Brittany Spaniel Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

Because of their stunning vitality and agility, Brittany Spaniels are adored by dog owners on both sides of the Atlantic.

Brittany Spaniels have a special quality in that they require a lot of activity, which they like to accomplish with the humans they adore.

If you are one of these people, a Brittany Spaniel growth chart will come in handy when it comes to chart your dog's progress.

Brittany Spaniels feature eye-catching patterns in a variety of colors. Many people admire their vigilance and powerful, rugged character.

Their adaptability and zeal are unrivaled, making them excellent hunters and sports dogs. They are also trainable and obedient, making them a good fit for your family.

Brittany Spaniel Growth Chart
Brittany Spaniel Growth Chart

When Do Brittany Spaniel Stop Growing?

You might be wondering how old a full-grown Brittany Spaniel is. The truth is that Brittany Spaniels reach full maturity between the ages of one and sixteen months.

Because no two dogs are alike, this may differ somewhat between them. It could take a year for some canines and up to 16 months for others. This is influenced by numerous factors.

Another fascinating feature about Brittany Spaniels is that there are no discernible differences in size between males and females throughout maturation.

They are classified as medium-sized dogs, with smaller frames than setters but bigger legs than a normal Spaniel.

When the Brittany Spaniel is a smaller dog, it can complete full maturity earlier than one year, but this is unusual.

They are strong and vivacious. If you provide them with the necessary exercise and nutrition, you may be able to influence their future size.

Brittany Spaniel Growth Pictures

Brittany Spaniel puppy
Brittany Spaniel puppy
French Brittany Spaniel Puppies For Sale Near Me Best Sale, 51% OFF |
Brittany Spaniel puppy
Brittany Spaniel puppy
Brittany Spaniel puppy

What is the Standard Brittany Spaniel Size

Brittany Spaniels normally grow to be 17-20′′ (43-50 cm) tall and weigh 30-40 pounds (13-18 kg) when completely mature. Depending on how big they become, they usually reach their final size between the ages of 12 and 16 months. Males and females of the breed are almost the same sizes.

Brittany Spaniel Weight Chart

Here is the weight chart of a Brittany Spaniel:

AgeWeight (lbs)Weight (kg)
3 Months13 – 16 lbs5.9 – 7.3 kg
4 Months17 – 21 lbs7.7 – 9.5 kg
5 Months20 – 25 lbs9 – 11.3 kg
6 Months23 – 30 lbs10.4 – 13.6 kg
7 Months25 – 32 lbs11.3 – 14.5 kg
8 Months26 – 33 lbs11.8 – 15 kg
9 Months27 – 35 lbs12.2 – 15.9 kg
10 Months28 – 36 lbs12.7 – 16.3 kg
11 Months29 – 37 lbs13.1 – 16.8 kg
12 Months30 – 38 lbs13.6 – 17.2 kg
13 Months30 – 38 lbs13.6 – 17.2 kg
16 Months30 – 40 lbs13.6 – 18 kg
Brittany Spaniel Weight Chart

Brittany Spaniel Growth Chart – What To Expect
Brittany Spaniel Weight Chart by Age

Brittany Spaniel Weight  1-2 weeks

Brittany Spaniels are born in a delicate state due to their lack of development. They require assistance from their moms or owners if they are rejected by their mothers since they are not fully functional.

Their eyes are still closed, and they do not have full hearing capabilities, but they can taste and smell their mother's milk.

As they develop strength, they will most likely spend the majority of their time resting. Their muscles will also be underdeveloped, limiting their movement.

Brittany Spaniel Weight 3-12 weeks

During this critical period in your Brittany Spaniel's life, you should make every effort to provide them with all they require.

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This is the time when puppies begin to wean themselves from their mothers' milk, and it can be difficult for some puppies to adjust.

Remember that their mouths are small and fragile, so they may struggle to start eating solid foods. However, they still require appropriate nourishment, so start by making this food mushy and liquid-like.

The consistency should be similar to mashed potatoes or a thick soup. It should not, however, be overly hot, as this could scorch their mouths.

Remember to keep these points in mind. During this phase Females often weigh 13 to 16 pounds clean by the end of this period.

Brittany Spaniel Weight 4-9 months

Because of the food you are feeding your Brittany Spaniel, as well as their vibrant and energetic demeanor, you may experience a growth spurt during this stage.

The extra movement counts as exercise, which will aid in the development of strong muscles and bones.

Continue to provide them with protein-rich, nutritious food. During this stage, your Brittany Spaniel should weigh between 23 and 30 pounds.

Brittany Spaniel Weight  10-18 months

You should now have a completely mature Brittany Spaniel on your hands. They are typically fully developed between the ages of 12 and 16 months.

