puppy about this time, but don't expect him to understand when it's time to go outside. Housetraining is a lengthy process!

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This is an excellent time to socialize your dog. This is critical to Berners. Begin training your dog and don't forget to reward him for appropriate conduct.

Give him a toy to play with to keep him from chewing on your shoes. This is a critical time to keep a close eye on your dog who is looking large but is still a puppy.

Bernese Mountain Dog Weight 4-8months

At four months, your puppy will weigh between 15 and 26 kilograms and between 34 and 45 kilograms at eight months, depending on his size. Although he has grown to be quite a large dog, he is still a puppy.

Berners lose their baby teeth between the ages of four and five months. This could be a stressful period for them as their gums grow painful when their adult teeth emerge. If your dog appears to be losing interest in food at this point, feeding him soft food may help.

Additionally, this is the stage at which puppies begin to shed their puppy coats. Brush your dog's coat to remove puppy fluff. His adult coat will begin to emerge during the next few weeks. The fuzz around the ears is the last area to be eliminated.

Seeing that this is a huge dog, it’s important to train and socialize him as it will become increasingly difficult to do the bigger he gets.

Berners of this age are not uncommon to experience multiple growth spurts and to appear to develop unevenly. Needless to say, at this age, just like human teenagers, they are a bit clumsy.

Bernese Mountain Dog Weight  10-12 months

Berners are young adults at this period, but that does not mean they are physically or psychologically mature.

At eight months, you will have a decent estimate of the final size of your dog. For example, a dog that weighs 45 kg at one year of age may gain another 4.5 – 13.5 kg during the next two to three years.

Their mature coat is still developing and growing at this stage. This is also the period during which Berners begin to develop feathery fur on their legs.

Between the ages of 8 and 12 months, these young adult canines become affected by reproductive hormones. These hormones can have an adverse effect on a dog's behavior, which can be difficult for owners to manage. They become agitated and appear to have forgotten everything that was taught to them.

During these months, male dogs require a firm hand. Owners must be firm with their dog when he is misbehaving, but must also continue to praise him for his positive conduct.

Many owners spay or neuter their dogs before they reach sexual maturity.

Bernese Mountain Dogs are young adults between the ages of eight months and a year, yet they are not completely grown physically or intellectually.

Bernese Mountain Dog Adult Weight 

These dogs mature slowly. Most them reach adult height and weight between the ages of two and three.

They might continue to grow in size even after they reach the age of three. By the age of three to four years, they are in the prime of their lives.

These dogs can be quite demanding. They require constant attention and exercise, and some of them drool profusely.

If you don't want the slobber to get everywhere, you'll need to wipe it away. Additionally, these dogs sweat heavily, causing frequent grooming.

Having said that, it is impossible to find a dog with a more pleasant disposition. Bernese Mountain Dogs are calm and amicable with children and other pets.

Bernese Mountain Dog Height Chart

Here is the height chart of a Bernese Mountain Dog:

AgeHeight in Cm
1 Months20 cm – 25 cm
2 Months28 cm – 36 cm
3 Months36 cm – 44 cm
4 Months42 cm – 51 cm
5 months47 cm – 56 cm
6 months50 cm – 61 cm
7 months53 cm – 64 cm
8 months55 cm – 67 cm
9 months56 cm – 68 cm
10 months57 cm – 69 cm
11 months58 cm – 70 cm
12 months58 cm – 70 cm
Bernese Mountain Dog Height Chart

How To Weigh Your Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy?

While using a Bernese Mountain Dog size chart is beneficial, you must also be able to collect statistics.

There are a few ways to accomplish this, but it will become more difficult as your dog grows in size, as we all know he will. Once a month, weigh your dog to ensure he is on track.

When the puppy is little, you can use a scale at home to determine the difference between your weight and your weight when holding the puppy.

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The variation in weight is because of the puppy's size. After a while, you cannot lift the puppy and will need to consult a veterinarian or get a large scale for your home.

What Is A  Bernese Mountain Dog’s Neck Size?

To determine the neck size of your dog, use a soft and flexible tape measure to determine the neck size of your dog where her collar naturally falls. Then, put two fingers between your dog's neck and the tape measure to ensure that the dog collar fits snugly but comfortably. Basenji's average neck circumference is between 20 and 26 inches.

