Giant Schnauzer Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

Because giant schnauzers are larger than normal schnauzers, a Giant Schnauzer growth chart will assist you in tracking their specific growth as they age. They are also more potent when they are courageous and vigilant. Many owners value their loyalty and intelligence, which makes them excellent working dogs or companions.

Giant Schnauzers originated in Germany, where they worked in stockyards and butcher shops. They are also responsible for moving cattle and occasionally guarding breweries. This pure-bred breed distinguished itself from the other Schnauzer sizes.

Giant Schnauzer Growth Chart
Giant Schnauzer Growth Chart

They are similar to regular and small schnauzers in appearance, but they are substantially larger as their name implies; they are giants with intimidating muscular bodies.

The distinctive fluffy beards and brows of giant schnauzers are likewise double-coated. Giant Schnauzers are still used as working dogs in the military, police, and search and rescue.

Information on Giant Schnauzer
Information on Giant Schnauzer

When Do Giant Schnauzers Stop Growing?

Despite the fact that every dog is different, Giant Schnauzers typically attain their full height and weight around the age of 18 months. However, as they reach the one-year mark, their growth rates will begin to drop.

Many dogs continue to grow slowly after the age of 18 months, and this normally lasts until the dog is around three years old. Please bear in mind that Giant Schnauzers are categorized as a Giant breed, which means they have more room to grow than lesser breeds.

Larger breeds are also prone to live for a shorter period of time. Nonetheless, if you take good care of your Giant Schnauzers in terms of nutrition and health, you will be able to extend his life.

Female Giants schnauzers are typically 23 to 26 inches tall and weigh 55 to 75 pounds as adults. Male Giant Schnauzers, on the other hand, can weigh up to 80 pounds and stand 25 to 28 inches tall.

Giant Schnauzer Size Chart

Herre is the size chart of a Giants schnauzer:

Age (Months)Growth per week (Pounds)Growth per week (Kg)
3 Months2.401.09
4 Months2.020.91
5 Months1.670.76
6 Months1.370.62
7 Months1.110.50
8 Months0.890.40
Giant Schnauzer Size Chart

Giant Schnauzer Growth Pictures

Giant Schnauzer puppy
Giant Schnauzer puppy
Giant Schnauzer puppy
Giant Schnauzer puppy
Giant Schnauzer puppies
Giant Schnauzer puppies

What is the Standard Giant Schnauzer Size

The Giant Schnauzer is a larger and more powerful version of the Standard Schnauzer, and he should “be a bold and heroic figure of a dog,” according to the breed standard. He is a fantastic worker and companion because of his intelligence and dedication.

A well-bred Giant Schnauzer is similar to a Standard Schnauzer, but larger. Giants, as the name implies, are massive. A guy with a shoulder height of 27.5 inches and a weight of 95 pounds is possible. The muscular, robust body is described by breed enthusiasts as a “bold and brave figure of a dog.” The double coat comes in either a plain black or a “pepper and salt” color. A rough beard and brows, highlighting a keen, sagacious countenance, are common characteristics of the Mini, Standard, and Giant.

Giant Schnauzer Weight Chart

Here is the weight chart of a Giant Schnauzer:

AgeWeight (kg)Weight (lbs)
2 Months8 kg17.5 lbs
3 Months14 kg31 lbs
4 Months22 kg48.5 lbs
5 Months28 kg42 lbs
6 Months34 kg75 lbs
7 Months37 kg81.5 lbs
8 Months39 kg86 lbs
9 Months40 kg88 lbs
10 Months41 kg90 lbs
11 Months42 kg92.5 lbs
12 Months42 kg92.5 lbs
14 Months43 kg95 lbs
16 Months44 kg97 lbs
18 Months45 kg99 lbs
Giant Schnauzer Weight Chart

Giant Schnauzer Growth Chart – What To Expect
Giant Schnauzer Weight Chart by Age

Giant Schnauzer Weight  1-2 weeks

Understand that your Giant Schnauzer will spend the most of this time with his mother and other littermates because he requires her care during this time.

See also  Australian Cattle Dog Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

He will require his mother's milk to grow throughout this important period. Proper nutrition is especially important for Giant Schnauzers because they are a large breed with a lot of growth to do.

If you discover that his mother has rejected him, you must supply him with warmth and sustenance.

Giant Schnauzer Weight 3-12 weeks

Expect your gigantic schnauzer to go through a number of changes, including transitioning from liquid to solid diets and weaning from his mother's milk.

He'll also start to get tougher teeth. As adult parents, you should make this transition as smooth as possible because his nutrition is critical.

