Italian Greyhound Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

Have you recently acquired an Italian Greyhound puppy? And are you curious as to when your Italian Greyhound will stop growing and how large he will become? Or are you curious as to whether your Italian Greyhound is the proper weight for its age?

We will address all pertinent questions about Italian Greyhound growth chart in this article.

Italian Greyhound Growth Chart
Italian Greyhound Growth Chart

If you do not already own an Italian Greyhound, make certain you get one from an ethical breeder or work with a reputable rescue. Check out our buying guide and price guide for Italian Greyhounds here.

It is critical for you, as a responsible Italian Greyhound owner, to determine whether your Italian Greyhound is growing normally and is not overweight or underweight.

Information on Italian Greyhound
Information on Italian Greyhound

When Do Italian Greyhounds Stop Growing?

Greyhounds reach physical maturity in about 13 months. The majority of them are completely grown by 13 to 14 months, although larger Greyhounds often require around 18 months to fill out their chests.

You can anticipate that your Greyhound will grow significantly faster than other dogs throughout his early months.

Many other breeds have staggered growth rates, meaning that their growth is more evenly distributed, however, greyhounds undergo rapid growth when they are young, which tends to slow as they age.

At the age of three years, your Greyhound should be both physically and psychologically mature, as even though they are completely formed physically, they may still have lingering immature mentalities.

This is not to say kids will cease to be playful as adults; rather, they will engage in less mischief.

Italian Greyhound Growth Pictures

Italian greyhound puppies
Italian greyhound puppies
Italian greyhound
Italian greyhound

What is the Standard Italian Greyhound Size

The Italian greyhound is a true little greyhound, exuding exquisite beauty and grace. At the withers, the dog stands between 13 and 15 inches tall and weighs between 7 and 14 pounds.

Italian Greyhound Weight Chart

Here is the weight chart of an Italian Greyhound:

AgeAverage WeightTypical Weight Range
15 Weeks5 LBS4 LBS – 6 LBS
20 Weeks6 LBS5 LBS – 7 LBS
25 Weeks7 LBS6 LBS – 9 LBS
30 Weeks8 LBS7 LBS – 9 LBS
35 Weeks8 LBS7 LBS – 10 LBS
40 Weeks9 LBS7 LBS – 10 LBS
45 Weeks9 LBS7 LBS – 10 LBS
60 Weeks9 LBS7 LBS – 11 LBS
Italian Greyhound Weight Chart

Italian Greyhound Growth Chart – What To Expect
Italian Greyhound Weight Chart by Age

Italian Greyhound Weight 3-12 weeks

A 12-week-old female Italian Greyhound weighs on average 4.2 lbs (1.9 kg).

A 12-week-old female Italian Greyhound typically weighs between 3.5 and 4.9 pounds (1.6 kg to 2.2 kg).

A 12-week-old male Italian Greyhound weighs on average 4.2 lbs (1.9 kg). A 12-week-old male Italian Greyhound typically weighs between 3.5 and 4.9 pounds (1.6 kg to 2.2 kg).

However, according to a recent study on canine weight, 12-week-old female Italian Greyhounds can often weigh between 1.3 lbs (0.6 kg) and 6.5 lbs (3.0 kg)

In general, 12-week-old male Italian Greyhounds weigh between 1.4 lbs (0.6 kg) and 6.9 lbs (3.1 kg)

Italian Greyhound Weight 4-6months

The average weight of a female Italian Greyhound four months old is 5.7 lbs (2.6 kg).

A 4-month-old female Italian Greyhound typically weighs between 4.8 and 6.5 pounds (2.2 kg to 3.0 kg).

A 4-month-old male Italian Greyhound weighs on average 5.7 pounds (2.6 kg). A 4-month-old male Italian Greyhound typically weighs between 4.8 and 6.5 pounds (2.2 kg to 3.0 kg).

See also  Tibetan Mastiff Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

However, according to a recent study on dog weight, 4-month-old female Italian Greyhounds can often weigh between 1.5 lbs (0.7 kg) and 8.0 lbs (3.6 kg)

Male Italian Greyhounds four months of age can weigh as little as 1.7 lbs (0.8 kg) and as much as 8.8 lbs (4.0 kg)

Italian Greyhound Weight  7-9 months

You should anticipate that your greyhound puppy will grow significantly larger and develop a greater ability to manage his muscular functions. As he explores his environment, he will become quicker and stronger.

When he is approximately six months old, he should weigh between 42 and 58 lb for males and 41 to 52 lb for females. They should both be approximately 20 inches tall.