How Big Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Get?

How Big Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Get?
How Big Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Get?

When it comes to height, this breed is a tall and towering canine that may reach heights of up to 2 feet. Adult pups with disproportionate chests and big heads may appear much taller.

A male Bernese Mountain dog can weigh up to 80 pounds, according to official statistics. up to 120 lb. Female Bernese Mountain dogs are substantially smaller and weigh between 70 and 95 pounds.

You are well aware that Bernese Mountain dogs can grow to be rather large due to breed traits. The size of a Bernese Mountain dog is determined by several factors and varies by gender.

If your Bernese puppy is less than 12 or 18 months old, it still has a lot of development potential and you would need to weigh it until it is at least a year old to determine its final size. If your BMD is already an adult, you can safely expect that it will not increase in size.

Two more characteristics that can show the size of your Berner are the paws and the parents. If the paws appear to be excessively large compared to the rest of the body, your pet is still growing.

If the parents of the Berners are tall and big, the Bernese Mountain dog will almost certainly be larger in stature.

Bernese Mountain Dog Body Condition Score (BCS) 

While the concept of a Body Condition Score (BCS) is not widely understood among dog owners, it is something to be mindful of.

It is a method of determining your dog's body weight in order to establish if he is a healthy weight. It's a little more difficult to measure a Berner because they're fluffy and won't be as clearly obese as other breeds.

The BCS scale runs from 1 to 9, with a good score hovering around 5. It is not quantifiable with tools; rather, it is quantifiable by touch and visual perception.

A 5 shows that the dog's waist should be visible and the tummy should be tucked uptight. The ribs should also be easily visible behind the fur, but should not protrude excessively. A 1 shows that the dog is dangerously underweight, while a 9 shows that the dog is obese.

Factors That Affect Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy Growth 


Most people estimate their puppy's future size based on the size of both parents. Considering the breed, size, and weight of the parents can provide an excellent sign of how large a puppy will grow in the future.

Large canines produce large progeny, while smaller breeds produce smaller offspring.

The size of the parents has a major effect on the appearance of a Bernese puppy at one year of age.

Diet & Nutrition

To ensure your dog's optimal growth and health, you must provide it with a nutritious, balanced diet. You can feed your dog a raw diet consisting primarily of raw meat and cooked veggies, but this requires a great deal of work for busy people.

Alternatively, you can feed your dog high-quality commercial dog food. If you're unsure about which brand of food is the best, consult your veterinarian.

Bernese Mountain Dogs often consume food twice daily. Give your dogs a few snacks in between meals. If you do, reduce his food intake slightly during the next meal.

Physical Activity & Health

Bernese Mountain Dogs are naturally lively. They were bred as working dogs and require mental and physical stimulation.

Every day, Bernese Mountain Dogs require at least one hour of exercise. This can be divided into two or more exercise times. One effective regimen is 30 minutes of strenuous yard play followed by 30 minutes of walking.

If you live in a snowy area, you can take your dog for a snowball fight; he will love it. Indeed, if you live in a warm climate, you must exercise caution to prevent your snow-loving dog from overheating.

Will Neutering/Spaying My Bernese Mountain Dog Affect His/Her Growth?

As a dog owner, you'll want to do everything possible to ensure your dog's happiness and health. One of the most common practices is to spay or neuter your puppy before they reach full maturity.

According to new research, you might sterilize your dog before they reach maturity, as this may impair their growth.

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Early spaying and neutering are still routinely practiced, and while this will not reduce the size of this large breed, it may jeopardize their joint growth.

Large dogs that are fixed prematurely have been proven to develop mobility and joint issues as they age, so keep this in mind when determining whether to perform the operation.

Common Questions about Bernese Mountain Dog

At What Age Is A Bernese Mountain Dog Fully Grown?

Bernese Mountain Dogs are known for their slow maturation. This means that Bernese dogs will grow slowly during their first 12 to 18 months.

Although they will not be physically or cognitively mature by the time they reach one year, you can expect their future size and height during this time.

Generally, when a Bernese Mountain dog reaches the age of three to four years, it develops completely formed chest and back parts.