Check to see if the food he's given is soft enough for his teeth to handle. It should also be the appropriate kibble size.

Females typically weigh between 9 and 13 kg at the conclusion of this phase, while males weigh between 10 and 17 kg.

Giant Schnauzer Weight 4-9 months

You should expect your gigantic schnauzer to develop quickly at this time, but females are slightly smaller.

He will also have better muscular control and will be totally weaned, obtaining nutrition from solid foods. Make careful to feed him protein-rich foods. Make sure he gets enough exercise as well.

Female giant schnauzers should weigh between 18 and 24 kg at 6 months, while males should weigh between 19 and 40 kg.

Giant Schnauzer Weight  10-18 months

Your Giant Schnauzer should reach his full height by 12 months, but his development is not complete because he will continue to build muscle and develop a more adult demeanor.

In other words, he'll be less amusing. Females should weigh between 24 and 33 kg at 12 months, while males should weigh between 26 and 45 kg.

What is the Full Grown Giant Schnauzer Weight?

Female Giants schnauzers are typically 23 to 26 inches tall and weigh 55 to 75 pounds as adults.

How To Weigh Your Giant Schnauzer Puppy?

If you want to maintain track of your Giant Schnauzer's weight, you must first learn how to weigh him properly.

To begin, you should be able to weigh your Giant Schnauzer at home if he is a puppy or if you are just large enough to hold him. This can be accomplished with a standard bathroom scale.

To begin, weigh yourself and record the result. Then, while standing on the scale, pick up your dog and hold him. The difference in weights represents your dog's weight.

If your dog is too huge to carry, you can either invest in a dog scale, which can cost upwards of $100, or contact your veterinarian. The majority of veterinarian offices will enable you to use their scale.

Unless there is a health problem, you can weigh an adult Giant Schnauzer Once every six months. Once a week is sufficient for a puppy to ensure he is growing normally.

What Is A Giant Schnauzer’s Neck Size?

To determine the neck size of your dog, use a soft and flexible tape measure to determine the neck size of your dog where her collar naturally falls. Then, put two fingers between your dog's neck and the tape measure to ensure that the dog collar fits snugly but comfortably. Giant Schnauzer's average neck circumference is between 16 and 22 inches.

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How Big Do Giant Schnauzers Get?

How big do they get?
How big do they get?

Because gigantic schnauzers are larger dogs than most, their owners normally want to make sure they are comfortable by providing appropriate accommodations. This is why understanding how big they will grow is critical. There are numerous ways to obtain this knowledge.

You may get an idea of how big your Giant Schnauzer will grow by looking at the growth chart included in this page. You can also ask their breeder for details about their parents to find out how big they were, because schnauzers are normally the average size of their two parents.

Similarly, you can check at his paws for clues regarding his growth since when dogs have more growing to do, their paws tend to be larger in proportion to their body size.

A DNA test can also be beneficial because it can map your dog's ancestry and identify any other breeds in his bloodline that will alter his results.


Factors That Affect Giant Schnauzer Puppy Growth 


Because males are larger than females, gender influences the growth and size of a gigantic schnauzer.

Furthermore, spaying and neutering may have varied effects on their growth. Genetics is also crucial because their parents' growth rates and sizes are inherited.

Diet & Nutrition

Keep in mind that you should feed your Giant Schnauzer based on his age and degree of activity. Puppies' nutritional requirements differ from those of adults or older dogs.

He requires high-quality cuisine that is high in protein and fiber. He also requires good fats. This will also help him live a longer life, which is vital because he is a huge breed. You can't divide 3 – 4 cups of good food into two (2) meals throughout the day.

Physical Activity & Health

Giant schnauzers are lively and require at least two 30- to 60-minute walks per day. You can also spend this amount of time playing with them in your yard.

They require mental stimulation, as well as adequate exercise or they, will turn destructive. They will also build strong bones and muscles if they get enough activity. It also has the additional benefit of extending their lives.

Common Questions about Giant Schnauzer

At What Age Is A Giant Schnauzer Fully Grown?

Puppies six months old weigh between 39 and 68 pounds. Giant Schnauzers reach the end of their growth cycle between the ages of 16 and 19 months.

How Long Are Giant Schnauzers Pregnant?

Since conception in dogs lasts roughly 63 days, this can vary by several days. Despite the fact that this may appear to be a simple answer, conception is often difficult to pin down. It's possible for sperm and eggs to remain fertile for up to 48 hours after fertilization, thus the act of mating isn't a precise assessment of pregnancy. This makes it difficult to estimate the length of the pregnancy without the help of a vet.

