How Much To Feed A Collie Puppy? [Answered]

How Much To Feed A Collie Puppy? One of the most crucial aspects of owning a Border Collie puppy is ensuring that they are healthy, which includes both what you feed them and how much you feed them.

As your Border Collie puppy matures, they may appear to be always hungry, and it's difficult to determine whether you should continue to feed them.

Puppies are difficult to feed since their caloric requirements differ from those of adult dogs, and the amount and frequency with which they should eat can and will alter as they grow older.

In this post, we'll look at how much you should feed your Border Collie puppy so that you can make sure they're getting enough calories and food, even if they don't seem hungry.

How Much To Feed A Collie Puppy?
How Much To Feed A Collie Puppy?

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Feeding Chart for Border Collie Puppies

Puppy food is required for Border Collie puppies. Border Collies are medium-sized dogs, thus dogfood recipes designed for medium-sized dogs will be ideal for them.

Border Collies require food that is high in nutrients and can provide them with a lot of energy because they are such active and lively dogs.

Because these dogs are energetic and continuously on the go, they are prone to developing bone problems, necessitating the administration of specific bone-protecting formulae.

Puppies should be fed four to six little meals every day.

How Much To Feed A Collie Puppy?

2 Weeks Border Collie Puppy

It is not advisable to separate a 2-week-old puppy from its mother.

Allow natural processes to run their course, as Mother Nature knows best.

After all, the puppy's eyes are only just beginning to open at this point, and he can't see properly.

The mother of the puppy is extremely loving and only leaves her puppies to feed or go to the bathroom.

Otherwise, she would lick her offspring constantly, including his bottom, so you won't have to clean up after the puppy at this point.

4 Weeks Border Collie Puppy,

Puppies begin to cut their back teeth at the age of four weeks. It's time to wean them away from their mother and introduce puppy food.

Allow the puppy to sip from his mother a few times a day, but gradually replace her milk with puppy food.

You may note that the mother regurgitates her dinner for her offspring at this point. Please don't be afraid; this is very normal.

6 Weeks Border Collie Puppy

Your puppy has developed to the point where he or she can run around and play by the time he or she is six weeks old.

While playing with his siblings, he becomes loud and begins to bark, occasionally biting.

By this point, he should have weaned himself off his mother and be consuming 5-6 tiny portions of puppy food each day.

The puppy may still want to suckle at this point, but you'll notice that the mother has lost interest.

8 Weeks Border Collie Puppy

A Border Collie puppy will weigh between 1.6 and 3.6 kilograms at two months.

This is the best time to pick up your puppy from the vet since he is ready for a new home.

12 cups of dog food, divided into three meals, can be fed to your puppy.

Your pet has reached the pinnacle of his puppyhood.

12 Weeks Border Collie Puppy

Your puppy is now an adult dog, and he or she should be fed three small meals of adult collies' food.

12 cups of dog food, divided into three meals, can be fed to your dog.

This is also the time when a young adult dog learns about fear and requires extensive socialization.

This is also the time to get serious about house training.

A 12-week-old Border Collie is also up to date on his shots.

By now, your young dog has figured out where he belongs in his pack.

Collie Puppy Feeding Chart

Cups per day according to Dog's Weight
Cups per day according to Dog's Weight
Collie Puppy Feeding Chart
Collie Puppy Feeding Chart

What Is The Calorie Requirement For A Border Collie Puppy?

Let's start with how many calories your Border Collie puppy actually requires.

You'll need to know how to calculate your puppy's RER, or Resting Energy Requirement, to figure this out.

The RER of your dog is the number of calories or energy required for all of his body's critical processes, such as his heart and brain.

To calculate your puppy's RER, multiply his or her weight in kilograms by 70 to the third power.

Then multiply that number by three if your puppy is under four months old, and by two if your puppy is between four and twelve months old.

The number you get is the daily calorie requirement for your puppy.

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If your three-month-old dog weighs 10 kilograms (22 pounds), he will require 1200 calories each day.

If your dog is 5 months old and weighs 10 kilograms, he will require 800 calories per day.

What Is The Best Way To Introduce A New Food To Your Collie?

