Greyhound Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

Greyhounds are exceptional sprinters with soft dispositions, making them excellent companions.

Due to their unique construction, our Greyhound growth chart is highly useful for following their development. They are graceful and athletic, which makes them a wonder to many.

Greyhounds are well-suited for sprinting due to their aerodynamic and small skulls.

Greyhound Growth Chart
Greyhound Growth Chart

Their feet are cushioned for running, and their slim frames provide them an advantage in terms of speed. Greyhounds are a breed where form follows function.

These unique canines date all the way back to ancient Egypt, where they served as pharaohs' friends.

Other civilizations, such as the Tsars and Alexander the Great, also owned them. Greyhounds can bring their owners considerable joy if they are properly cared for.

To know more information about Greyhound Growth Chart, read the entire article!

Information on Greyhound
Information on Greyhound

When Do Greyhounds Stop Growing?

Greyhounds reach physical maturity in about 13 months. The majority of them are completely grown by 13 to 14 months, although larger Greyhounds often require around 18 months to fill out their chests.

You can anticipate that your Greyhound will grow significantly faster than other dogs throughout his early months.

Many other breeds have staggered growth rates, meaning that their growth is more evenly distributed, however, greyhounds undergo rapid growth when they are young, which tends to slow as they age.

At the age of three years, your Greyhound should be both physically and psychologically mature, as even though they are completely formed physically, they may still have lingering immature mentalities.

Greyhound Growth Pictures

Greyhound puppies
Greyhound puppies
File:Puppyhortaya.jpg - Wikipedia
Greyhound puppy
File:Greyhound...JPG - Wikimedia Commons

What is the Standard Greyhound Size

Your Greyhound will grow at a breakneck pace throughout the first 46 weeks of its life. Your Greyhound will have attained 95% of its adult weight at 46 weeks. After that, your Greyhound will gradually stop gaining weight. Your Greyhound should reach its maximum weight at approximately 62 weeks (14 months). Greyhounds reach their maximum size at 62 weeks (14 months).

The preceding topic is broad in scope and applies equally to male and female Greyhounds. Male dogs, on the other hand, typically grow at a slower rate than female canines.

A male Greyhound's first 47 weeks of life are marked by rapid growth. At 47 weeks of age, a male Greyhound will have reached 95% of his adult weight. After that, a male Greyhound will gradually stop gaining weight. A male Greyhound should attain its maximum weight at approximately 66 weeks (14 months). Male Greyhounds reach sexual maturity around 66 weeks (14 months).

Similarly, a female Greyhound's first 44 weeks of life are marked by rapid growth. At 44 weeks of age, a female Greyhound will have reached 95% of her mature weight. After that, a female Greyhound will gradually stop gaining weight. A female Greyhound should attain its maximum weight at approximately 58 weeks (14 months). Female Greyhounds reach their maximum size at 58 weeks (14 months).

Greyhound Weight Chart

Here is the weight chart of a Greyhound:

AgeMale Weight (lbs)Female Weight (lbs)
3 Months22 -31 lbs22 – 27 lbs
4 Months28 – 39 lbs28 – 35 lbs
5 Months35 – 50 lbs37 – 44 lbs
6 Months42 – 55 lbs41 – 52 lbs
7 Months46 – 59 lbs44 – 55 lbs
8 Months50 – 70 lbs48 – 59 lbs
9 Months52 – 74 lbs50 – 63 lbs
10 Months55 – 77 lbs52 – 66 lbs
11 Months55 – 79 lbs54 – 68 lbs
12 Months55 – 80 lbs55 – 70 lbs
13 Months55 – 82 lbs55 – 71 lbs
16 Months55 – 85 lbs55 – 74 lbs
Greyhound Weight Chart

Greyhound Growth Chart – What To Expect
Greyhound Weight Chart by Age

Greyhound Weight  1-2 weeks

Greyhounds are normally born in litters of between one and twelve puppies. The typical litter size is usually eight, and the number of puppies depends on the mother's age and overall health.

These small puppies spend their first two weeks of life under the primary care of their moms, who attend to their nutritional and physical needs.

See also  Chihuahua Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

If the mother is unable to meet these demands for whatever reason, you must take over and care for the Greyhound pup.

