How Much To Feed An English Setter Puppy? [Answered]

How Much To Feed An English Setter Puppy? The Setter breed has long been one of the most likable of the 340 recognized dog breeds from across the world.

The English Setter, on the other hand, is the most popular and adored of the Setter family.

These beautiful and unusual dogs were bred as hunting and working dogs in England in the 1800s.

So, what is the ideal diet for English Setters in terms of optimum nutrition?

Continue reading to learn more about it, as well as why you should be concerned about what your dog eats and how it may effect their health and behavior.

How Much To Feed An English Setter Puppy?
How Much To Feed An English Setter Puppy?

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How Much Should A English Setter Puppy Eat?

During the first six months, puppies require a lot of food. Because English Setters are such an energetic breed, this is especially true.

It's preferable to divide his daily caloric intake into three to four meals.

When your dog reaches 10 pounds and is weaned off of his mother's milk, his daily calorie intake should be around 280 kcal divided into three or four meals.

When the puppy reaches 20 pounds, it should be eating roughly 470 calories per day, divided into 3-4 meals.

At 30 pounds, it should consume roughly 640 calories per day, divided into three or four meals.

The puppy should be close to adult weight at 40 pounds.

However, the daily caloric intake should be around 790 kcal, which is less than the caloric requirement of a fully developed English Setter.

You can reduce the amount of meals the English Setter consumes every day once he has reached full growth.

People normally eat two meals each day, but you can feed him one large meal if it is more convenient for both you and him.

Make sure you're giving your full-grown English Setter the right amount of calories per day by consulting the calorie section above.

How Much To Feed An English Setter Puppy?

English Setter Puppy Feeding Chart

image 4
Cups per day according to Dog's Weight
Feeding Chart 4
English Setter Puppy Feeding Chart

  Here Are The Feeding Suggestions For A English Setter Puppy

  • Between the ages of eight and twelve weeks, English Setter pups require four bowls of food every day.
  • Three meals should be given to English Setter puppies aged three to six months.
  • Puppies should be fed twice a day between the ages of six months and one year.
  • When your English setter reaches the age of one, one feeding per day is plenty.
  • However, some english setters prefer two lighter meals. It is your responsibility to adjust your eating habits to those of your English setter.

Full-grown english setters should eat a balanced diet of high-quality dry dog food, which can be blended with canned food, broth, or water.

Cottage cheese, boiled eggs, fruits, and vegetables are all good for your English setter, but they shouldn't account for more than 10% of his daily allotment.

Puppies of English Setters should be fed a high-quality, brand-name puppy food.

However, you should limit “people food” because it can cause mineral and vitamin imbalances, bone and tooth problems, as well as obsessive eating habits and obesity.

Only give clean, potable water, and be sure to clean the water and food dishes on a daily basis.

How To Take Care Of Your English Setter?

Much of what you can do to keep your dog happy and healthy is plain sense, just as it is for keeping people happy and healthy.

Monitor her nutrition, ensure she gets plenty of exercise, brush her teeth and coat on a regular basis, and contact us or a local pet emergency facility if anything appears to be wrong with her.

Make sure to adhere to the examination and vaccination strategy that we have recommended for her.

This includes the necessary “check-ups” and tests for diseases and disorders that are prevalent in English Setters at the time of your appointment.

Pet health insurance is just another important step in providing for your companion animal's medical needs.

Medical tests and operations will almost certainly be required at some point throughout her life, and pet health insurance will assist you in covering the price of these procedures.

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How Much To Feed A English Setter Puppy?

During the first six months, puppies require a lot of food.

Because English Setters are such an energetic breed, this is especially true.

It's preferable to divide his daily caloric intake into three to four meals.

When your dog reaches 10 pounds and is weaned off of his mother's milk, his daily calorie intake should be around 280 kcal divided into three or four meals.

When the puppy reaches 20 pounds, it should be eating roughly 470 calories per day, divided into 3-4 meals.

At 30 pounds, it should consume roughly 640 calories per day, divided into three or four meals.

The puppy should be close to adult weight at 40 pounds.

However, the daily caloric intake should be around 790 kcal, which is less than the caloric requirement of a fully developed English Setter.

You can reduce the amount of meals the English Setter consumes every day once he has reached full growth.

People normally eat two meals each day, but you can feed him one large meal if it is more convenient for both you and him.

Make sure you're giving your full-grown English Setter the right amount of calories per day by consulting the calorie section above.

Dietary Guidelines and Nutrients for English Setter

Because this dog is so active and so large, it requires a specific type of nutrition to stay energized and healthy.

For starters, the dog's food must include a significant amount of protein.

This helps the dog develop strong muscles, joints, and other structures that will aid in the treatment of hip dysplasia (more on that later).

Also, because the English Setter is so active during the day, it need a lot of carbs to provide it with energy and something to burn.

It's also a good idea to stick as near to the original, natural diet as possible for this breed.

The English Setter evolved in parts of Europe where wheat, rice, poultry, and other crops were grown.

We recommend a good base of poultry in the dinner; lamb is also a terrific option.