Remember that they are a medium-sized breed. Even after 16 months, some of them continue to grow muscle.

Male Brittany Spaniels typically weigh between 30 and 40 lbs at the one-year point. Their female counterparts, on the other hand, often weigh between 30 and 38 lbs.

Brittany Spaniel Adult Weight 

You can anticipate your Brittany Spaniel to mature in areas other than his appearance when he reaches adulthood.

He will no longer resemble a puppy since his paws will be smaller and his head will be more proportionate to his body.

He may be less lively, but he still needs a lot of exercise. You may have observed that there isn't much of a difference between men and females in Brittany Spaniels until they reach adulthood.

What is the Full Grown Brittany Spaniel Weight?

Brittany Spaniels normally grow to be between 17-20′′ (43-50 cm) tall and weigh between 30-40 pounds (13-18 kg) when completely grown. They usually reach their full size between the ages of 12 and 16 months, depending on how big they grow. The size difference between men and females of the breed is minimal.

How To Weigh Your Brittany Spaniel Puppy?

Do you want to know how to weigh your Brittany Spaniel at home? Weighing your puppy will allow you to keep track of their weight and ensure that they are at an appropriate weight for their age.

A bathroom scale is required to weigh your Brittany Spaniel at home. To begin, walk onto the scale and weigh yourself. Then, with your puppy in tow, walk on the scale.

Finally, deduct your weight from the combined weight of you and your Brittany Spaniel. This is the weight of your puppy.

If your Brittany Spaniel can sit still on the scale, you can also purchase a dog scale.

Brittany Spaniel
Information on Brittany Spaniel

What Is A Brittany Spaniel’s Neck Size?

To determine the neck size of your dog, use a soft and flexible tape measure to determine the neck size of your dog where her collar naturally falls. Then, put two fingers between your dog's neck and the tape measure to ensure that the dog collar fits snugly but comfortably. Basenji's average neck circumference is between 16 and 18 inches.

How Big Do Brittany Spaniels Get?

Brittany Spaniels normally grow to be 17-20′′ (43-50 cm) tall and weigh 30-40 pounds (13-18 kg) when completely mature. Depending on how big they become, they usually reach their final size between the ages of 12 and 16 months. Males and females of the breed are almost the same sizes.

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Brittanys are unquestionably a medium-sized breed. They were ideal for classification.


Factors That Affect Brittany Spaniel Puppy Growth 


Gender influences your Brittany Spaniel's growth, especially if the male is neutered. The testosterone hormones have an effect on growth.

This is not the case with females. Genetics also have a part in their development because they tend to grow in lockstep with their parents' sizes. These genetic characteristics are handed down to them.

Diet & Nutrition

Make sure to feed your Brittany Spaniel dog high-quality food to ensure a quick and smooth development.

Make sure to adapt the diet in terms of their rations during your dog's lifespan, because the food you feed a puppy is not necessarily the food you should feed a senior dog, and vice versa.

Even while Brittany Spaniels are not prone to obesity, you should still keep an eye on them due to their natural proclivity for exercise. Your Brittany puppy should always have access to clean, fresh water throughout the day.

Physical Activity & Health

Brittany Spaniels were developed for hunting
Brittany Spaniels were developed for hunting

Brittany Spaniels were developed for hunting, therefore they demand a lot of exercises. They are excellent hunting companions and would enjoy going on a gallop with you.

On hot days, just make sure they're sufficiently hydrated. 1 to 2 hours of exercise per day is all that is required to keep them happy. When they are not active, they should be cognitively stimulated.

Will Brittany Spaniel's growth be affected if he is neutered or spayed?

It may be best to wait until your Brittany Spaniel is at least 18 months old before considering spaying or neutering.

This is due to the fact that doing so before they have completed their growth can have catastrophic consequences. Male dogs, in particular, are more prone to joint problems.

There are, however, benefits to getting your dog spayed or neutered. You can, for example, avoid unwanted pregnancies while also having a less aggressive dog.

Common Questions about Brittany Spaniel

At What Age Is A Brittany Spaniel Fully Grown?

The average Brittany Spaniel will achieve full adult size between the ages of 12 and 16 months, depending on how large they grow (with smaller dogs of the breed reaching their final size faster).

In general, males and females are almost the same sizes.

Nonetheless, let us examine the growth rates of Brittany Spaniels for both sexes from puppy to adulthood.

How Long Are Brittany Spaniels Pregnant?

Dogs have a normal gestation length of about 63 days from conception, though this can vary by several days. While this may appear to be a simple response, conception is often difficult to determine. Because sperm can survive inside the female for several days and eggs can stay viable for up to 48 hours, the act of mating is not a perfect measurement of gestation. Without the advice of a veterinarian, it is difficult to anticipate the length of the pregnancy.