If you're changing the sort of food your collie eats for their regular meals, do so gradually over 7-10 days to allow their digestive system to adjust to the new food.

Gradually increase the proportion of the new food you give to their meals over the course of 10 days, until they are totally eating the new food and no longer eating the old.

Collies can be finicky, and they may not appreciate having their meal totally replaced with a new one right away.

Gradually introducing the new food allows you to ensure that your collie does not have an unpleasant reaction to it.

How Do You Know When Your Border Collie Is Full?

How Do You Know When Your Border Collie Is Full?
How Do You Know When Your Border Collie Is Full?

Border collies are not as food-driven as some other breeds, so you'll know when your border collie has had enough by the fact that they'll put off eating until later.

Don't replace their usual meal with treats or something else you believe would be more appealing to them, since this might lead to bad behaviors as your collie seeks to recreate the act that earned them a treat.

Some dogs, such as border collies, are more food-oriented than others, and will eat whatever you place in front of them, whether or not they are hungry.

In situations like this, it's critical not to give in to their begging and to keep track of how much food your collie consumes in order to avoid obesity and the health concerns that come with it.

What Happens If You Feed Your Border Collie Too Much?

If your collie eats too much food in a short period of time, they will vomit to get rid of it.

If this occurs, you may see them walking outside and munching grass.

This is usually nothing to be concerned about and is a natural response when your collie realizes they have consumed too much food.

If your collie eats too much food in the long run, they may become overweight, which can have a negative impact on their quality of life and potentially lead to major health problems as they age.

If you're concerned about your collie's eating habits, see our guide to obesity in collies for advice on how to get them back to a healthy weight.

Changing the Food Brands for a Border Collie Puppy

When you get a Border Collie puppy, you may wish to change her food to a brand that you prefer.

It's preferable to do this after your dog has lived with you for about a month, according to breeders and veterinarians.

After all, this may be a frightening period of transition.

It's likely that this is your puppy's first time away from her littermates and parents, and she's still adjusting to life with you.

Allow your Border Collie puppy some time to acclimate before making the switch.

Over the course of a week, plan your switch.

Feed roughly 75% of the old food and 25% of the new diet for the first day or two.

Feed 50/50 of each on the third and fourth days. Then go 75/25 for the fifth and sixth days.

By the seventh day, your dog should be completely accustomed to the meal you've chosen.

This procedure can help your dog with any digestive troubles he or she may be having.

Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, gas, weight loss, and a loss of appetite.

Certain foods can cause allergies in dogs, and a new diet might disturb their gut microbes.

If yours is having trouble adapting to the new food, you may want to go back to the old.

If you think it's best, you can try again with alternative diets afterwards.

However, if the symptoms persist, see a veterinarian.

Puppy Diets for Border Collies

There are so many various types of dog foods on the market today that you have a lot of options!

Diet is also crucial because it affects the growth, future health, and happiness of your Border Collie puppy.

To give your Border Collie puppy every benefit, you'll need just the proper amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and other nutrients.

Puppies require additional nutrition like calcium.

In addition, they require around twice as many calories per pound of body weight as adults.

Working dogs, such as Border Collies, require somewhat altered protein and fat ratios in their meals.

Border Collies are medium-sized shepherding dogs who are highly energetic and clever.

They're frequently ranked as one of the smartest breeds, and they have great working capacity.

They are generally healthy dogs, however they are prone to specific diseases including hip dysplasia and Collie eye abnormality.

While many issues are hereditary, they can be impacted by nutrition at an early age. Many veterinarians prefer commercial diets of excellent quality.

A decent protein is usually listed first on the ingredients list.

Border Collies, as a medium breed, do not require a size-specific dog food and can thrive on most high-quality dog foods. If they work and engage in high-intensity activities on a daily basis, they may benefit from a higher-fat diet.

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If your dog is only a “weekend” athlete, increasing the daily portion of food should suffice to provide the extra energy they require.

Your Border Collie puppy, on the other hand, need puppy food, such as Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula Natural Puppy Dry Dog Food, Chicken and Brown Rice.

Real meat and healthful ingredients are used in this dish.

It contains the fatty acids DHA and ARA, which are beneficial to cognitive function and retinal health.

