How Much To Feed A German Shepherd Puppy? German Shepherds are known for their ability to follow instructions, their strength, and their intuitive thinking.
It is unsurprising that they are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world.
It's no surprise that many people are curious about how much a German Shepherd puppy should be fed.
If you've recently acquired or are about to adopt a German Shepherd puppy, you'll want to be sure you're giving your puppy the best start possible.
You should be able to raise your puppy to be a healthy and energetic adult through proper nutrition and exercise.
To succeed, you'll need to make sure you're feeding your puppy the proper kind and amount of food.
How Much To Feed A German Shepherd Puppy?
When it comes to feeding your German Shepherd puppy, you must be cautious.
When it comes to eating, they should not be left to their own ways.
Feed your puppy three times a day instead.
The amount of food your puppy requires is determined by his hunger, weight, and the sort of food you feed him.
Follow the feeding chart for German Shepherd puppies below.
Keep an eye on your puppy's waistline to determine if there is any extra weight hanging around that will be difficult to drop later.
Ribs will be seen in a dog that is overly thin.
If this is the case, keep an eye on how much your puppy eats and contact your veterinarian if you have any concerns.
German Shepherd Puppy Feeding Chart
German Shepherds are magnificently intelligent and huge dogs.
To keep them from gaining too much weight, their breed must be carefully fed.
Hip dysplasia is more common in GS, and being overweight will just exacerbate the situation.
You can avoid these complications by knowing how much to feed a German Shepherd puppy.
To maintain their thin body, individuals should eat foods high in lean protein and low in fat.
On average, puppies should be fed 2 cups of food every day.
The amount of food consumed is determined by the crude fat content of the food.
A puppy should eat three times a day at first, then two times a day after a year.
Here Are The Feeding Suggestions For A German Shepherd Puppy
2 Weeks Old German Shepherd Puppy
Your German Shepherd puppy will still be with his mother at the age of two weeks.
He should solely rely on his mother's milk for nutrition.
These young puppies will begin to open their eyes in order to take in the world, but they will not wander far.
Make sure that all of the puppies in larger litters are growing and gaining weight.
Puppies that don't seem to be getting enough milk may need to have formula added to their diet in order to reach a healthy weight.
3 Weeks Old German Shepherd Puppy
Your German Shepherd puppy will be a little more energetic at 3 weeks than he was the week before, though he should still be resting frequently.
Because your puppy is not yet ready to wean, you must keep him totally on his mother's milk.
She should be able to feed him whenever he wants.
This week, his coordination will improve, though he will most likely continue to run awkwardly and tumble frequently.
He won't go far from his mother just yet, but he should urinate away from the litter box.
4 Weeks Old German Shepherd Puppy
Your German Shepherd puppy will become curious and begin to investigate the world around him at the age of four weeks.
This is the moment to introduce a tiny amount of puppy food to the puppies to check whether they are interested in sampling it.
When doing so, keep a ratio of 34% water to 14% puppy food in mind.
At this age, their tummies are still extremely little, so don't anticipate them to eat much.
Your puppy will continue to rely on his mother's milk for nutrition.
5 Weeks Old German Shepherd Puppy
A 5-week-old German Shepherd puppy could be ready to test out the food mixture you gave him the week before.
He should be showing signs of wanting to eat it, however, his stomach will still be small and he should be getting sufficient of his mother's milk, so he may not be hungry enough to do so.
If he isn't interested in trying the food yet, don't force him to consume it.
If he is not yet ready to attempt weaning on his own, the mother dog will assist him.
6 Weeks Old German Shepherd Puppy
When your puppy reaches the age of six weeks, it's time to wean him off his mother's milk and transition him to a puppy food diet.
This can be accomplished by gradually increasing the amount of food in your food-to-water ration.
Increase the food to a 50/50 water/food ratio once the puppy has taken 14 food to 34 water.
Once your 6-week-old German Shepherd puppy has tolerated that, add a little water until he is able to consume the food on its own.
At this point, he should have more puppy energy and be exploring further away from his mother.
7 Weeks Old German Shepherd Puppy
When your puppy is 7 weeks old, he should be eating kibble that hasn't had any water added to it and should consume it without hesitation.
Offer the kibble several times a day and remove it after he's taken a few mouthfuls.
He will not be completely free of his mother.
She'll most likely feed the puppies rapidly while standing before fleeing.
She's not going to lie down and let the puppies suckle from her at their leisure.
They will have their puppy teeth now, and the mother will not want to do anything about it.
8 Weeks Old German Shepherd Puppy
To get him on a consistent meal schedule, feed him three times a day, but don't keep food out after feeding hours.
You can give him up to two cups every day, but don't be surprised if he doesn't finish it.
However, he will be expending a lot more calories now and will need to compensate with well-balanced meals.
Every German Shepherd eats differently, thus the two cups are merely a guideline to keep in mind.
