How Much To Feed A Labrador Retriever Puppy? [Answered]

It's understandable, given their charming demeanor, playful nature, and strong desire to fetch.

However, just like any other family member, you must properly care for them, and you must know how much to feed a labrador retriever puppy, whether he or she is 4 weeks old, 8 weeks old, 10 weeks old, or 12 weeks old.

One of the most important influences on your dog's lifetime and growth is nutrition throughout puppyhood.

Although pet nutrition is critical at all stages of their lives, puppyhood is the most crucial.

If you feed too much, your adult Labrador will develop joint problems, and if you feed too little, puppies will not reach their genetic potential.

If you've recently acquired or are considering adopting a lab puppy, you'll want to be sure you're providing the best care possible.

Knowing how much to feed a lab puppy is part of this. Nutrition is vital for growing dogs since it increases their lifespan and quality of life.

How Much To Feed A Labrador Retriever Puppy?
How Much To Feed A Labrador Retriever Puppy?

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How Much Should A Labrador Retriever Puppy Eat?

Your puppy, like any new infant, is rapidly growing and will require a consistent supply of nutrition to survive.

It's time to switch to dog food once your puppy has weaned off of mom's milk.

Three meals every day are recommended, but depending on where they are in the Labrador growth chart cycle, they may require more or fewer.

Your puppy is likely to eat everything in sight, which could lead to excessive weight growth and future bone problems.

Labrador Retriever Puppy Feeding Chart

image 4
Cups per day according to Dog's Weight
Feeding Chart 1
Labrador Retriever Puppy Feeding Chart

  Here Are The Feeding Suggestions For A Labrador Retriever Puppy

• 0 to 30 days: Your puppy will rely on mom's milk, but if he isn't gaining weight, puppy milk formula can help.

• Introduce softened puppy food gradually over 4 to 6 weeks. Weaning the puppy is not recommended at this time.

• Between the ages of 8 and 12, the puppy should be entirely weaned and fed puppy chow three to four times per day. The puppy should be fed puppy chow two to three times a day.

• Between the ages of 12 weeks and 6 months, the puppy should be fed puppy chow two to three times a day, with meals divided into equal portions.

• 6 to 15 months: Continue with puppy food, feeding dog twice a day in equal portions.

How To Take Care Of Your Labrador Retriever?

Every responsible and caring owner wants their dog to be as healthy as possible.

Fortunately, caring for a Labrador Retriever is not as tough as caring for other breeds.

Labradors that have been properly bred are low-maintenance, fit, and healthy canines.

Your Labrador's continued health and well-being, on the other hand, are entirely dependent on you. 

The true key to maintaining a high level of well-being and good health is a nutritious diet, frequent exercise, grooming, preventive measures, and regular appointments to the veterinarian.

All of these activities are totally your duty and control.

What you should do is learn a little about how to care for your Labrador's health and hygiene, and establish daily, weekly, quarterly, and annual routines.

Diet control, exercise, and physical examinations will be part of the daily routine.

Grooming, ears, eyes, teeth, and nail care will be part of the weekly regimen.

Visits to the veterinarian, a canine dentist, and bathing might all be part of a quarterly regimen.

Vaccinations will also be part of the annual routine.

Just remember that prevention is always better than cure, so try your best to avoid illness and discover problems as early as possible.

All of the topics listed below require only a basic understanding to properly care for your Labrador.

If you are unable to spend this time and effort, you may be better suited to a pet with less demanding care requirements, such as a goldfish.

How Much To Feed A Labrador Retriever Puppy?

2 Weeks Old Labrador Retriever Puppy

Your Labrador puppy should still be with his mother at two weeks old, sipping her milk.

Puppies usually open their eyes around the age of two weeks, but they remain completely dependent on their moms.

If you have a lab litter of your own, keep an eye on the puppies' growth.

It's possible that more assertive puppies are consuming more than their fair share of milk, leaving others hungry and underweight.

If you notice a puppy or two who appear to be underweight, the first thing you should do is make sure the smaller puppies get milk first.

If not, a puppy formula can be used to make up the deficit.

3 Weeks Old Labrador Retriever Puppy

Your lab puppy's legs will learn to move in unison at the age of three weeks.