It also contains glucosamine and chondroitin, which help with joint and mobility.

How Does Feeding Change as a Border Collie Puppy Grows Older?

How Does Feeding Change as a Border Collie Puppy Grows Older?
How Does Feeding Change as a Border Collie Puppy Grows Older?

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As your Border Collie puppy gets older, her nutritional and caloric requirements will change.

Your dog's food will have less protein, calcium, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids as he gets older. In addition, there is less fat.

You can move to adult dog food when your Border Collie achieves roughly 80% of adult size, which is around 12 months old for Border Collies.

What Should You Feed Your Border Collie Puppy?

A Border Collie Puppy will flourish on a diet full of high-quality nutrients tailored to her age and size.

Whether you eat kibble or wet food, commercial or homemade, is entirely up to you.

You are the only one who truly understands what is best for your dog and family.

Border Collies are great companions who deserve nothing less than the best.

Kibble For A Border Collie Puppy

Because there are many nutritionally balanced alternatives available at an affordable price, commercial dry kibble is a popular choice among dog owners.

Just make sure to begin with a puppy formula.

Check to see if the brand you're buying offers a well-balanced diet.

Look for numerous strong meat-based protein sources in the first five ingredients on the package.

Due to its texture, kibble has the advantage of mechanically cleansing puppies' teeth.

Wet Food For A Border Collie Puppy

Dog food, both dry and canned, is nutritious and easy to digest.

Veterinary experts recommend choosing one based on your interests, finances, and lifestyle.

Keep in mind that not all wet feeds provide the same level of nutrient diversity as kibble.

Always read the labels and take supplements if needed.

Canned foods, on the other hand, are an excellent choice for dogs who require additional hydration or who are recovering from an illness.

If they don't have much of an appetite, wet food may entice them.

For the best nutrition and flavor, as well as less financial strain, many owners combine wet and dry foods.

Raw Food For A Border Collie Puppy (BARF)

Some breeders and veterinarians promote raw food diets such as BARF (Bones and Raw Feeding).

They're delicious and healthy, with nutritional, energy, and skin-care benefits.

You should be aware, however, that the majority of raw diet studies is still negative.

It's probable that further raw-diet study is needed. Raw meals, according to most research, many veterinarians, and the FDA, are potentially dangerous.

This is because raw diets are frequently unbalanced, and bacteria contained in raw meat can easily infect dogs and their humans.

According to studies, up to 60% of raw and homemade dog food had major nutritional imbalances, and 80% of raw chicken meals had salmonella.

If you decide that this is the right diet for your dog, give it some time to adjust.

Also, do your homework so you understand how to store and maintain meat appropriately.

This includes considerations such as how long you should leave it out, where you should feed it, how to clean areas where meat has been handled, and freezing issues.

Learn about the nutrients your dog needs at different stages of life and how raw foods can help you get there.

Ensure that your dog is examined on a frequent basis so that you may adjust nutrient levels as needed.

Making a Border Collie Puppy's Homemade Diet

The difference between a raw diet and a homemade diet is that a homemade diet may include cooked meats and vegetables.

When some foods are cooked, they deliver more and better nutrients, yet when they are consumed raw, they provide more and better nutrition.

As a result, in numerous ways, this diet is more versatile than the raw diet.

Raw diets, for example, may be more natural and enticing.

Some of the same challenges must be overcome, particularly when it comes to balancing your puppy's nutrition.

Give your dog food that is different from what you eat.

Consult a specialist, such as a veterinarian, to ensure that your dog is consuming the appropriate diet for her age and size.

How Should My Border Collie Puppy Be Fed?

Depending on their breed, lifestyle, and physical condition, dogs require varied amounts of food.

It's important to remember that Border Collies are high-energy dogs who adore working.

A 20-pound Border Collie puppy requires 733 calories per day, while a 40-pound active adult Border Collie requires 1109 calories per day, according to the National Research Council of the National Academies.

Your Border Collie puppy's weight will be determined by your veterinarian.

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Adults require more frequent feeding than puppies.

Begin with 4-6 regularly spaced meals each day, and after 6 months, drop to 2-3 small meals per day.