The gestational period can be pinpointed much more precisely using hormone assays. To keep track of reproductive hormone levels, many breeders utilize vaginal smear exams and blood tests. They can use this information to figure out when is the best time to breed their buck, how long she will be pregnant, and when she might give birth.

How Many Puppies Do Giant Schnauzers Have?

A litter of Giant Schnauzers typically has 8 puppies. The Giant Schnauzer is a dog breed that originated in Germany in the 17th century. It is the largest of the three Schnauzer breeds, the other two being the Standard Schnauzer and the Miniature Schnauzer.

What Is The Life Expectancy Of Giant Schnauzers?

The Giant Schnauzer has minor health difficulties such as Osteochondrosis Dissecans (OCD), hypothyroidism, and stomach torsion and has an average lifetime of 10 to 12 years.

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How Much Does It Cost To Own A Giant Schnauzer?

When obtaining a Giant Schnauzer puppy, plan to invest between $ 1,700 to $4,500, which includes the purchase price as well as the first setup and consumables. After that, your monthly expenses for the first year will range from $250 and $380, depending on your puppy's age and health.

How To Help Your Giant Schnauzer Lose Weight If He Is Overweight 

As with humans, exercise is critical for your overweight dog's health. Increased movement helps your dog burn off excess energy (and calories consumed). Avoid panic! Exercising your pet does not have to include marathons or lengthy hikes. Regular walks and the opportunity to run and play safely off-leash. 

Even creating a stimulating indoor environment that encourages your dog to exercise on a regular basis can help. Bear in mind that different breeds require varying amounts of exercise, so visit your veterinarian, breeder, or your dog's breed standard for recommendations on recommended activity levels.

Distinguish Begging from Hunger

Begging is not necessarily motivated by a desire for more food; it is also used to gain attention. (And, by rewarding the behavior, you reinforce and encourage it to continue.) If your dog begs, do not automatically assume he is hungry. Trust your instincts and keep track of the date and time of your last meal. 

If your dog is prone to begging and you are prone to succumb to those puppy dog eyes, choose a high-protein meal with a fiber blend to help control your dog's hunger and voluntary food consumption. In this manner, you may feed your dog with the assurance that he will feel fuller and content for a longer period of time.

Restriction on treats and table scraps

Dirt Simple Peanut Butter Dog Treats | My dog is allergic to… | Flickr

Even when our dogs are not begging, many of us provide an excessive amount of treats and table scraps. Dogs are not required to share our food! Consider treats and scraps for your pet in the same way that you would candy for children to help you keep them in check. If you're going to utilize snacks for training, choose low-calorie, low-fat ones and keep the portions small. 

As an alternative, keep in mind that clickers are excellent for reinforcement and they have no calories! After all, a few extra pounds can make a significant impact in the lives of dogs, which are significantly smaller than humans. (Even the colossal breeds!) Therefore, focus on a balanced diet and resist the temptation to “reward” them with extra.

Customize Your Dog's Diet

Not all weight-loss foods are created equal, which is why it's critical to match your dog's nutrition plan to their unique needs. Choose a brand that caters to your dog's unique needs, whether they be weight control, dietary sensitivities, or illnesses.

Conclusion on Giant Schnauzer Growth Chart

Giant schnauzers are double-coated, but their fur is only medium in length, so they are not too fluffy. However, you must ensure that they are adequately groomed, particularly their brows and beard. Grooming is also a great method to bond with your dog and develop a stronger bond.

Make sure to brush his coat at least once a week and to keep his head trimmed.

He should also be groomed at least once a month, which includes cleaning his heirs and brushing his teeth. Make certain that he begins training at an early age.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are Giant Schnauzers a good breed?

The Giant Schnauzer is a friendly dog, yet he can be rather domineering. Giant Schnauzers are typically sociable with other dogs and enjoy being around their families and children, making them perfect family pets. Giant Schnauzers are extremely loyal, dedicated, and protective of their owners—excellent qualities in a guard dog.

Do Giant Schnauzers enjoy cuddling?

Giant Schnauzers make wonderful companions. While their propensity to cuddle varies, they are known for adoring their partner and always wanting to be near them.

Can Schnauzers get along with other dogs?

The Miniature Schnauzer, unlike many other terriers, gets along well with other dogs. Mini Schnauzers, on the other hand, may believe they are superior in the presence of much larger canines and may be forceful towards the other dogs. Keep an eye out for this behavior since you may need to bail your friend out of a sticky position.

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