While he will continue to rely on his mother for milk, he will be able to stand and sit independently, necessitating a bit more milk as he burns more calories.

At this point, your puppy's milk teeth will be erupting.

While some breeders may offer a taste of puppy food at this period, it is preferable to wait.

The only exception is if his mother isn't producing enough milk or if he has a big appetite.

4 Weeks Old Labrador Retriever Puppy

Your four-week-old lab puppy will still be with his mother and receive her milk, but now is the time to start feeding him puppy food.

To avoid upsetting your puppy's stomach, gradually introduce puppy food.

To do so, combine 14 puppy food and 34 water in a mixing bowl.

To begin, only give the puppy a small amount to ensure that he is ready to accept it.

You can give your puppy this mixture multiple times a day, but never force a puppy to eat.

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Weaning is a time-consuming and laborious process that requires patience.

5 Weeks Old Labrador Retriever Puppy

When your lab puppy reaches the age of five weeks, he should have had his first taste of puppy food and be more inclined to eat it than he was a week before.

As the puppies become less reliant on their mother's milk, you should notice that the puppies' mother spends less and less time with them.

The puppies, however, will continue to breastfeed when they are able.

You'll observe that the mother no longer lays down to nurse the puppies; instead, she gets up and feeds them as quickly as she can.

6 Weeks Old Labrador Retriever Puppy

The puppy combination you've been producing should pique the curiosity of your 6-week-old lab puppy.

When the puppy is eating all of the puppy food that is supplied without causing any harm, gradually reduce the amount of water in the combination until it is 34% food and 14% water.

By this stage, the puppy will be more active and willing to move away from his mother.

Since he isn't as dependent on her presence, now is the ideal moment to begin weaning.

7 Weeks Old Labrador Retriever Puppy

Your lab puppy should be nearly weaned, if not totally weaned, by the age of seven weeks.

Puppies at this age will only nurse if their mother allows it, as they will no longer require it for survival.

They should be doing well on your watered-down meal mixture and should be on their way to being able to eat only puppy food.

It's vital to offer dry food that's high in nutritious protein to 7-week-old lab puppies since wet food may cause them to acquire weight too quickly.

You don't want a scrawny puppy, but high-fat diets should be avoided, especially with labs.

8 Weeks Old Labrador Retriever Puppy

Your lab puppy should be weaned and ready to be re-homed at the age of eight weeks.

Puppies still require three to four feedings per day.

The amount of food required by your puppy will vary depending on their age, but an 8-week-old lab puppy will require 2 cups of puppy food each day.

Never leave food out for pups to consume whenever they want because it will be difficult to track how much they have eaten and when.

You don't want to put them in danger by overfeeding them.

Your veterinarian should be able to advise you on what weight is optimum for your puppy.

9 Weeks Old Labrador Retriever Puppy

Normally, a 9-week-old lab puppy will have been with his new home for about a week.

It's possible that his food has been altered, or is being changed, from what the breeder was giving him to what you, as the owner, would like to feed him.

To avoid disrupting their digestive systems, and food modifications should be made gradually.

This week, your puppy will be more curious, so stick to a lab puppy feeding chart and a consistent amount of food to keep your puppy on track.

Cooked meats can also be fed to your dog, but only from a dish, never from the table.

10 Weeks Old Labrador Retriever Puppy

A 10-week-old lab puppy should be displaying signs of hunger by now.

Depending on the size of your puppy and his appetite, he may require 2 to 3 cups of puppy food every day.

At mealtimes, just leave the food out for 10 to 15 minutes before removing anything that hasn't been eaten.

This will assist the puppy is learning to consume what is supplied and establishing a good feeding plan for his tummy.

Make sure your puppy isn't eating too much, as this can put unnecessary strain on his developing bones.

11 Weeks Labrador Retriever Puppy

At 11 weeks, your lab puppy will have a voracious appetite.

Because this is your puppy's most rapid growth period, you can expect him to eat more food and appear always hungry.

If he doesn't seem satisfied, increase the amount of food slightly, but stick to your feeding schedule so he doesn't ask for food outside the window.