Hormone measurements provide a far more precise time window for pregnancy. During the breeding phase, several breeders utilize vaginal swabs and blood tests to check reproductive hormones. This assists them in determining the optimal time to breed their buck, as well as the length of gestation and likely due date.

How Many Puppies Do Brittany Spaniels Have?

Brittany had 6.4 puppies on average, with a rather wide range ranging from 1 to 10 whelps. Several factors come into play when predicting or guessing the size of a given litter and how many puppies it will have.

What Is The Life Expectancy Of Brittany Spaniels?

Brittany, which has an average lifetime of 12 to 13 years, is prone to major health conditions including canine hip dysplasia (CHD) as well as less serious health issues like hypothyroidism and epilepsy. A veterinarian may recommend thyroid and hip checks for the dog to detect these problems early.

How Much Does It Cost To Own A Brittany Spaniel?

On average, a Brittany will cost you $2,200 upfront and $150 each month beyond the first year. Dogs are costly, and you should carefully evaluate your finances and whether you can afford to support a dog before taking the plunge and bringing a new fluffy buddy into your household.

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The majority of the monthly costs are for food, medication, vet visits, and pet insurance, but toys, cleaning supplies, and dog-sitters can also add up over time. If you're on a limited budget, you can cut out superfluous expenses like pricey toy subscriptions and daycare services, but we strongly suggest you spend enough on food and medical care to keep your dog happy and healthy.

How To Help Your Brittany Spaniel Lose Weight If He Is Overweight

Morbidly obese Brittany spaniel rescued in 2013 has slimmed down -

As with humans, exercise is critical for your overweight dog's health. Increased movement helps your dog burn off excess energy (and calories consumed). Avoid panic! Exercising your pet does not have to include marathons or lengthy hikes. Regular walks and the opportunity to run and play safely off-leash.

Even creating a stimulating indoor environment that encourages your dog to exercise on a regular basis can help. Bear in mind that different breeds require varying amounts of exercise, so visit your veterinarian, breeder, or your dog's breed standard for recommendations on recommended activity levels.

Distinguish Begging from Hunger

Begging is not necessarily motivated by a desire for more food; it is also used to gain attention. (And, by rewarding the behavior, you reinforce and encourage it to continue.) If your dog begs, do not automatically assume he is hungry. Trust your instincts and keep track of the date and time of your last meal.

If your dog is prone to begging and you are prone to succumb to those puppy dog eyes, choose a high-protein meal with a fiber blend to help control your dog's hunger and voluntary food consumption. This manner, you may feed your dog with the assurance that he will feel fuller and content for a longer period of time.

Restriction on treats and table scraps

Even when our dogs are not begging, many of us provide an excessive amount of treats and table scraps. Dogs are not required to share our food! Consider treats and scraps for your pet in the same way that you would candy for children to help you keep them in check. If you're going to utilize snacks for training, choose low-calorie, low-fat ones and keep the portions small.

As an alternative, keep in mind that clickers are excellent for reinforcement… and they have no calories! After all, a few extra pounds can make a significant impact in the lives of dogs, which are significantly smaller than humans. (Even the colossal breeds!) Therefore, focus on a balanced diet and resist the temptation to “reward” them with extra.

Customize Your Dog's Diet

Not all weight-loss foods are created equal, which is why it's critical to match your dog's nutrition plan to their unique needs. Choose a brand that caters to your dog's unique needs, whether they be weight control, dietary sensitivities, or illnesses.

Conclusion on Brittany Spaniel Growth Chart

The Brittany Spaniel is a medium-sized, athletic dog. They aren't very large, nor are they a lapdog.

They are affectionate, child-friendly, intelligent, lively, and trainable in general. Having said that, this is not a dog breed for every family.

They have a lot of energy. Any owner must recognize, embrace, and successfully channel this.

Brittany Spaniels are intelligent, which implies that they can be trained. This, paired with their boundless energy, makes them eager to take part in training exercises.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long does it take a Brittany spaniel to mature?

The average Brittany Spaniel will achieve full adult size between the ages of 12 and 16 months, depending on how large they grow (with smaller dogs of the breed reaching their final size faster).

Do puppies double in size at 6 months?

Your medium-to-large-breed puppy may attain approximately two-thirds of his adult weight at 6 months of age and half of its adult weight at this age. To obtain an indication of how much a big breed puppy will weigh as an adult, double his weight at 6 months.

What is the best way to train a Brittany puppy?

Every day, take your dog for a walk. It stimulates both the mind and the body. Take your dog to a positive-reinforcement obedience class, or any other type of positive training program, such as agility or tricks. Practice a few of your orders every day to make your dog's brain function.

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