How Much To Feed A Chinese Shar-pei Puppy? [Ultimate Guide]

Proper nutrition is important for your Chinese shar-health pei's and can help him fight ailments that can reduce his quality of life—and, in some cases, his lifetime.

Nutritional guidance can lead to a lifetime of good health and enjoyment.

So, in order to ensure the health and well-being of your Chinese shar-pei, you should examine their diet and what we give them to ensure that they are receiving only the best.

After all, the health of your Chinese shar-pei comes first.

How Much To Feed A Chinese Shar-pei Puppy?
How Much To Feed A Chinese Shar-pei Puppy?

Outline of Shar Pei Feeding

  • Between the ages of 8 and 12, Shar Pei puppies require four bowls of food every 24 hours.
  • Feed three meals a day to shar pei puppies aged three to six months.
  • From the age of six months to one year, puppies should be fed twice a day.
  • One dish each day is usually adequate by the time your shar pei reaches her first birthday.
  • Shar peis frequently consume two smaller portions. It is your responsibility to become familiar with your shar pei's dietary habits.

Adult shar peis can eat high-quality dry dog food combined with water, canned food, or broth for a well-rounded diet.

Cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables, and cooked eggs may appeal to your shar pei, but they should account for no more than ten percent of her daily nourishment.

Puppies of Shar Pei should be fed high-quality, name-brand puppy food.

However, please limit “table food” because it can develop mineral and vitamin deficiencies, bone and tooth problems, as well as excessively picky eating habits and obesity.

Always provide fresh, potable water, and clean water and food bowls on a regular basis.

Chinese Shar-pei Puppy Feeding Chart

image 9
Cups per day according to Dog's Weight
image 47
Chinese Shar-pei Puppy Feeding Chart

Diet and Nutrition of Chinese Shar-Peis

At the withers, the Chinese Shar-Pei is usually 18 to 20 inches tall.

Their weight ranges between 45 and 60 pounds.

Males are typically larger and more square-bodied than females, although both should have a balanced appearance.

The Shar-Pei is a medium-sized, alert, compact dog with a square profile and close coupling, as well as a well-proportioned head that is somewhat larger than the body but not overly so.

The Shar-short, Pei's rough coat, loose skin covering the head and body, small ears, “hippopotamus” muzzle form, and high set tail give him a one-of-a-kind appearance.

You can find the entire breed standard here.

As puppies and young people mature, they burn a lot of energy.

They demand a diet rich in high-quality protein.

An active adult Shar-Pei weighing 50 pounds requires an average daily caloric intake of 1312 calories, according to the National Research Council of the National Academies.

Spayed and neutered dogs, as well as those who are older, may require fewer calories.

Certain dogs may require more calories depending on their level of activity and metabolism.

You may need to raise your Shar-daily Pei's calories to 1457 kcal/day or more (50 lb dog) depending on how much agility training or other active training you and your Shar-Pei are doing.

Puppies and young adult dogs consume more calories than adult dogs when they are growing.

A 30 pound Shar-Pei puppy (4-12 months old) requires approximately 933 calories per day.

Because the Shar-Pei is a medium-large dog, there are plenty of good foods available that are suitable for their size.

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You also have a lot of options for Shar-Pei puppies because they don't have any size-related dietary requirements.

Elbow dysplasia has been a bigger issue in the breed than hip dysplasia in the past.

The breed is also prone to patellar luxation (sliding kneecap).

It is best to favor gradual growth in puppies and keep them lean rather than fat for these reasons and for their overall health.

You should also keep an eye on your adult Shar-weight, Pei's since being overweight or obese can exacerbate any existing bone or joint issues.

You can choose from a variety of puppy chows that are good for all puppies.

Most breeders recommend that you feed this food to your puppy until he is roughly 90% of his adult size.

Puppies can be fed a dog food that is suitable for all life stages (which is occasionally AAFCO-approved for “growth and reproduction”).

Because breeders are usually knowledgeable with how their puppies grow and develop, you can ask them about the diet they recommend for their puppies.

Because not all puppies grow at the same rate, your puppy's breeder is usually the greatest source of information.

Chinese Shar-Pei Diets

You can either give your Chinese Shar-Pei commercial dog food or homemade dog food.

Although commercial food is highly suggested because it contains all of the necessary nutrients for your dog.


Protein is required for the formation of bodily tissues.

The body of a dog produces 13 amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.

The remaining ten come from the food it consumes.