Greyhound Weight 3-12 weeks

Your greyhound puppy will grow rapidly and undergo numerous changes. Weaning him from his mother's milk will be a significant developmental milestone when he is introduced to solid meals.

At this stage, caution should be exercised because nutrition is critical to his development.

Ascertain if the food is sufficiently soft and of the appropriate size. It should have a watery texture to match the milk he was receiving from his mother.

Males typically weigh between 20 and 31 pounds by the conclusion of this period, while girls weigh between 22 and 27 pounds.

Greyhound Weight 4-9 months

You should anticipate that your greyhound puppy will grow significantly larger and develop a greater ability to manage his muscular functions. As he explores his environment, he will become quicker and stronger.

When he is approximately six months old, he should weigh between 42 and 58 lb for males and 41 to 52 lb for females. They should both be approximately 20 inches tall.

Greyhound Weight  10-18 months

Expect your greyhounds to be a little energetic and brimming with energy during this period.

Only at the conclusion of this period will he begin to calm down. Socialization is critical to ensuring that he develops behaviors that are acceptable to you.

Keep an eye out for signs that your Greyhound is maturing sexually when he begins to exhibit behaviors consistent with being in heat. Certain female Greyhounds exhibit variations in appetite, whereas males urinate almost everywhere.

At the 12-year point, male Greyhounds typically weigh between 55 and 80 lb, while females typically weigh between 55 and 70 lb.

What is the Full Grown Greyhound Weight?

The average greyhound will attain a height of 25-30 inches and will reach full physical development approximately 18 months after birth. Male greyhounds are slightly larger, weighing between 55 and 85 pounds at full adult weight, than female greyhounds, who normally weigh between 55 and 70 pounds.

Genetics, health, nutrition, and sleep are all factors that can affect their eventual and overall size.

Greyhound Height Chart 

Greyhound owners would be wise to keep track of their dog's growth throughout their lives by measuring their dog's size and age. This will ensure his regular development.

You may determine the height of your Greyhound by draping a measuring tape from the floor to his withers.

If you're unfamiliar with the term “withers,” it refers to the highest point on his shoulder blades. Ascertain that he is standing straight and taking this measurement.

Keep in mind that racing greyhounds typically stand between 25 and 29 inches tall, whereas show greyhounds stand between 26 and 30 inches tall in adulthood.

How To Weigh Your Greyhound Puppy?

There are two methods for determining the weight of your Greyhound.

The first, and most accurate, way to weigh your Greyhound is with a dog weighing scale.

Utilizing a dog scale is critical if you wish to check your Greyhound's growth on a regular basis in order to detect any aberrant growth early.

Having a scale for weighing your Greyhound simplifies the process of weighing your Greyhound on a regular basis.

We propose this highly durable and reasonably priced W.C Redmon Precision Digital Pet Scale for weighing the Greyhound. To view this scale on Amazon, click here.

The second approach is to weigh yourself while holding your Greyhound on a bathroom scale. Then weigh yourself without your Greyhound on the same scale. Then subtract your weight when you are holding your Greyhound from your weight when you are not holding your Greyhound. This procedure is depicted in the illustration below.

However, keep in mind that this method is not particularly exact, and you may have difficulty using it to weigh your Greyhound if it is extremely heavy or if it is the type that will not stay still when held.

What Is A Greyhound’s Neck Size?

To determine the neck size of your dog, use a soft and flexible tape measure to determine the neck size of your dog where her collar naturally falls. Then, put two fingers between your dog's neck and the tape measure to ensure that the dog collar fits snugly but comfortably. Greyhound's average neck circumference is between 14 and 18  inches.

How Big Do Greyhounds Get?

How big do they get?
How big do they get?

Greyhounds grow at an average pace of 2.31 pounds per week (1.05 kilograms per week) beginning at three months of age.

See also  German Shorthaired Pointer Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

Beginning at four months, your Greyhound will gain an average of 1.92 pounds (0.87 kg) per week.

At five months of age, your Greyhound will grow at an average pace of 1.59 pounds (0.72 kilograms) every week.

After six months, your Greyhound will gain an average of 1.29 pounds (0.59 kg) per week.

