Boston Terrier Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

The Boston Terrier, now known as a friendly and gentle companion, was initially bred to be fighting dogs. Because of the tuxedo-like black and white markings, they are frequently referred to as the ‘American Gentleman.'

Because they are often simple to get along with, these dogs are ideal for apartments and families who live in any sort of housing. They have a playful personality and require a lot of physical activity. If you know how to care for your Boston Terrier, you will have a faithful companion.

To be the best dog parent possible, you should keep track of Boston's developmental stages. This can be beneficial because understanding what to look for will help you better care for your dog while also reducing or preventing stressful circumstances. This Boston Terrier growth chart can help.

Boston Terrier Growth Chart
Boston Terrier Growth Chart

When Do Boston Terriers Stop Growing?

A Boston Terrier's growth cycle is typically completed at around 10-14 months of age, which is around half the duration of large breed dogs. This is primarily due to the fact that large breed dogs require more time for bone and joint growth in order to acquire their larger and taller stature.

Most people consider a dog to be an adult when he reaches the age of one year, but in most situations, there is still some development to be done.

In their inaugural year, the Boston Terriers saw rapid growth. Their size and height are reliable predictors of the stage of development they are now in. It is also recommended that you undergo regular check-ups with your veterinarian.

Boston Terrier Growth Pictures

Boston Terrier Puppy
Boston Terrier Puppy
Boston Terrier Puppy
Boston Terrier Puppy

What is the Standard Boston Terrier Size

Typically, Boston Terrier breeders who care about keeping the standard would breed according to a specific weight class, which is why you must be fully informed of their methods of rearing the dog as well as the standard.

A breeder that adheres to the standard will rarely produce a Boston Terrier that weighs less than 13 pounds or more than 30 pounds. They are also often 15 to 17 inches tall.

Boston Terriers have several growth stages, which may help you answer the issue of how big Boston Terriers get over time.

Boston Terrier Weight Chart

Here is the weight chart of a Boston Terrier:

AgeAverage Weight in LbsAverage Weight in Kg
1 Months2.5 lbs1.2 kg
2 Months4.4 lbs2.0 kg
3 Months6.6 lbs3.0 kg
4 Months8.8 lbs4.0 kg
5 months12.1 lbs5.5 kg
6 months14.3 lbs6.5 kg
7 months16.1 lbs7.3 kg
8 months19.8 lbs9.0 kg
9 months20.9 lbs9.5 kg
10 months21.3 lbs9.7 kg
11 months22.0 lbs10.0 kg
12 months23.1 lbs10.5 kg
Boston Terrier Weight Chart

Boston Terrier Growth Chart – What To Expect
Boston Terrier Weight Chart by Age

Boston Terrier Weight  1-2 weeks

Except if you are the one who breeds them, it is unlikely that you have seen your puppy during this time. They will typically weigh 0.48 pounds or 0.22 kilos at this stage.

Boston TerrierWeight 3-12 weeks

During this stage, your Boston Terrier will become aware of their surroundings, which will occur when they are 1-3 months old.

This is the time when they will begin receiving immunizations and consuming solid food. When they reach three months, they will weigh 6.60 pounds (3 kilograms).

Boston Terrier Weight 4-6months

When your dog's mature teeth begin to emerge, they will be larger and heavier than they were previously.

See also  Staffordshire Bull Terrier Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

They will weigh approximately 8.8 pounds or 4 kilograms at 4 months, 12.12 pounds or 5.5 kilograms at 5 months, and 14.3 pounds or 6.5 kilograms at 6 months.

Boston Terrier Weight  7-9 months

Your Boston Terrier will normally reach sexual maturity at this age. This is the time when male and female puppies often go through dramatic hormonal changes.

Female dogs who are sexually mature normally go into heat twice a year for around 2-3 weeks. Male dogs, on the other hand, are sexually active all year but are most fertile after the age of one year to a year and a half.

Boston Terrier Weight  10-12 months

Your puppy, like you, will go through adolescence, which is the final developmental stage before entering adulthood.

They will weigh up to 19.84 pounds (9 kilograms) at the end of the eighth month. Then, during the 12th and 14th months, they will be totally mature, having stopped growing in height and weighing up to 23.14 pounds or 10.5 kilograms.

Boston Terrier Adult Weight 

The average adult male is 17 inches tall and weighs 15-25 pounds, whereas the average adult female is 16 inches tall and weighs 13-20 pounds.

What is the Full Grown Boston Terrier Weight?

These canines are petite, strong, and have a compact physique. They are normally 10 to 25 pounds in weight and 16 inches tall. They have short, sleek coats that are white with brindle, black, or seal markings.