A puppy Shar-diet Pei's should contain 25%-27 percent protein, whereas an adult Shar-diet Pei's should contain 18%-20% protein.


Fat is needed in your dog's diet for a healthy and lustrous coat.

It's also your active Chinese Shar-major Pei's source of energy.

As a result, your dog's daily meal should contain between 5% and 8% fat.


The most important of all the elements is water.

Water makes up more than half of your dog's body, and even if they lose 10% of it, they could suffer major health problems.

As a result, keep a clean and fresh bowl of water on hand for your dog at all times.

What Dog Food Should You Give Your Chinese Shar-Peis?

File:Shar pei puppy (age 2 months).jpg - Wikimedia Commons
What Dog Food Should You Give Your Chinese Shar-Peis?

Nearly all major dog food suppliers in the United States make products to meet the nutritional criteria laid out by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) (AAFCO).

Never offer your chinese shar-pei dog food that doesn't satisfy these guidelines.

If you read the review on our website or look for a nutritional adequacy statement on the product's label, you can know if it's AAFCO approved.

Chinese shar-pei puppies, for example, should not be fed foods that fulfill the AAFCO Adult Maintenance nutritional guideline.

It's also vital to supply premium dog food that is mostly constituted of meat.

To save money, several pet food manufacturers now employ concentrated vegetable proteins. 

The ingredients on dog food labels are listed in order of precooked weight (heaviest first) (heaviest first).

As a result, the first few components account for the large majority of the recipe's substance.

Select premium recipes with high-quality meats included among the first few ingredients.

At a bare minimum, an animal-based protein source should always be the first element (chicken, turkey, salmon, duck, beef, etc) (chicken, turkey, salmon, duck, beef, etc).

Puppies of Chinese Shar-Pei breed eat the greatest dog chow.

The amount of protein in puppy food versus adult food is the fundamental difference.

It is vital to offer enough protein to chinese shar-pei puppies in order for them to grow correctly.

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Regularly giving adult dog food to chinese shar-pei puppies can result in irreparable damage.

As a result, you should always verify the AAFCO statement on the dog food label to make sure it clearly says that the food is made for all life stages.

To summarize, the optimum dog food for chinese shar-pei puppies must surpass AAFCO development recommendations, be largely composed of high-quality meat-based protein, and be inexpensive.

Best Dog Food For Allergy-Prone Chinese Shar-Peis

Allergies are an abnormally strong or pathological immunological response to a substance.

Allergies can be categorized into three categories: skin allergies, environmental allergies, and food allergies.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of numerous allergies sometimes overlap.

As a result, identifying and treating dogs with allergies can be tricky.

Food allergies are not as common as most people imagine.

Food allergies and food sensitivities are commonly confused by dog owners.

Food sensitivities, on the other hand, do not provoke an immune reaction.

Food sensitivities, on the other hand, generate a progressive reaction to a single ingredient.

Itching, ear infections, foot infections, vomiting, and diarrhea are frequent complaints among Chinese Shar-pei owners with food allergies or sensitivities.

If you know which components to avoid, employ the advanced settings on our food finder to hunt for things that don't contain those ingredients.

Consult your dog's usual veterinarian or dermatological veterinarian if you don't know which things your dog must avoid.

You might also try feeding a limited-ingredient diet that is devoid of the most prevalent allergens.

What Should You Feed Your Chinese Shar-Pei?

The Chinese Shar-Pei is a high-energy dog breed that requires a balanced diet based on its age and degree of exercise.

A puppy Shar-Pei is still growing and need correct nutrients and diet.

Puppies should be fed four tiny meals each day until they reach the age of six months, at which point they should be decreased to three meals each day.

When your Chinese Shar-Pei is completely matured, they only require 1-2 meals every day.

Give them high-quality dog food or homemade dog food that is well-balanced.

Don't overfeed your dog by giving them too many treats or allowing them to eat whenever they want.

Free feeding is beneficial for dogs that are getting plenty of exercise but are having issues gaining weight.

Chinese Shar-Pei Dog Food

Chinese Shar-Pei Dog Food
Chinese Shar-Pei Dog Food

Whether you feed your Chinese Shar Pei homemade or commercial food, bear in mind that the food should meet all of your dog's nutritional requirements.

The following are some of the best dog foods for your Chinese Shar-Pei.