We also recommend brown rice and a broad variety of vegetables.

It's recommended to avoid wheat and maize, as they're mainly just filler and don't provide much nutritious benefit to your dog.

In addition, the English Setter needs a lot of anachidonic acid.

However, if the dog is provided a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, the acid will be produced naturally.

But how can you tell if your dog is getting enough acid?

The English setter has a beautiful coat, and the glossier it is, the closer it gets to having the ideal amount of anachidonic acid.

Safflower oil is a good source of this acid, but beef fat and soy oils are terrible sources.

How Many Calories Does A English Setter Puppy Need?

How Many Calories Does A English Setter Puppy Need?
How Many Calories Does A English Setter Puppy Need?

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English Setters don't require a unique feeding schedule, but you should keep them on a schedule and only let them eat when it's time to eat.

Leaving food out for any dog all day will almost certainly result in weight gain, which is something English Setters are prone to.

English Setters, on average, require more calories than other dogs.

This is due to the fact that they are an energetic, high-energy breed.

The majority of male English setters weigh 65-80 pounds, whereas the majority of female English setters weigh 45-75 pounds.

So, for a 60-65 pound English Setter, the required daily calories are roughly 1300 Kcal/cup, decreasing to 1100 Kcal/cup for a senior dog.

For energetic or working English Setters, a greater calorie intake of 2000 Kcal/cup is recommended.

Keep in mind that these are only guidelines.

Every dog is unique.

You should consider your dog's age, activity level, metabolism, and current health status when calculating their calorie intake.

Giving your dog 30 calories per pound of weight is a good rule of thumb (for an adult dog).

What Human Foods Are Dangerous For A English Setter Puppy?

  • Beer, wine, or liquor are all examples of alcoholic beverages.
  • Caffeine-containing foods, such as chocolate
  • Raisins and grapes
  • Any form of spoiled or moldy food
  • Garlic, onions, and chives
  • Bones from poultry
  • Seasonings with salty foods
  • Tomato leaves, stems, and unripe fruit are all edible.
  • Dough

How Much Do English Setter Puppies Grow Each Week? 

The English Setter female's weight at 3 months should be between 7.3 and 9.7 kg, depending on its size.

The average weight of an English Setter female at 6 months is 13.4 kg for the smallest individuals and 18 kg for the largest individuals.

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At the age of one year, how much must an English Setter Female weigh? Enter the weights of 17.5 and 24.2 kg.

At 16 months, the English Setter female will be fully grown.

The English Setter male's weight at 3 months should be between 9 and 11.4 kg, depending on its size.

The average weight of an English Setter male at 6 months is 16.7 kg for the smallest individuals and 21.2 kg for the greatest individuals.

How much must a one-year-old English Setter male weigh? Weight ranges from 22.3 to 29 kg.

At 16 months, the English Setter male's growth will come to an end.



What If My English Setter Puppy Won’t Eat?

There are a multitude of reasons why dogs refuse to eat, just as there are in people.

These are some of them:


Generally speaking, loss of appetite in dogs indicates an underlying medical condition, particularly if your dog is also exhibiting other symptoms at the same time.

Although a loss of appetite in dogs is not always indicative of a serious illness, it is critical to seek veterinary assistance as soon as possible because it could be an indication of a serious illness such as cancer, numerous systemic infections, discomfort, liver difficulties, or kidney failure, among other things.

Dental disease is a prevalent sickness that affects many people.

Because everything that goes into your dog's mouth will damage him or her, he or she may refuse to consume it.

Examine them for signs of oral cancer, such as broken or loose teeth, severe gingivitis, or even a tumor in the mouth.

It was only recently that a vaccination was given out.

For a number of serious and contagious canine diseases, vaccines are available on the market.

Despite the fact that these injections have saved the lives of millions of pets over the course of a century, they can cause negative effects in some cases.

The majority of them are moderate and ephemeral in nature, such as a dog's temporary loss of appetite, for example.

Unfamiliar surroundings and mode of transportation

If your dog's appetite was good until you took them on a trip or moved them to a new location, it's conceivable that they will not eat as a result of the travel or the unfamiliar surroundings.

Several animals, including cats and dogs, can suffer from motion sickness, while others may get afraid or uneasy when placed in unfamiliar situations.

Pickiness or problems in controlling one's actions.

Some dogs are simply picky eaters, while others may refuse to eat because they are being fed in an unpleasant situation, such as in the presence of an aggressive dog or from a bowl that is at an inconvenient height for them.

In light of the possibility that a decrease in appetite in dogs is caused by illness, you should never assume your dog is fussy without first ruling out all other possibilities.


What Nutrients Does An English Setter Puppy Need? 

What Nutrients Does An English Setter Puppy Need? 
What Nutrients Does An English Setter Puppy Need? 

Understanding substances and how they react will greatly assist you in understanding your English setter's diet.

Protein and fat are essential, as previously stated, but how much of each is required?

Protein comes from whole chicken, lamb, fish, or beef.

Meat meals as the first element in the best dog foods for English setters is permitted.