Your puppy should eat three to four meals per day, with each meal containing equal portions.

Throughout the day, your puppy will most likely require around 3 cups of food.

Now that he's taller, your puppy's waist should be defined and trim.

12 Weeks Old Labrador Retriever Puppy

You should be able to lower your puppy's diet to 2 cups per day by the time he or she is 12 weeks old.

It's still best to feed your 12-week-old lab puppy three meals each day, which can be difficult if you're at work all day, but this is also a critical developing stage for your puppy.

Sticking to three meals a day will support your baby's digestive development and ensure that he or she receives the proper nutrition.

His weight should be controlled right now, especially since Labradors, in general, enjoy eating as much as they can get their hands on.

13 Weeks Old Labrador Retriever Puppy

A 13-week-old lab puppy will keep you occupied.

While he may appear to be hungry, keep in mind that labs, as a breed, frequently show signs of hunger when they are not.

You want to maintain your lab on a healthy, low-fat diet to avoid gaining weight.

Also keep in mind that your lab will be more curious than ever, which could lead to him eating things that aren't food.

Keep your floors clean and pay attention to what your pet picks up outside because this might be really dangerous for him.

14 Weeks Old Labrador Retriever Puppy

By this age, your 14-week-old lab puppy should be potty trained.

He may still require reminders to go out, but he should have decent bladder control.

He will have lost his milk teeth and will be getting his adult teeth at this time.

Your puppy will be biting the most during the teething stage, so make sure he's chewing the proper things by offering him chew toys and hard dog food.

The dry food will aid in the relief of the biting feeling, which will be his top focus.

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How Many Calories Does A Labrador Retriever Puppy Need?

How Many Calories Does A Labrador Retriever Puppy Need?
How Many Calories Does A Labrador Retriever Puppy Need?

The more often your Labrador needs to eat, the smaller and younger they are.

They must have three to four meals every day.

If puppies spend longer without feeding, their blood sugar levels may plummet, resulting in hypoglycemia, a severe illness.

As your puppy gets heavier and older, the number of calories he or she requires fluctuates.

Your puppy's daily calorie needs is calculated based on their current body weight.

As a result, it's critical to weigh your puppy on a regular basis so that you can modify their food portions correctly.

To figure out how much food your dog requires, increase their RER (Resting Energy Requirement) by two.

RER is calculated as 70(weight in kgs)3/4.

For example, if your Labrador weighs 10 kilograms, his RER is 70(10)3/4, or 400.

As a result, they should consume 800 calories per day.

What Human Foods Can A Labrador Retriever Puppy Eat?

Labradors may eat a variety of human meals that supply all of the nutrients they require to grow strong and healthy.

Among these foods are:

  • Meat — Because puppies are carnivores by nature, they can consume meat, which is a terrific source of healthful protein.
  • Mackerel, sardines, and anchovies are examples of small fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Organ meats such liver, lungs, heart, kidneys, pancreas, and spleen are nutritious additions to your puppy's diet.
  • Eggs, green vegetables, berries, fermented foods, and bone broth are some of the other things to consider.

What Human Foods Are Dangerous For A Labrador Retriever Puppy?

Some human meals are hazardous, some are deadly, and some can harm your Labrador's health.

The following foods should not be fed to your puppy:

  • Chocolate includes theobromine, a chemical that is harmful to dogs.
  • Candy and ice cream, for example, are high in sugar and can lead to heart disease, obesity, joint discomfort, dementia, and diabetes.
  • Parasites found in raw wild boar and raw salmon can be lethal.
  • In your puppy, macadamia nuts can cause vomiting, overheating, and tremors.
  • Kidney failure can be caused by grapes, wine, and raisins.
  • Alcohol, coffee, tea, and foods containing xylitol, such as sodas, toothpaste, and candies, are among the others.

Labrador Retriever Puppies’ Best Dog Food

Labrador Retriever Puppies’ Best Dog Food
Labrador Retriever Puppies’ Best Dog Food

1. Puppy Royal Canin Labrador Retriever

Overall Best Dog Food For Lab Puppies (Editor's Pick)

The Royal Canin puppy food is our pick for the best all-around puppy food for Labradors.

