Dog Skin Allergy, Symptoms And Medications.
In the world today, there are quite a lot of persons who love being with animals — domestic animals — rather than being around human beings, their opposite s_e-x.
Domestic animals, especially dogs, are very close to human beings. As humans, we spend much time taking care of our body in order not to expose it to infections; this applies to animals such as dogs, too.
You need to take much care of dogs as well, do it like you are taking care of yourself.
Furthermore, the skin of a dog is prone to several diseases, if it — the skin — don’t get the appropriate care it needs. That's exactly why it's imperative that you embark on research relating to how to care for a dog.
In this article, we'll disclose something quite different, dog skin allergy, symptoms and medications.
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Many people claim that they care for their dog(s) on a rate of nothing below 99.99%, but the question is, how many of them check for the symptoms of dog skin allergy?
How many are concerned about knowing the medications to use and counteract the dog skin allergy?
Not much people, right? After reading this tutorial, you would be found among those people, who are fully aware of how to give their dog(s) incomparable health care.
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Before we proceed, there's one question you need to ask yourself, AM I ALLERGIC TO MY DOG?
In the United States, pet allergies are widely experienced. There's a foundation in America — Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America — that disclosed their findings in America: “15-30% of the population in America are affected.”
But, you should also know that allergies to cats are up to twice as common as that of dogs. The reactions, which dog allergies lead to, are even a lot severe.
Those with Asthma get this easily because they are liable to it. Continue reading as we show you the lifestyle changes and medications, medications which you need in order to ensure that dog allergies are treated.
Moving on, let's check out, the CAUSES OF DOG ALLERGIES:
One thing about dogs is, they secrete something called “proteins” — it won't be a false statement, if we say, “you know about proteins.” YES! These proteins, which are secreted by dogs, settle in their saliva, urine, and dander (dead skin).
In case you don't know what an allergic reaction is; an allergic reaction comes to play when the immune system of a sensitive person reacts in an abnormal manner to the proteins that normally causes no harm.
We all know that dogs are in different types, nobody would say, “I don't know that.” Each of these different dogs produces different dander — this is the main reason why you can be allergic to some dogs, and not be allergic to others.
Eventually, the allergen locates the animal's fur — it goes right into it. From the animal's fur, it takes on walls, on clothing, between couch cushions and in carpets.
Don't for once think that the pet hair itself is an allergen because it's not. But, the hair can absorb dander and dust. Pet dander is likely to remain airborne for a long time. Also, it has the ability to locate, and move its way into the lungs or eyes.
Having stated those words, let's move into the SYMPTOMS OF DOG ALLERGIES:
What are symptoms? Symptoms are those occurrences, which help you try to come into
conclusion about the existence of an illness. That's a definition for the layman, so everyone can relate to it.
Dog allergies have symptoms, which may range from its mild state to its severe state. If you are a person with low sensitivity, after being exposed, the symptoms may not show up for a couple of days.
Check out these — if you experience any of them, you may be quite allergic to dogs:
a. Itching and swelling at the region around the eyes; swelling and itching in the membranes of the nose.
b. You discover that your skin turns red, whenever you get licked by a dog.
c. Rash on the chest, neck or face.
d. Shortness of breath, wheezing or couching within 15-30 minutes after being exposed to allergens.
e. Asthma attack — a serious one. (in people who are asthmatic)
You have a high risk of contracting this if you are an asthmatic patient.
Children, who have dog allergies, are likely to get asthma coupled with the symptoms listed above.
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When the skin experiences painful inflammation, that's eczema — eczema is the painful
inflammation of the skin.
Before, people had this belief that, when a child is born, if you expose that child to the family dog, it can cause pet allergy for that child. But, for the people who own dogs, it's the opposite that actually turns out or appears to be true.
In the cause of the research done a few years ago, it's figured out that exposing a newly born baby to a pet doesn't in any way surge up the risk of bringing allergies and asthma into existence.
How To Treat Dogs:
There's a way, which is seen, generally, as the better way to counteract pet allergy and that way is: “remove them — the pets — from your house.”
One of the main purposes, why we packaged this article, is to disclose to you, ways with which you can minimize the rate people get exposed to allergens, and decrease the symptoms.
Below are some medications as well as some treatments, to help you get rid of allergies and asthma — or even manage them.
- Antihistamines: these are called OTC (over the counter) medications such as Claritin, Allegra, Clanirex OTC can help in relieving you of sneezing, runny nose and itching.
- Nasal corticosteroids: These Nasal corticosteroids — such as Flonase (now gotten over the counter) or Nasnex — has the ability to reduce inflammation and control the symptoms.
- Cromolyn sodium: This one is a nasal spray gotten OTC; this one is used to help decrease the display of symptoms, especially if you used them in the primary state of either of the allergies — before they start to develop.
- Decongestants: This makes breathing an easy endeavor by shrinking the tissues, which are swollen, in the nasal passage. You can see them in oral form; you can also see them in form of a nasal spray.