Italian Greyhound Weight  10-12 months

Your Italian Greyhound will grow at a breakneck pace throughout the first 35 weeks of its life. Your Italian Greyhound will have reached 95% of its adult weight at 35 weeks. After that, your Italian Greyhound will gradually stop gaining weight. Your Italian Greyhound should reach its maximum weight at around 46 weeks (11 months). Italian Greyhounds reach their maximum size at 46 weeks (11 months).

What is the Full Grown Italian Greyhound Weight?

Italian Greyhounds reach a shoulder height of 13 to 15 inches. Weights vary between 6 and 10 pounds, with some reaching 14 or 15 pounds.

Italian Greyhound Height Chart 

At the shoulder, the adult Italian Greyhound stands between 13 and 15 inches tall. This is the Italian Greyhound's average adult height.

How To Weigh Your Italian Greyhound Puppy?

If you want to maintain track of your Italian Greyhound's weight, you must first learn how to weigh him properly.

To begin, you should be able to weigh your Italian Greyhound at home if he is a puppy or if you are just large enough to hold him. This can be accomplished with a standard bathroom scale.

To begin, weigh yourself and record the result. Then, while standing on the scale, pick up your dog and hold him. The difference in weights represents your dog's weight.

If your dog is too huge to carry, you can either invest in a dog scale, which can cost upwards of $100, or contact your veterinarian. The majority of veterinarian offices will enable you to use their scale.

Unless there is a health problem, you can weigh an adult Italian Greyhound once every six months. Once a week is sufficient for a puppy to ensure he is growing normally.

What Is An Italian Greyhound’s Neck Size?

To determine the neck size of your dog, use a soft and flexible tape measure to determine the neck size of your dog where her collar naturally falls. Then, put two fingers between your dog's neck and the tape measure to ensure that the dog collar fits snugly but comfortably. Italian Greyhound's average neck circumference is between 8 and 11 inches.

How Big Do Italian Greyhounds Get?

How big do they get?
How big do they get?

There are a few techniques to determine your Greyhound's eventual size. To begin, you should understand that if your Greyhound is younger than 12 months old, he will undoubtedly require additional physical maturity.

After the age of 14 months, you can anticipate that growth will cease; however, some Greyhounds will continue to grow until the age of 18 months.

You can obtain an accurate estimate by discussing your dog's parents as well as the small size with your breeder. This information can help you determine his eventual size.

Many people also consider a dog's paws to be an indicator of the amount of growth that remains. When your dog's paws are slightly larger than the rest of his body, he is still growing.

A DNA test is also beneficial because it can trace your Greyhound's lineage, letting you know if he has any other breeds in his ancestry that may alter his size.

See also  Belgian Malinois Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

Factors That Affect Italian Greyhound Puppy Growth 


Genetics ultimately plays a significant influence in your greyhounds' growth, as the size of a dog's parents has an effect on its current and future size. Additionally, genetics dictates coat and eye color.

Additionally, gender is significant, as male greyhounds are slightly larger than female greyhounds. This is true throughout their childhood and adolescence.

Diet & Nutrition

Adequate nutrition is critical, much more so during your Greyhound's formative years. They must be adequately fed in order to reach adulthood in good health.

At a minimum, feed your Greyhound 2.5 to 4 cups of high-quality dry dog food. This portion should be divided into two meals, however, females may subsist on slightly less due to their smaller size.

When feeding, always keep in consideration your dog's age, metabolism, build, and level of exercise.

Physical Activity & Health

The Greyhound is often referred to as the cheetah of dogs. While they may like resting on hot days, they also enjoy a good deal of exercise.

They take great pleasure in demonstrating their extraordinary speed and vivacious zeal. They make excellent hunters, so do not deny them exercise on a regular basis.

Exercise will help to build their bones and muscles while also improving their mood. They will thrive in large fenced yards with plenty of room to run.

Is the growth of your Italian Greyhound normal? This is How to Inform

Predictors of puppy development, growth charts, and growth calculators are all approximate ways for calculating typical canine growth. These tools, however, have a limited capacity. This is because each dog is unique, and the growth of an individual dog may differ from the growth of the entire dog population.

As a result, a more accurate and scientific method of tracking a dog's growth is to weigh it weekly and record the weight. Carrying out this procedure with your Italian Greyhound will provide you with a more accurate image of his or her growth.

You can use our free tool to monitor the growth and weight of your Italian Greyhound over time.

Tracking your Italian Greyhound's weight allows you to observe his or her individual growth curve. This growth trajectory can be used to properly predict the size of your Italian Greyhound. Additionally, the growth trajectory will indicate very early on if your Italian Greyhound will become overweight or underweight.

Obesity is a primary cause of death in dogs. And pets are gaining weight at an alarming rate these days as their owners lavish them with treats and food. Recognizing and addressing early excess weight gain in your dog (via diet adjustments and exercise) can dramatically extend your dog's life.