Information on Boston Terrier
Information on Boston Terrier

How To Weigh Your Boston Terrier Puppy?

Do you want to know how to weigh your Boston Terrier at home? Weighing your puppy will allow you to keep track of their weight and ensure that they are at an appropriate weight for their age.

A bathroom scale is required to weigh your Boston Terrier at home. To begin, walk onto the scale and weigh yourself. Then, with your puppy in tow, walk on the scale.

Finally, deduct your weight from the combined weight of you and your Boston Terrier. This is the weight of your puppy.

If your Boston Terrier can sit still on the scale, you can also purchase a dog scale.

What Is A Boston Terrier’s Neck Size?

To determine the neck size of your dog, use a soft and flexible tape measure to determine the neck size of your dog where her collar naturally falls. Then, put two fingers between your dog's neck and the tape measure to ensure that the dog collar fits snugly but comfortably. Basenji's average neck circumference is between 12 and 18 inches.

How Big Do Boston Terriers Get?

These canines are petite, strong, and have a compact physique. They are normally 10 to 25 pounds in weight and 16 inches tall.

Boston Terriers are small and compact dogs with upright ears and short tails. According to the AKC, they are exceptionally clever and very easy to train. They are sociable yet can be obstinate at times. A Boston Terrier has an average lifespan of 11 to 13 years.

How will you predict your Boston’s Size when it becomes an adult?

How will you predict your Boston’s Size when it becomes an adult?
How will you predict your Boston’s Size when it becomes an adult?

If you can't wait a year to find out how large Boston Terriers get when they're fully grown, you don't have to. You only need to wait 16 weeks.

When they reach the 4-month mark, take their weight (an accurate one can be obtained from the vet's office) and multiply it by two. If your Boston is a male, simply increase the weight by one pound.

The end outcome will be pretty near to the size of your dog when they reach adulthood.

You can still carry them by then, can't you? How big can the Boston Terriers grow? We can tell you that a 17-inch, 10-kilogram dog will still fit nicely in your arms, and you won't have to worry about them being too large to hold.

Factors That Affect Boston Terrier Puppy Growth 


Inherited issues have a significant impact on the development of a Boston Terrier. These genetic elements, together with other essential criteria that contribute to their development, determine the rate of growth.

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Your dog's parents have a significant impact on his health since genetics are handed down and affect your dog's ability to grow as well as his susceptibility to certain ailments.

Diet & Nutrition

The food you feed your Boston Terrier puppy will influence his ability to grow. If you always feed your dog low-quality food that lacks the vitamins and minerals he requires to grow, his growth will be stunted.

Because there are poor-quality foods that do not give enough nutrients, many people want to feed their dogs the best foods available on the market. These diets are high in fillers and have insufficient nutrition for a developing puppy. They stifle your dog's growth.

Physical Activity & Health

Boston Terriers are a fun-loving breed of dog. They require adequate activity so that they do not become bored and cause havoc in the house. Physical activity is required for optimal bone density and growth. A daily keep-fit program can help your puppy have stronger bones and a fitter body, allowing him to gain weight while remaining healthy. 

If your Boston Terrier is permitted to exercise on a regular basis, he or she will appreciate this type of playtime as well as have a better attitude and overall well-being.

When Should I Spay Or Neuter My Boston Terrier?

Spaying and neutering are critical operations to maintain your Boston Terrier's overall health and well-being, as well as to avoid surprises!

Boston Terriers should be spayed or neutered around the age of six months to avoid them becoming too aggressive, developing marking tendencies, or becoming pregnant when not intended.

This treatment should not be performed too soon because it can result in incontinence, particularly in spayed females.

Spaying is the surgical removal of a female dog's uterus and ovaries, which prevents her from going into heat and becoming pregnant.

A male dog's testicles are removed during neutering, which prevents him from impregnating a female dog.

Check out our complete essay on the spaying and neutering procedure here.

Common Questions about Boston Terrier

At What Age Is A Boston Terrier Fully Grown?

When Boston Terriers reach the age of 12 to 14 months, they should have compact, correctly proportioned bodies weighing 10 to 25 pounds. They are also expected to be between 16 and 17 inches tall.

How Long Are Boston Terriers Pregnant?

Dogs have a normal gestation length of about 63 days from conception, though this can vary by several days. While this may appear to be a simple response, conception is often difficult to determine. Because sperm can survive inside the female for several days and eggs can stay viable for up to 48 hours, the act of mating is not a perfect measurement of gestation. Without the advice of a veterinarian, it is difficult to anticipate the length of the pregnancy.