This meal is specifically formulated for the Labrador Retriever breed, taking into mind common future difficulties as well as the proper nutrients for a lab.

It also contains nourishment for the development of healthy skin and coat.

This meal can be fed to puppies as early as 8 weeks old and up to 15 months old.


• Breed-specific information

• Promotes joint health

• Helps to keep your skin and coat in good shape.

• Suitable for puppies up to the age of 15 months

• Assists in maintaining a healthy weight


• We were unable to locate any!

Chewy is a great place to buy.

2. Large Breed Puppy Hills Science Diet


The Hills Science Diet food for large breeds is our runner-up for the finest puppy food for labs.

The food's formula is designed exclusively for a large breed puppy's needs.

This food contains both glucosamine and chondroitin, which are vital for large breeds' joint development.


• Designed specifically for large-breed puppies

• Made with premium ingredients

• Exciting flavor that will delight your puppy

• Vitamin-rich, which is beneficial to growth

• Calcium is important for bone growth.


• It has a lot of grain in it.

Chewy is a great place to buy.

3. Purina Pro Plan Puppy Large Breed


Given how much food pups consume, you may require budget-friendly food.

We recommend the Purina Pro formula for this.

This meal is produced with substantial levels of high-quality protein, such as salmon, chicken, and lamb, and is designed specifically for giant breed puppies.

The diet is also legume-free, which helps to avoid bloating and digestive problems.

It's designed with weight control in mind, so it'll help your pup get off to a good start.


• Glucosamine from natural sources

• DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) from fish oil for brain development

• Designed for puppies of huge breeds

• Protein of superior grade

• Controlling your weight


• This product is not intended for use on the skin.

4. Purina ONE SmartBlend Large Breed Puppy Formula

Purina One SmartBlend puppy formula for large breeds is another excellent alternative for Labrador puppies.

This means it contains natural sources of glucosamine, which is necessary for Labrador Retriever puppies' joint development.

It also has a high protein content, which is crucial for brain, heart, and muscle development, ensuring that your puppy gets off to a strong start.

It's also meant to be simple to eat and digest.


• Designed for large breed dogs

• Beneficial to brain development

• It's simple to digest

• Glucosamine from natural sources

• A high-protein diet is beneficial to the growth of the heart.


• Rice and maize are used in this dish.

5. Puppy Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula

The Blue Buffalo Life Protection puppy food is the last puppy food for labs that we'll look at.

While this isn't specifically for large breeds, it does include DHA and ARA, which are important nutrients for all growing puppies.

DHA and ARA are both crucial for brain development and can be found in mother's milk.

This dish is also free of fillers, making it a nutritious option.


• For brain health, it contains DHA and ARA.

• Antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals are included in the formula.

• No by-products from chicken

• There are no fillers, corn, wheat, or preservatives in this product.

• Provides nourishment to support joint health.


• Doesn't discriminate based on breed or size

Switching From Labrador Retriever Puppy Food To Adult Food

By measuring your puppy's height, you'll be able to tell if he's ready to transition to adult food.

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If he has stopped growing upward, it's probably time to go from puppy to adult diet.

This occurs in labs around the age of 12 months.

To avoid stomach distress, gently mix in the new food with the old over the course of many days while switching foods.

What If My Labrador Retriever Puppy Won’t Eat?

Puppies require more frequent feeding than older dogs.

They are rapidly growing, burning a lot of calories, and require energy.

If your puppy has abruptly stopped eating and you haven't altered the diet, you should contact your veterinarian after a day.

Their appetites will fluctuate as they develop, but they should never stop eating completely.

If your lab puppy refuses to eat at all, you should take him to the veterinarian.

What Nutrients Does A Labrador Retriever Puppy Need?

Your lab puppy requires a high-quality, well-balanced meal full of vitamins and minerals.

Fatty acids should be present in your lab's food to help preserve his coat and decrease shedding.

Antioxidant- and protein-rich diets are optimal and will deliver long-term advantages.

The lower the grain content, the better. Keep an eye on the quality of food you're providing him because labs have a tendency to binge and eat just about anything they can get their hands on.

Make sure the first component on the list is a type of protein.