Factors That Affect Greyhound Puppy Growth 


Genetics ultimately plays a significant influence in your greyhounds' growth, as the size of a dog's parents has an effect on its current and future size. Additionally, genetics dictates coat and eye color.

Additionally, gender is significant, as male greyhounds are slightly larger than female greyhounds. This is true throughout their childhood and adolescence.

Diet & Nutrition

Adequate nutrition is critical, much more so during your Greyhound's formative years. They must be adequately fed in order to reach adulthood in good health.

At a minimum, feed your Greyhound 2.5 to 4 cups of high-quality dry dog food. This portion should be divided into two meals, however, females may subsist on slightly less due to their smaller size.

When feeding, always keep in consideration your dog's age, metabolism, build, and level of exercise.

Physical Activity & Health

The Greyhound is often referred to as the cheetah of dogs. While they may like resting on hot days, they also enjoy a good deal of exercise.

They take great pleasure in demonstrating their extraordinary speed and vivacious zeal. They make excellent hunters, so do not deny them exercise on a regular basis.

Exercise will help to build their bones and muscles while also improving their mood. They will thrive in large fenced yards with plenty of room to run.

Will Spaying/Neutering My Greyhound Have an Effect on His Growth?

Spaying and neutering pets have been a source of contention for many. According to some, spaying and neutering have no effect on your dog's growth.

However, studies have indicated that neutering male dogs decrease their testosterone levels, hence impairing their growth. This consequence of growth also has an adverse effect on their joints, resulting in difficulties.

Spaying and neutering also have numerous benefits since they eliminate the danger of unintended pregnancies, which can be harmful to your dog's health and costly to you.

Additionally, spaying and neutering have been demonstrated to decrease the chance of developing some cancers.

Nonetheless, you must consider your Greyhound's best interests. It is preferable to spay or neuter him around the age of 18 months or older, as doing so at a younger age may present more risk than reward.

Consult your veterinarian, who may be able to provide more specific advice for your dog.

Growth Stages of the Greyhound

On its way to adulthood, your Greyhound will pass through a number of growth stages. Neonatal, Transitional, Socialization Period, Juvenile Period, Adolescent Period, and Maturity are the six main stages of your Greyhound's growth.

1. Greyhound Neonatal Period

The Greyhound Neonatal Period lasts between birth until two weeks. The Greyhound puppy will be completely reliant on its mother during this stage. The Greyhound puppy's eyes will remain closed and devoid of vision. The Greyhound puppy's senses will be limited to taste and touch.

2. Greyhound Transitional Period

Greyhound Transition Period is between two and three weeks. Throughout this stage, the Greyhound puppy's hearing and taste will continue to improve. The puppy's teeth will begin to erupt and its eyes will open.

At this period, the Greyhound puppy crawls forward and backward, stands, and wags its tail. This is also the stage of development during which your puppy's personality begins to emerge.

3. Greyhound Socialization Period

Greyhound socialization lasts between three and fourteen weeks. The Greyhound puppy will be completely capable of using all of its senses (vision, smell, touch, hearing, and taste) during this time, and the puppy will learn to survive without its mother.

Additionally, the Greyhound puppy learns how to act like a dog throughout this stage (biting, chasing, barking, etc). This stage is characterized by quick learning and socializing, and what the Greyhound puppy learns during this stage will have a long-term effect on the puppy's behavior as an adult.

4. Greyhound Juvenile Period

The juvenile period for greyhounds ranges from 3-4 months to 5-14 months. Greyhound puppies will strive to define and settle their boundaries throughout this stage. Their baby teeth begin to fall out and are gradually replaced by adult teeth.

5. Greyhound Adolescent Period

Greyhounds reach adolescence between the ages of 5-14 months and 2-3 years. During this stage, greyhounds develop socially and sexually.

See also  Huskydoodle Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

6. Greyhound Maturity Period

Greyhounds mature between one and four years. Your Greyhound will reach full adulthood at this age.

Common Questions about Greyhound

At What Age Is A Greyhound Fully Grown?

The majority of Greyhounds will require little more than a year to mature. You should anticipate your Greyhound growing for at least 13 to 14 months, with larger Greyhounds taking up to 18 months to complete their chest development.

How Long Are Greyhounds Pregnant?