Hormone measurements provide a far more precise time window for pregnancy. During the breeding phase, several breeders utilize vaginal swabs and blood tests to check reproductive hormones. This assists them in determining the optimal time to breed their buck, as well as the length of gestation and likely due date.

How Many Puppies Do Boston Terriers Have?

Bostons have tiny litters of three or four puppies when bred; delivery can be difficult, and cesarean sections are frequently performed.

What Is The Life Expectancy Of Boston Terriers?

A Boston Terrier has an average lifespan of 11 to 13 years. In 2019, the Boston Terrier was recognized as the 21st most popular breed by the American Kennel Club.

Cancer, heart disease, and infectious disorders are the most common causes of death in Boston Terriers.

How Much Does It Cost To Own A Boston Terrier?

The annual cost of owning a Boston Terrier ranges from $1,953.15 to $4,181.99, or from $162.76 to $348.5 per month. The first year is more expensive because you need to buy Dog Essentials such as beds, crates, toys, bowls, and so on, as well as receive the puppy vaccines.

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How To Help Your Boston Terrier Lose Weight If He Is Overweight

How can you help to lose your pet's weight?
How can you help to lose your pet's weight?

As with humans, exercise is critical for your overweight dog's health. Increased movement helps your dog burn off excess energy (and calories consumed). Avoid panic! Exercising your pet does not have to include marathons or lengthy hikes. Regular walks and the opportunity to run and play safely off-leash.

Even creating a stimulating indoor environment that encourages your dog to exercise on a regular basis can help. Bear in mind that different breeds require varying amounts of exercise, so visit your veterinarian, breeder, or your dog's breed standard for recommendations on recommended activity levels.

Distinguish Begging from Hunger

Begging is not necessarily motivated by a desire for more food; it is also used to gain attention. (And, by rewarding the behavior, you reinforce and encourage it to continue.) If your dog begs, do not automatically assume he is hungry. Trust your instincts and keep track of the date and time of your last meal.

If your dog is prone to begging and you are prone to succumb to those puppy dog eyes, choose a high-protein meal with a fiber blend to help control your dog's hunger and voluntary food consumption. This manner, you may feed your dog with the assurance that he will feel fuller and content for a longer period of time.

Restriction on treats and table scraps

Even when our dogs are not begging, many of us provide an excessive amount of treats and table scraps. Dogs are not required to share our food! Consider treats and scraps for your pet in the same way that you would candy for children to help you keep them in check. If you're going to utilize snacks for training, choose low-calorie, low-fat ones and keep the portions small.

As an alternative, keep in mind that clickers are excellent for reinforcement… and they have no calories! After all, a few extra pounds can make a significant impact in the lives of dogs, which are significantly smaller than humans. (Even the colossal breeds!) Therefore, focus on a balanced diet and resist the temptation to “reward” them with extra.

Customize Your Dog's Diet

Not all weight-loss foods are created equal, which is why it's critical to match your dog's nutrition plan to their unique needs. Choose a brand that caters to your dog's unique needs, whether they be weight control, dietary sensitivities, or illnesses.

Conclusion Boston Terrier Growth Chart

Puppyhood is the period in your Boston Terrier's life when they are developing their body, personality, and lively nature.

The average life expectancy of a Boston Terrier is between 11 and 13 years. Many dogs, however, can live for much longer or for much shorter periods of time, depending on diet, environment, lifestyle, and genetics.

Overweight Boston Terriers are more likely to experience health issues. As a result, it is a recommended idea to keep your Boston at a healthy weight. However, Boston Terriers reach adulthood between the ages of 12 and 14 months. At this age, individuals have an adult-like personality and are no longer physically mature. Their extremely lively disposition fades and they reach full maturity. This does not, however, imply that they will not like physical activities.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How can I estimate the size of my Boston Terrier?

The basic rule of thumb is to double your Boston Terrier puppy's weight at 16 weeks. Add one pound for the child. This is a rough estimate of what they will weigh as an adult.

Why are some Boston Terriers so huge?

Because not every state has a state dog, this is a one-of-a-kind accolade. Originally bred for pit fighting – Boston Terriers were bred for the heinous and cruel activity of dog fighting. These canines were significantly larger and stronger than today's popular Boston Terriers.

What's the deal with my Boston Terrier being so small?

When puppies are born, it is fairly uncommon for some to be smaller than others. Even reputable breeders will produce puppies that are smaller than the American Kennel Club's approved size. Problems arise when breeders seek out to develop tiny Boston Terriers small enough to be termed teacups.

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