Should You Feed A Labrador Retriever Puppy Supplements?

Because of the components, you should feed your lab puppy food rather than adult dog food.

Because puppy food is designed for developing dogs, it contains more nutrients and calories than adult food.

As a result, you won't need to supplement your puppy's diet.

You can be giving your dog too many vitamins and minerals because puppy food is generally enhanced.

Calcium in excess will do more harm than good. If you wish to supplement your lab's diet with glucosamine to prevent joint problems, talk to your veterinarian about when it's suitable.

How Much Water Should A Labrador Retriever Puppy Drink?

How Much Water Should A Labrador Retriever Puppy Drink?
How Much Water Should A Labrador Retriever Puppy Drink?

Once a puppy has been weaned from his mother's milk, he will require a regular supply of water to make up for the loss of hydration.

Every two hours, younger puppies consume around half a cup of water.

An ounce of water per pound of bodyweight is consumed by older puppies.

You'll want to remove the water dish at night when you're housetraining your puppy.

Keep the time when it's removed consistent, and make sure it's 2 to 3 hours before bedtime so he may go out again before going to bed.

How Much Exercise Does A Labrador Retriever Puppy Need A Day?

Your lab puppy's exercise requirements will vary depending on his age.

A three-month-old puppy, for example, requires roughly 15 minutes of total exercise per day.

You can figure it up by multiplying his age by 5 minutes of activity per month.

A six-month-old puppy would require roughly 30 minutes of daily activity.

You don't need to exercise puppies much because they naturally expend a lot of energy.

Taking pups under the age of three months for walks is not suggested because it exhausts them and is needless.

Creating A Consistent Feeding Schedule for Labrador Retriever

Although you can feed an adult dog once a day (twice is ideal), your puppy needs more regular feeding.

The feeding instructions on a good puppy chow will address this, but in a nutshell:

  • Four times a day until your puppy reaches the age of three months.
  • From the age of three to six months, three times a day is recommended.
  • From the age of six months, you should eat twice a day.

Labrador Retriever Background Information

Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is the most popular dog breed in the United States.

Labrador retrievers are joyful, social, and high-spirited friends who will provide plenty of affection to a family looking for a medium-to-large dog.

The Labrador Retriever is a strong, well-balanced dog that stands between 21.5 and 24.5 inches tall at the shoulder and weighs 55 to 80 pounds depending on the sex.

The dense, rigid coat comes in a variety of colors, including yellow, black, and decadent chocolate.

The large head, kind eyes, and strong, tapering ‘otter tail' seem to be constantly indicating the breed's intrinsic desire.

Labs are well-known for their friendliness.

They are gregarious housemates who bond with the entire family and get along well with both canines and humans in the area. But don't mistake his laid-back demeanor for a lack of vigor:

The Lab is a dedicated athlete who needs plenty of exercises, such as swimming and marathon fetch games, to stay physically and mentally fit.

 Frequently Asked Question Labrador Retriever

How much and how often should I feed my lab puppy?

What exactly is this? Feed ‘big breed' puppies four times a day if they are under three months old, three times a day if they are three to six months old, and twice a day if they are six months or older.

How many cups should a Lab puppy eat?

Puppy should consume two to three cups of food per day. 12 weeks to 6 months: Your puppy should eat puppy food 2 to 3 times a day, divided into equal portions. 6 to 15 months: Continue with puppy food, feeding puppy twice a day in equal portions.

How much should a Labrador retriever eat a day?

205–230 grams per day for a 40–45 pound Lab. 240–265 grams per day for a 50–55 pound Lab. 270–300 grams per day for a 60–65 pound Lab. Feed: 300–335 grams per day for a 70–75 pound Lab.

When should I switch my Lab puppy to two meals a day?

When puppies are between the ages of six and twelve months, they can switch to two meals per day and should do so for the rest of their lives. While most dogs thrive on a two-meal-per-day diet, adding a third meal can also be beneficial.

Why are labs always hungry?

According to a new study, Labrador retrievers are more likely than other breeds to beg for rewards and be food preoccupied in general. This is due to a unique gene mutation that distinguishes them from the rest. It's the first of its kind to show a link between canine obesity and the study.

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