9 Weeks Old German Shepherd Puppy
Your 9-week-old German Shepherd puppy is now available for adoption.
If you're switching your puppy's food from what he was eating at the breeder, you'll need to do so gradually over a few days.
This will minimize any gastrointestinal distress he could have and help him transition more smoothly.
You should still maintain him on a three-meal-a-day regimen, divided into equal quantities.
Remember to throw away any food that hasn't been consumed.
This will allow you to keep track of how much he eats and how his appetite is doing.
10 Weeks Old German Shepherd Puppy
By this time, your German Shepherd puppy will be quite hungry.
Even so, make sure to feed him three times a day to maintain regularity.
At 8 weeks, the two cups we recommended might not be enough to satisfy his hunger.
At this point, the puppy will also begin to experience a tremendous growth surge.
Keep an eye on the puppy's weight.
Overweight German Shepherd puppies can put too much pressure on their developing bones, leading to adult disorders such as hip dysplasia.
By glancing at the puppy's tummy, you can keep track of its size.
When ribs are visible, the dog requires extra food.
11 Weeks Old German Shepherd Puppy
Your German Shepherd puppy will be going through a huge growth spurt at 11 weeks old.
As he goes through his development spurt, his appetite should have increased significantly, and you may need to increase the amount of food he eats over the next few weeks.
He's also likely to put other things in his mouth that aren't good for him, so keep a watch on what your puppy eats and what he has access to.
To keep him from chewing on other objects, it's essential to have puppy chew toys on hand.
12 Weeks Old German Shepherd Puppy
You'll still be feeding your puppy frequently and generously when he's 12 weeks old.
Between the ages of 3 and 6, German Shepherd puppies develop rapidly, therefore you should expect to feed him more until he stops growing.
Aside from size, your puppy's brain will be growing rapidly at this age.
As he adjusts to his new physique, you may find that he is less motivated to eat some days than others.
Due to the puppy's quick growth, keep a close eye on its weight.
Overweight German Shepherds have a harder time losing weight, so it's best not to let it happen in the first place.
13 Weeks German Shepherd Puppy
Your 13-week-old German Shepherd should be energetic and full of life.
He'll be occupied, and he'll most likely consume his food with gusto.
Do not interpret his appetite for food as an indication that he is not eating enough.
German Shepherds are slender dogs, so you'll want to keep your puppy at a healthy weight so he can live a long and healthy life.
Make sure he doesn't get his hands on anything that isn't his food, especially since this breed has a higher risk of having bloat, which can be fatal.
14 Weeks Old German Shepherd Puppy
Your German Shepherd should still be growing steadily at 14 weeks old.
He should also be mostly housebroken at this age if you've kept him on a consistent restroom schedule.
At 14 weeks, your puppy's baby teeth may be starting to fall out in favor of his adult teeth, which means he'll gnaw on anything.
Although the firm kibble in puppy food will provide some relief, having chew toys on available is the best option.
Continue to feed him three times every day until he reaches the age of a year.
What Is The Calorie Requirement For A German Shepherd Puppy?
The number of calories required by your puppy is determined by several factors, including age, weight, and degree of activity.
To maintain their energy levels, active puppies require more calories.
Puppies of German Shepherds require at least 500 calories per day, although this number rises as their weight rises.
Calculate your puppy's RER (Resting Energy Requirement) and multiply by two to get the exact number of calories they require.
RER is calculated as 70(weight in kg)3/4.
The RER of a 20kg German Shepherd puppy, for example, is 70(20)3/4 = 662.
As a result, their daily calorie intake should be 1324.
Can a German Shepherd Puppy Eat Human Foods?
Your German Shepherd puppy needs a treat now and then, and certain human foods are excellent choices.
You can offer your puppy proteins, vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates, and nuts that humans eat.
Proteins like chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, and beef are excellent sources of lean muscle and strength for your dog.
Blueberries, apples, strawberries, melons, coconut, bananas, and mangos are all safe fruits for your puppy.
Minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants abound in them.
Green peas, carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, and cucumber are all safe vegetables for your German Shepherd puppy.
Peanuts are OK for your puppy, but they should be simple.
Rice and sweet potatoes are safe carbs for your puppy because they are easily absorbed.
What Are Some Human Foods That Are Harmful To A German Shepherd Puppy?
Even though your German Shepherd can eat human foods, some of them can be harmful to your puppy and should be avoided.
Chocolate includes theobromine, a toxin that causes health problems in puppies, such as rapid heartbeat, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, and hyperactivity.
Avocado is another dangerous food for your dog since it includes persin, a substance that causes major gastrointestinal problems when consumed.
Onions, raisins, grapes, fruit pits, macadamia nuts, and occasionally dairy are other items to avoid feeding your German Shepherd puppy.