How Long Are Bernese Mountain Dogs Pregnant?

Bernese Mountain Dogs, like other dogs, are pregnant for around 63 days and, like humans, their pregnancy is divided into three trimesters of approximately 21 days each.

There is no way to know if your dog is pregnant during the first few weeks; not even by poking and probing her will you be able to tell.

After a while, your dog may appear to have gained weight, which is a warning sign for you.

How Many Puppies Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Have?

Litters from Bernese Mountain Dogs range in size from 1 to 14 puppies, with 8 being the average.

What Is The Life Expectancy Of Bernese Mountain Dogs?

The typical lifespan of a Bernese Mountain Dog is roughly 6-8 years, which is low compared to other large breed dogs.

How Much Does It Cost To Own A Bernese Mountain Dog?

A Bernese Mountain dog's initial cost is between $800 and $2000. Naturally, this price varies according to the dog's genealogy, location, and age. Ongoing care costs include food ($825 per year), veterinarian fees, and miscellaneous expenses (toys, training), among others.

How To Help Your Bernese Mountain Dog Lose Weight If He Is Overweight 

As with humans, exercise is critical for your overweight dog's health. Increased movement helps your dog burn off excess energy (and calories consumed). Avoid panic! Exercising your pet does not have to include marathons or lengthy hikes. Regular walks and the opportunity to run and play safely off-leash.

Even creating a stimulating indoor environment that encourages your dog to exercise on a regular basis can help. Bear in mind that different breeds require varying amounts of exercise, so visit your veterinarian, breeder, or your dog's breed standard for recommendations on recommended activity levels.

Distinguish Begging from Hunger

Begging is not necessarily motivated by a desire for more food; it is also used to gain attention. (And, by rewarding the behavior, you reinforce and encourage it to continue.) If your dog begs, do not automatically assume he is hungry. Trust your instincts and keep track of the date and time of your last meal.

If your dog is prone to begging and you are prone to succumb to those puppy dog eyes, choose a high-protein meal with a fiber blend to help control your dog's hunger and voluntary food consumption. In this manner, you may feed your dog with the assurance that he will feel fuller and content for a longer period of time.

Restriction on treats and table scraps

Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Dog Treats Recipe | Allrecipes

Even when our dogs are not begging, many of us provide an excessive amount of treats and table scraps. Dogs are not required to share our food! Consider treats and scraps for your pet in the same way that you would candy for children to help you keep them in check. If you're going to use snacks for training, choose low-calorie, low-fat ones and keep the portions small.

As an alternative, keep in mind that clickers are excellent for reinforcement… and they have no calories! After all, a few extra pounds can make a significant impact in the lives of dogs, which are significantly smaller than humans. (Even the colossal breeds!) Therefore, focus on a balanced diet and resist the temptation to “reward” them with extra.

Customize Your Dog's Diet

Not all weight-loss foods are created equal, which is why it's critical to match your dog's nutrition plan to their unique needs. Choose a brand that caters to your dog's unique needs, whether they be weight control, dietary sensitivities, or illnesses.

Conclusion on Bernese Mountain Dog Growth Chart

Bernese Mountain dogs are slow-maturing dogs that achieve their maximum height and weight capacity between the ages of three and four years. Although they grow rapidly during the first year after birth, this breed does not mature until the second year. Berners are often smaller in females than in males.

Frequently Asked Questions:

When do Bernese mountain dogs cease to grow?

Most Berners do not reach adult height and weight until they reach the age of two or three. Berners maintain their ability to ‘flesh out' and gain substance and heft long into their middle years. Often between the ages of one and eighteen months, puppies appear gangly, leggy or imbalanced, and gawky.

What amount of weight should a puppy gain in a week?

However, a basic guideline is to expect your pup gaining approximately 5 ounces per week for small breeds and 2.5 pounds per week for large types. Anything more may predispose your dog to future obesity.

What amount of food should a 7-month-old Bernese mountain dog consume?

On average, a healthy Bernese will consume between 3-6 cups of high-quality food daily. A four-month-old puppy will consume far more food than an eight-week-old puppy. At 6-8 months, the dog's food intake will typically be at or slightly above adult levels, depending on the dog's environment and system.

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