There are two types of protein: one that comes from meat and the other from vegetables and lentils.

Meat protein is digested better by dogs than plant protein, therefore always compare the amounts of both protein sources and decide for yourself which one to choose.

Fat is another important component of your dog's diet, in addition to protein.

Chicken fat is the greatest type of fat for keeping the coat shining and preventing it from drying out.

Fish oil is the next best source of fat.

You not only receive a healthy dog, but also a lustrous and healthy coat and skin, thanks to the omega-3 fatty acid content.

Furthermore, DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, aids in the development of English Setter puppies' vision as well as their brain.

Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) make senior dogs feel younger and more active. If you don't want to eat any other grains, opt for barley or oats.

Grain-free is another low-glycemic choice; sweet potatoes are an excellent substitute.

A decent combination of moderate to low carb percentages will help to balance the diet with high protein.


Is It Necessary for an English Setter Puppy to Drink a Lot of Water?

Adult dogs require one ounce of water per pound of body weight per day on average, according to the ASPCA.

Despite their small stature, growing pups consume more calories than their adult counterparts do at the same age.

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However, a great deal is dependent on the age, size, and level of movement of your puppy.

All of the hydration required by young puppies is provided by their mother's breast milk.

As they are weaned from their mother and begin to eat solid food, they will require a constant supply of water.

Approximately a half cup of water every two hours is required by puppies on average.

Make sure your puppy is receiving enough water, but not too much, by keeping an eye on him.

The water need for older puppies that have been weaned ranges from a half ounce to one ounce per pound of body weight each day.

Depending on his weight, a 20-pound dog will require between 10 and 20 ounces of water each day, on average.

On days when he is really active, he may require even more water.


When it comes to exercise, how much does an English Setter puppy require every day?

To stay in shape, stimulate their wits, and maintain good health, English Setters must engage in some regular physical activity.

Exercise also aids in the fight against boredom, which can lead to harmful conduct in english setters.

Many of your english setter's innate needs to dig, retrieve, pursue, chew, and herd will be satisfied by going outside.

Exercise requirements will vary depending on your english setter's age and health, but a few of daily walks around the block and ten minutes in the backyard are unlikely to suffice.

If your English setter is a 6- to 18-month-old adolescent, his needs will most likely be substantially higher.

English Setter Background Information

English Setter
English Setter Spaniel

The English Setter is a medium-sized sporting dog with a pleasant disposition and stunning appearance.

It is one of the four British setters recognized by the AKC, and was developed to work in the diverse terrains of England, Ireland, and Scotland.

English Setters are beautiful and charming dogs who are elegant but strong.

The word ‘belton,' which is peculiar to the breed, characterizes the speckled coat patterns in colors that seem edible: liver, lemon, and orange, to name a few.

A well-balanced hunter stands about 25 inches tall at the shoulder beneath the flashy coat.

The large, oval-shaped head is boldly carried by an elegant neck, and the dark brown eyes have a soft look.

The joyful English Setter is considered as the gentleman of the dog world, but when it comes to playtime, he is a bit of a rascal.

English Setters get along nicely with both people and other dogs.

‘As a breed to share one's life and living space with, no other breed provides me more pleasure than the English Setter,' says a senior all-breed dog handler.

Frequently Asked Question on English Setter

What should I feed my English Setter puppy?

Protein comes from whole chicken, lamb, fish, or beef. Meat meals as the first element in the best dog foods for English setters is permitted. There are two types of protein: one that comes from meat and the other from vegetables and lentils.

How much should I feed my English Setter puppy?

The English Setter has a tendency to gain weight, which must be taken into account when feeding this dog. They should be fed 2 to 3 cups of dry food twice or three times every day. If you're unsure about how much or how often to feed your dog, consult your veterinarian.

What puppy dog food do vets recommend?

Purina Pro Plan Focus Puppy Large-Breed Formula Dry Dog Food Purina Pro Plan Focus Puppy Large-Breed Formula Dry Dog Food Purina Pro Plan Focus Puppy Large
Hill's Science Diet Puppy Large Breed Dry Dog Food, Hill's Science Diet Puppy Large Breed Dry Dog Food, Hill's Science Diet Pu
Small Puppy Dry Dog Food by Royal Canin.
Mini Puppy Dry Dog Food Farmina N&D Ancestral Grain Chicken & Pomegranate Recipe Farmina N&D Ancestral Grain Chicken & Pomegranate Recipe Farmina N&D Ancestral Grain Chicken & Po
Small Puppy Wet Dog Food by Royal Canin.
Dry Dog Food Puppy Chow Complete With Chicken & Rice

Are English setters good first time dogs?

All of these characteristics make him an excellent choice for a first-time dog owner who enjoys the breed's beauty and sweetness while also being able to provide him with the necessary activity. While the English Setter is normally gentle and sensitive, he can be stubborn at times.

What is the best setter dog?

Consider a setter breed if you're looking for an active canine companion, a skilled hunting dog, or a devoted family pet. The Irish setter, Gordon setter, English setter, and Irish red and white setter are four exceptional dogs who excel both in the field and at home.

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