The images below illustrate both normal and atypical growth trends in Italian Greyhounds. You can compare your Italian Greyhound's growth trajectory to these to determine if he is growing normally.

Common Questions about Italian Greyhound

At What Age Is A Italian Greyhound Fully Grown?

The fundamental issue with Italian Greyhounds is their teenage leg bones extreme fragility. Once the dog reaches full maturity, approximately 12 – 18 months, the bone becomes strong enough to endure daily pressures.

How Long Are Italian Greyhounds Pregnant?

After a 50-60 day gestation period, females give birth to four to five puppies. The puppy is relatively little in stature and really adorable when just born. They are born blind but gain sight after about two weeks.

How Many Puppies Do Italian Greyhounds Have?

Italian greyhounds reproduce sexually; when females begin their heat cycle, males similarly prepare for breeding. After a 50-60 day gestation period, females give birth to four to five puppies. The puppy is relatively little in stature and really adorable when just born.

What Is The Life Expectancy Of Italian Greyhounds?

The Italian Greyhound, which lives an average of 12 to 15 years, is prone to minor health problems such as patellar luxation, leg and tail fractures, epilepsy, and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), as well as serious health problems such as periodontal disease.

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How Much Does It Cost To Own A Italian Greyhound?

You should budget between $1,200 and $3,000 for a puppy purchased from a breeder. This is approximately average for a purebred dog. Numerous individuals will pay at the lower end of this spectrum. Above $2,500 dogs are typically purchased as show dogs by other breeders.

How To Help Your Italian Greyhound Lose Weight If He Is Overweight 

As with humans, exercise is critical for your overweight dog's health. Increased movement helps your dog burn off excess energy (and calories consumed). Avoid panic! Exercising your pet does not have to include marathons or lengthy hikes. Regular walks and the opportunity to run and play safely off-leash. 

Even creating a stimulating indoor environment that encourages your dog to exercise on a regular basis can help. Bear in mind that different breeds require varying amounts of exercise, so visit your veterinarian, breeder, or your dog's breed standard for recommendations on recommended activity levels.

Distinguish Begging from Hunger

Distinguish Begging from Hunger
Distinguish Begging from Hunger

Begging is not necessarily motivated by a desire for more food; it is also used to gain attention. (And, by rewarding the behavior, you reinforce and encourage it to continue.) If your dog begs, do not automatically assume he is hungry. Trust your instincts and keep track of the date and time of your last meal. 

If your dog is prone to begging and you are prone to succumb to those puppy dog eyes, choose a high-protein meal with a fiber blend to help control your dog's hunger and voluntary food consumption. This manner, you may feed your dog with the assurance that he will feel fuller and content for a longer period of time.

Restriction on treats and table scraps

Even when our dogs are not begging, many of us provide an excessive amount of treats and table scraps. Dogs are not required to share our food! Consider treats and scraps for your pet in the same way that you would candy for children to help you keep them in check. If you're going to utilize snacks for training, choose low-calorie, low-fat ones and keep the portions small. 

As an alternative, keep in mind that clickers are excellent for reinforcement… and they have no calories! After all, a few extra pounds can make a significant impact in the lives of dogs, which are significantly smaller than humans. (Even the colossal breeds!) Therefore, focus on a balanced diet and resist the temptation to “reward” them with extra.

Customize Your Dog's Diet

Not all weight-loss foods are created equal, which is why it's critical to match your dog's nutrition plan to their unique needs. Choose a brand that caters to your dog's unique needs, whether they be weight control, dietary sensitivities, or illnesses.

Conclusion on Italian Greyhound Growth Chart

Maintain regular baths for them, as well as weekly brushing and rubdowns with a damp cloth or glove. Nail trims, ear cleaning, and teeth brushing are all necessary for your Greyhound.

Training is also critical so that he can develop behaviors that are compatible with your lifestyle.

They are bright, and as a result, they respond well to teaching. By incorporating these practices into your dog, you can make sure that your Italian Greyhound will live a long life. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

How large will my Italian Greyhound grow in size?

13′′ to 15′′
How large are Italian Greyhounds? The optimal size is 13′′ to 15′′ and weighs between 8 and 12 pounds.

How can I determine whether or not my Italian Greyhound is overweight?

When an Italian Greyhound is in a resting position (such as sitting or lying down), a faint outline of a few ribs (2–3) may be visible. Seeing the majority of the ribcage, on the other hand, may indicate an IG that is too thin.

Do Italian Greyhounds maintain their modest size?

Italian Greyhounds reach a shoulder height of 13 to 15 inches. Weights vary between 6 and 10 pounds, with some reaching 14 or 15 pounds.

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