What to Feed a Puppy German Shepherd
You'll discover that there are many diverse viewpoints on what type of food is ideal.
All of the following solutions are appropriate unless your dog (or other members of your household) has unique needs.
Consult your veterinarian to discover if your dog has any special dietary requirements.
Kibble for a German Shepherd Puppy
Although there are numerous high-quality kibble diets available, they aren't always the best option.
The FDA has issued a warning to dog owners about an increased risk of developing a catastrophic cardiac ailment.
Canine dilated cardiomyopathy is the medical term for this condition (DCM).
Dogs who eat foods like peas, lentils, or potatoes instead of grains are at risk.
German Shepherds were involved in several of the DCM cases.
The underlying cause of these occurrences is unknown, however, the FDA warns that selecting diets with these chemicals for German Shepherds and other large dogs should be done with caution.
To learn more, see our article on the benefits and drawbacks of kibble feeding.
Raw Food for a German Shepherd Puppy (BARF)
‘Biologically appropriate raw foods' is what BARF stands for.
Cooked or otherwise processed foods are not allowed on these diets.
German Shepherds fed a raw (BARF) diet may have a lower risk of hip dysplasia, according to some data.
However, regulating a BARF diet to guarantee a modest and stable growth rate in young puppies may be more difficult.
If you're interested in learning more about this alternative, see our article on feeding a raw diet to your dog.
Making a German Shepherd Puppy's Homemade Diet
Poorly balanced homemade foods have been proved to be hazardous to German Shepherd puppies in the past, according to research.
Anyone who is willing and able to prepare a healthy and balanced diet now has access to a wealth of knowledge.
Additionally, diet “bases” can be purchased to supplement homemade diets, ensuring that your puppy receives all of the essential elements.
However, recent case studies have revealed that even well-intentioned owners can overfeed or generate an imbalanced diet.
Many people can be swayed by the notion that “if some are good, more is better!” when it comes to food.
According to reports, eating a diet high in calcium or phosphorus might cause major health problems.
Homemade diets, like commercial feeds, must be appropriately created for a large breed dog. Do not vary from a veterinarian's recipe recommendations.
If at all feasible, choose a veterinarian who is board-certified in veterinary nutrition.
Recipes seen in popular magazines and on the internet might not be nutritionally sufficient or appropriate for a large breed dog.
Changing From German Shepherd Puppy Food to Adult German Shepherd Food
Many parents wonder when the best time is to transition their German Shepherd puppy to adult food.
Looking at his age and size is the ideal way to transition your German Shepherd from puppy food to adult dog food.
A German Shepherd is considered an adult when he is roughly 1 to 1.5 years old.
This is a reasonable estimate of when you should consider switching.
When a German Shepard has reached roughly 80-90 percent of its overall growth, it's time to switch.
It is always preferable to accomplish this gradually rather than all at once, as an abrupt change may not be ideal.
You can start giving your dog adult food mixed in with his regular meal if you feed him twice a day.
Should You Feed A German Shepherd Puppy Supplements?
Vitamins and minerals are necessary components of a puppy's diet.
This is crucial for the development of a healthy puppy.
Vitamin A should be fed to your dog if you want him to have healthy skin and a beautiful coat.
To support his immune system, you might give him vitamin E.
Minerals operate as a supplement to vitamins, as well as ensuring the overall health of your German Shepherd's anatomy.
By visiting your veterinarian and examining his overall health, you should be aware of the best vitamins and minerals for your German Shepherd puppy.
What is the recommended amount of water for a German Shepherd puppy?
For every 3.5 kilograms of body weight, your German Shepherd puppy needs to consume 6 ounces of water every day.
As a result, if your puppy weighs 35 kilograms, he should drink about 60 ounces of water every day.
This amount may need to be increased if your dog engages in a lot of physical activity or if the weather is hot.
You may notice your dog panting, which is an indication that he or she is dehydrated. Keep the water bowl full at all times.
Weight of a 2-month-old German Shepherd Puppy
Depending on the sex of the puppy, you may expect your GS puppy to weigh between 16 and 20 pounds when he or she is two months old.
Females will always be a notch below their male counterparts on the scale.
Although they are larger dogs and gain weight more quickly than other breeds, you should still keep an eye out for signs of overheating or being underweight.
Weight of a 3-month-old German Shepherd Puppy
Depending on the sex of the puppy, you should expect your German Shepherd to weigh between 25 and 30 pounds at three months.
In the last month, your dog should have gained roughly 10 pounds.
Because of this quick growth, you'll need to make sure your puppy is eating a low-fat, high-protein diet.
Around this age, your puppy may be teething, which means he or she may lose interest in food for a while.
Weight of a 4-month-old German Shepherd Puppy
Your German Shepherd puppy should weigh between 36 and 42 pounds by the time he or she is four months old.
He'll be roughly half the size he'll be when he's completely grown.