- Allergy shots (immunotherapy): These shots keep you exposed to the animal protein (allergen), which when present, leads to the reaction; to add to that, they also help you in making your body become more sensitive, drastically reducing the symptoms.
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And again, these shots are issued by an allergist, and they most times use them in severe and critical cases for treatment — long-term treatment.
(1) Leukotriene modifiers: here is a type of these modifiers – prescription tablet montelukast (Singulair); they can come as an alternative if you can't make uses of nasal antihistamines or corticosteroids.
(2) Apoquel: with Apoquel, you're sure of massive relief of pruritus (itch) in dogs connected with allergic dermatitis. It also ensures that there is a control of atopic dermatitis in dogs of about 12 months of age.
Apoquel is made in such a way that, when taken, it goes straight to the source
generating the itch.
Identifying Dog Skin Allergies And Their Causes.
The parents of different pets can usually notice the presence of allergies by observing the
symptoms stated below:
– Scab.
– Red and Inflamed Skin.
– Oily Skin.
– Swollen Paw, Paw-Chewing
– Dandruff, Dry Skin
– Loss of Hair
– Red, itchy eyes
– Eye discharge
– Frequent infection of the ear, ear itching.
Some allergies stir up a reaction, whenever they have an encounter with the skin. And, for others, the reaction is seen after the allergies are inhaled or ingested — that stirs up the reaction.
Here are the most common allergens:
– Food ingredients
– Medications
– Flea Saliva
– Dust and Dander
– Chemicals in soap, cleaning products, yard treatment, etc.
Now, let's use natural remedies to counteract these allergies. To an extent, it's true, if one says that natural approaches are quite more effective than commercial drugs.
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Still there? Let's proceed.
Natural Remedies.
If you have dog allergies, you can try rinsing daily using salt water (saline) to clear nasal
passage — it's likely to go a long way for you. Have you heard of “nasal lavage”? This is
something that can help you to control the symptoms, symptoms like postnasal drip and
You can go for on the counter nasal lavage kits and saline spray, you can always get them.
Alternatively, you can as well make yours by getting a mixture of 1/8 teaspoon of table salt with distilled water.
Let's proceed to the LIFESTYLE CHANGES. What you should know is, dog owners should take note of the things mentioned below, because they consist of things they can do to reduce allergens around the home.
Those things they can do include:
a. Set up rooms, that the dogs should never go into (rooms such as bedroom, etc)
b. Cleanse the dog on a weekly basis using a pet-friendly shampoo; in other words, bath the dog with a shampoo, which is suitable for pets.
c. Get rid of things that can attract dander — things such as upholstered, horizontal blinds, furniture, curtains, carpeting, etc.
d. Get a high-efficiency particulate air purifier(s) to wipe off a good amount of airborne allergies right inside the home.
e. Allow the dogs to remain outside — it should be in certain climates, and also in an area that is under the conditions of humans.
f. Make sure you look into the breeds of a hypoallergenic dog.
More Natural Remedies.
You have to be sure of the particular allergen distorting the health of your dog, so you don't end up making worse. Do away with using toxic pharmaceuticals or harsh shampoos that are likely to irritate the skin.
As a pet parent, who is definitely loving to that pet, you should soothe the effects
that are external, following internal health issues.
There are quite a lot of ways to get rid of the seen symptoms; applying artificial fragrance, spray or chemical stringent soaps isn't something you should do.
Instead of ever applying them, treat dermatitis using products that are gentle and natural. Try combining Aloe Vera and neem oil (a natural antiseptic), the mixture helps in moisturizing and cleansing aggravated skin.
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If you take bathing your dog as part of the list of chores you do, then it's imperative that you pair the use of a therapeutic dog shampoo with an application of the skin tonic spray — skin tonic spray has organic neem oil in it.
Performing a little spritz can help you have an improvement in skin irritation; and, you can perform that multiple times on a daily basis, because of its gentility.
Chronic ear infections are a few of the symptoms of allergies. You can experience symptoms of chronic ear infections intensively through the presence of moisture and uncleanness.
If you possess genetic traits such as floppy or extra-hairy ears, it's certain that you'll be prone to ear infections.
A Healthy Diet Can Eliminate Dog Skin Allergies.
Here's How!
Immediately you start with tackling the unpleasant external symptoms, it's essential that you don't skip the time to strategize ways to keep allergic reactions at arm's length.
One of the first things to do is, checking the diet served to your pup on a regular basis. You can't deny the fact that, what we humans consume determines the stability, status of our health; that's just the same for the dogs.
People highly justify the awesomeness of purchase foods from a respected brand, sadly enough, some of these respected brands have allergens lurking in their packages, foods.
The perpetrators, which are common, in the chow of dogs include dairy, grain, soy, beef, chicken and egg. Out of the list of the things troubling your dog, it's quite cumbersome to know the particular one. You can try an elimination diet as a trial to counteract the allergies.
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Having known these, we're sure you have known how you can treat dog skin allergies. A dog is really an animal worth living with, so don't be scared, just have a good grasp of this article.
Thanks for reading.