Begin feeding your puppy 1-2 meals every day as he grows older.

As the frequency of meals decreases, increase the size of the meals.

Don't give your pet too much food!

Studies show that dogs whose meals were properly maintained from a young age lived longer and acquired disorders such as osteoarthritis later in life.

Is My Border Collie Puppy The Right Weight?

Your new Border Collie puppy should not be too big or too little.

Both of these situations are detrimental to your dog's health.

Regularly weigh your Border Collie and compare the results to a growth chart provided by your veterinarian or a breeder.

You'll be able to adjust the amount of food you eat as needed.

You can get height and weight milestones for your own dog if you have access to information about your puppy's parents.

As a starting point, look at your dog's ribs.

They aren't visible in an overweight dog.

An underweight dog will show you far too much. Look for a mix of flesh and bone while feeling your dog's ribcage.

Look for signs of exhaustion or trouble turning around to groom the backside of your dog.

Be on the alert for gas and bowel movement issues.

All of these indications and symptoms indicate that you are overweight.

My Border Collie Puppy Is Still Hungry

Even if you give them the right amount of food, some puppies still want to eat.

No matter how cute she is when she whimpers at you, don't give any more!

If you do, you risk overfeeding your dog and causing weight problems.

Instead, look for additional ways to make them feel more satisfied.

A slow-feeder bowl, for example, can make it more difficult to eat everything in a few of gulps.

A treat ball, a puzzle feeder, or other toys can keep your dog entertained while slowing down his eating time.

Consult your veterinarian if you're concerned that you're not feeding enough.

My Border Collie Puppy Won’t Eat

Puppies, especially when anxious, can turn their noses up at food.

If you've recently acquired one and she refuses to eat, she may be experiencing anxiety as a result of the relocation.

However, if your puppy refuses to eat for more than a few meals and you notice signs of illness like diarrhea or vomiting, take him to the vet!

Is A Border Collie Considered A Puppy For How Long?

After roughly a year, Border Collies are considered adults.

After that period, they may still be growing, but at 12 months, you can begin feeding your Border Collie puppy adult food.

Border Collie Background

Border Collie
Border Collie

The majestic Collie is one of the world's most recognizable and beloved dog breeds, thanks to a century as a pop-culture icon.

The full-coated ‘rough' Collie is the most well-known, but a sleek'smooth' Collie is also available.

The Collie is a large but agile herder that stands between 22 and 26 inches tall.

The rough type has one of the most stunningly dazzling coats in the canine kingdom; the smooth coat's charms are more subtle but no less rewarding.

Sable and white, tricolor, blue merle, or white coat colors are available in both varieties.

Collie owners are proud of their dog's exquisite wedge-shaped head, which features moveable ears and almond eyes that can convey a range of expressions.

Collies are well-known for their affection towards children and make excellent family pets.

Companionship and frequent exercise are essential for these quick, athletic canines.

They learn quickly and gladly with moderate teaching.

The Collie's devotion, intellect, and impeccable character are legendary.

(FAQ) Feed A Collie Puppy

Are collie dogs good pets?

Yes! Border Collies are a terrific choice for a family companion since they are lively, even-tempered, and eager to please. When properly introduced, they get along nicely with children and other pets.

Are collies high maintenance?

Both coats are low-maintenance, however they do require brushing to keep their coats from becoming matted. Rough-coated collies may only need to be brushed once a week, despite their longer hair. Your collie will only need to be bathed every few months unless you are out running through dirt and mud.

Are rough collies a good family dog?

A rough collie is an excellent companion dog for a single person, but he will form bonds with all members of the household, not just the one who feeds him. … Rough collies are clever dogs who are constantly watching and learning, so it is critical to train them early and frequently.

Are collie dogs hard to train?

Collies and crossbreeds enjoy working and are frequently simple to teach. The issue is that kids rapidly become bored and require constant stimulation. Many pet owners just do not have the time or energy to care for such a dog.

How much do puppy collies cost?

But how much does one of these adorable puppies set you back? The good news is that the cost of a Collie puppy is normally between $400 and $600. You won't save much on an adoption or rescue because the purebred Collie pricing is so low.

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