He should be slimming down and growing taller as well.
At this point, you should be able to perceive a waist.
If you're concerned about your puppy's weight, make an appointment with your veterinarian immediately soon to devise a strategy for staying on track.
Weight of a 5-month-old German Shepherd Puppy
You should expect your German Shepherd puppy to weigh between 35 and 49 pounds when he is 5 months old.
The difference will be determined by your dog's size.
While females are typically smaller than males, there is a tiny difference among German Shepherds.
You won't need to be concerned if your dog isn't in the average weight range as long as he stays on his own growth curve.
Weight of a 6-month-old German Shepherd Puppy
A 6-month-old German Shepherd puppy should weigh somewhere between 44 and 57 pounds, depending on the dog's natural size.
Because some GSs are naturally larger than others and others are smaller, the weight should only be used as a guide.
The best indicator of a healthy weight is being able to see your dog's waist and possibly even his ribs. If you're worried about his weight, talk to your veterinarian.
Creating A Consistent Feeding Schedule for German Shepherd
Maintaining a consistent feeding plan for your German Shepherd puppy can help him learn when to expect food.
It will help him control his hunger and ensure that he eats regularly in order to grow properly.
A puppy's recommended feeding regimen is to give him roughly 2 cups of food per day, divided into three meals.
When your puppy reaches the age of a year, you can reduce the number of meals to two per day. The amount required varies from puppy to puppy.
German Shepherd Background Information
The German Shepherd Dog, also known as the Alsatian in some parts of Europe, is one of the top 10 most popular dog breeds in the United States, and probably the globe.
Corporal Lee Duncan, who rescued a small puppy from a bullet- and bomb-riddled breeding kennel in France during World War I, is responsible for a portion of their fame.
After the war, Duncan returned to Los Angeles with the puppy, trained him, and turned him into Rin Tin Tin, one of the most famous dogs in show business.
Rin Tin Tin went on to star in dozens more films and, at his peak, received 10,000 fan letters every week.
Aside from being a cinematic star, the German Shepherd has helped the blind, tracked down criminals, sniffed out illegal drugs, served in the military, visited the sick, and herded animals.
The dog has even been honored with the title of a national hero.
German Shepherds were the search and rescue canines crawling through the wreckage of the World Trade Center after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, looking for survivors and calming rescue personnel and families.
The German Shepherd is not for everyone, despite the fact that it epitomizes many of the best attributes of canines.
This is a high-energy dog who needs to be active and exercised frequently.
It was designed to herd flocks all day long.
If you don't supply it, they'll likely express their boredom and displeasure in ways you don't like, including barking and chewing.
The breed is also skeptical and distant, making it perfect for a watchdog but not for a family dog that would welcome visitors.
A German Shepherd, on the other hand, can learn to tolerate different people and situations if they are exposed to a range of activities and people from the time they are puppies.
Depending on whether the puppy is descended from American or German breeders, you'll receive a slightly different German Shepherd. In general, American breeders want to produce dog show champions, and they do it by breeding for the distinct German Shepherd appearance rather than the specific German Shepherd abilities.
Fans argue that American-bred German Shepherds are calmer than their German counterparts, while detractors claim that these dogs have lost some of their ability to perform typical German Shepherd tasks and are more prone to behavioral concerns like separation anxiety.
On the other hand, German breeders focus on both working abilities and the breed's classic beauty.
A German Shepherd must complete a series of tests to prove that he or she meets the breed's physical and mental criteria before being bred in Germany.
Compared to other breeds, German Shepherd Dogs are more lively and motivated.
FAQs: How Much SHOULD A German Shepherd Puppy Eat?
How much food should an 8 week old German Shepherd eat?
Weaning German Shepherd puppies off their mothers' milk and onto puppy chow should begin at the age of eight weeks. Give him food three times a day to get him on a feeding schedule, but don't keep it out after meal times. Don't be shocked if you give him up to 2 cups per day if he doesn't finish it completely.
How many times a day should a German Shepherd puppy eat?
Up until the age of four months, your puppy should be fed three or four times a day. Two larger meals at regular intervals will be enough beyond this age. Around the age of one year, when your dog has reached 80-90 percent of its estimated adult size, you should switch them to an adult dog diet.
How much should my 8 week old puppy eat?
Puppies should be fed three to four times per day, so if you're now feeding 34 cup of puppy chow twice a day, spread it out by feeding 12 cup three times a day.
What should I feed my 2 month old German Shepherd?
You can gradually reduce the moistening of your German Shepherd's dry food after two months. The dog will eventually become accustomed to eating purely dry food.
What Should I Feed My 3 month old German Shepherd?
Your dog should have fully transitioned to dry food meals by the age of three months. It is preferable to choose dry food designed for German Shepherds of that age. When arranging your dog's diet and meal intervals, keep their weight in mind.