  • Recipe for American Journey Beef with Brown Rice
  • Wetland Formula by Taste of the Land
  • Recipe for Wellnese CORE Puppy Chicken and Turkey
  • Recipe for Blue Buffalo Freedom Senior Chicken
  • Supplements for Chinese Shar-Peis that Work

There is no need to offer your Chinese Shar-Pei any additional nutrients if you feed them a well-balanced diet.

However, your dog's food may occasionally be deficient in certain nutrients.

In that situation, after consulting with a veterinarian, give your dog the supplement that is missing from its diet.

The following is a list of some of the most common supplements that your dog may require.

  • Glucosamine
  • Probiotics
  • Fatty Acids Omega-3 and Omega-6
  • Antioxidant

Chinese Shar-Pei Can and Cannot Eat Human Food

People enjoy giving their pet dog a bit of their meal from their plate. Some foods are safe for your dog, while others might be hazardous and toxic.

The following is a list of what your Shar-Pei may and cannot eat.

Can Consume

  • Apple
  • Meat
  • Watermelon
  • Shrimps
  • Peanut Butter (Peanut Butter)
  • Popcorn
  • Eggs
  • Quinoa

Cannot Consume

  • Lime
  • Garlic
  • Raisins with Grapes
  • Caffeine
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Why is my Chinese Shar-Pei refusing to eat?

There could be a variety of reasons why your Chinese Shar-Pei isn't eating. 

  • Your dog may not be able to eat properly because of a mouth problem such as gum bleeding or tooth ache. Check for a probable mouth condition and take your pet to the veterinarian for a quick examination.
  • Another reason for your dog's behavior could be a shift in the environment. If you and your dog have recently moved to a new location, it will be bewildered by the unfamiliar surroundings. As a result, it will lose its appetite and show no desire to eat. Allow your dog time to acclimate to his new surroundings.
  • Another explanation for your dog's inability to eat well or at all could be due to a digestive issue or other major health issues. As a result, if your dog hasn't eaten properly for 24 hours, take him to the clinic.

Chinese Shar-pei Background

Chinese Shar-pei
Chinese Shar-pei

This fascinating yet difficult historic pedigree breed is fiercely loyal to family but wary of outsiders.

The physical traits of the Chinese Shar-Pei distinguish him as a one-of-a-kind companion and guardian dog.

A large ‘hippopotamus' nose; a blue-black tongue; small, sunken eyes with a scowling look; tiny triangular ears; copious folds of loose skin around the head, neck, and shoulders; the tapered high-set tail'all blanketed by a harsh, sandpapery coat.

Shar-Pei are strong, regal, independent guardians known for wisdom and loyalty. (A literal translation of Shar-Pei is'sand skin.')

Strangers and other dogs make them suspicious.

Shar-Pei are calm dogs, yet they will fight back with persistence and fury if they feel a threat.

Early socialization and training are critical; a dominant adult Shar-Pei without them is a disaster waiting to happen.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What can I feed my Shar Pei puppy?

To keep them thin and healthy, you'll need to feed them a comprehensive, balanced dog food.
Your veterinarian will be able to advise you on how much food your Shar Pei should consume.
You should feed them a full dog meal of good quality that is commercially available.
We normally advise them to divide their daily calorie limit into two meals.

What is the average cost of a Shar Pei puppy?

While Chine Shar-Peis puppies may be purchased for as little as $750, champion bloodlines can command upwards of $3,000 due to their superior show quality.
If the puppy's parents have won competitions, the price rises due to the coveted genetics.
Several reasons could drive up the market price for non-show quality dogs.

How do you take care of a Shar Pei puppy?

Diet, Exercise, and Routine Care
As you would a toddler, keep an eye on your pet. …
At least once a week, brush her coat as needed.
Chinese Shar-Peis have typically healthy teeth, which you may maintain by cleaning at least twice a week!
Even as a puppy, clean her ears once a week.

What human food can Shar Pei eat?

Broccoli – When consumed in moderation, broccoli is a good source of fiber and vitamin C.
Carrots – Because raw carrots are difficult for a dog to digest, it's preferable to cook or dehydrate them into smaller pieces so puppy may eat them.
Peanut butter contains heart-healthy fats as well as vitamins B, E, and niacin.

Can Shar Pei eat tuna?

Tuna is not poisonous to dogs, and even a small amount won't make them sick.
If you have a dog and a cat, make sure your dog isn't eating the cat's food, as tuna is commonly found in wet cat food.
Mercury poisoning can affect cats as well, so look for a cat diet that contains various types of fish.

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