Pregnancy lasts around 63 days (9 weeks) from the time of ovulation. You can monitor the bitch's rectal temperature once or twice a day during the final week of pregnancy. Dogs' typical body temperature is 38-39 degrees Celsius.

How Many Puppies Do Greyhounds Have?

This breed's litter size fluctuates considerably. From one to twelve puppies are born in a litter, with an average of eight.

What Is The Life Expectancy Of Greyhounds?

A greyhound's expected lifespan is between 12 and 15 years. The greyhound's versatile, stable, and loving personality makes it an ideal companion dog regardless of age.

How Much Does It Cost To Own A Greyhound?

The average annual cost of caring for a Greyhound is between $800 and $1000, which includes food, treats, toys, and normal medical treatment such as dental cleanings and vaccines.

How To Help Your Greyhound Lose Weight If He Is Overweight

How to help them lose weight?
How to help them lose weight?

As with humans, exercise is critical for your overweight dog's health. Increased movement helps your dog burn off excess energy (and calories consumed). Avoid panic! Exercising your pet does not have to include marathons or lengthy hikes. Regular walks and the opportunity to run and play safely off-leash.

Even creating a stimulating indoor environment that encourages your dog to exercise on a regular basis can help. Bear in mind that different breeds require varying amounts of exercise, so visit your veterinarian, breeder, or your dog's breed standard for recommendations on recommended activity levels.

Distinguish Begging from Hunger

Begging is not necessarily motivated by a desire for more food; it is also used to gain attention. (And, by rewarding the behavior, you reinforce and encourage it to continue.) If your dog begs, do not automatically assume he is hungry. Trust your instincts and keep track of the date and time of your last meal. 

If your dog is prone to begging and you are prone to succumb to those puppy dog eyes, choose a high-protein meal with a fiber blend to help control your dog's hunger and voluntary food consumption. In this manner, you may feed your dog with the assurance that he will feel fuller and content for a longer period of time.

Restriction on treats and table scraps

Even when our dogs are not begging, many of us provide an excessive amount of treats and table scraps. Dogs are not required to share our food! Consider treats and scraps for your pet in the same way that you would candy for children to help you keep them in check. If you're going to utilize snacks for training, choose low-calorie, low-fat ones and keep the portions small. 

As an alternative, keep in mind that clickers are excellent for reinforcement and they have no calories! After all, a few extra pounds can make a significant impact in the lives of dogs, which are significantly smaller than humans. (Even the colossal breeds!) Therefore, focus on a balanced diet and resist the temptation to “reward” them with extra.

Customize Your Dog's Diet

Not all weight-loss foods are created equal, which is why it's critical to match your dog's nutrition plan to their unique needs. Choose a brand that caters to your dog's unique needs, whether they be weight control, dietary sensitivities, or illnesses.

Conclusion on Greyhound Growth Chart

  • On average, an adult Greyhound weighs between 60 and 70 pounds, with males somewhat heavier than females.
  • Greyhound puppies reach their maximum height of 27 to 30 inches at roughly 13 to 14 months of age, however it takes a little longer for their chests to finish filling out.
  • The Greyhound breed is predisposed to inheriting genetic diseases such as arthritis and osteosarcoma.
  • Preventive treatment helps ensure that your Greyhound puppy has a happy, healthy life, and pet insurance programs can provide peace of mind by covering the cost of health care.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long does it take for a Greyhound to reach full maturity?

The majority of Greyhounds will require little more than a year to mature. You should anticipate your Greyhound growing for at least 13 to 14 months, with larger Greyhounds taking up to 18 months to complete their chest development.

How large will my Greyhound grow to be?

There are two distinct varieties, each with a slightly different size: Racing Greyhounds typically stand between 25 and 29 inches tall, whereas show Greyhounds stand between 26 and 30 inches tall. Males normally weigh 65 to 85 pounds, females 50 to 65 pounds, with racing dogs weighing slightly less.

How much weight should my Greyhound have?

A healthy weight ranges widely depending on the size of the Italian Greyhound. Small IGs may weigh as little as 6 lbs, whereas very large IGs may weigh as little as 20 lbs. On average, an Italian Greyhound weighs between 12 and 14 pounds.

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