Treating Bacterial Claw Infection In Dogs

Remedy For Bacterial Claw Infection In Dogs

Bacterial and fungal claw infections in dogs are common health problems that affect any canine breed and are considered secondary disorders. The most common underlying cause is these infections in dogs is trauma, but in this article, we will be dealing with how to treat bacterial dog nail infection.

It will interest you to know that apart from trauma other systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, hypersensitivities, Hyperadrenocorticism, immune-mediated diseases, and Onychodystrophy may result in pet claw infections.

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On a normal day, dogs are energetic and healthy in appearance, but when you notice some signs or changes then likely your pet may be sick. It’s common for dogs to get bacterial infections that could affect different regions of their body, including claws, quick, nailbed, skin, respiratory tract, ear, urinary tract, and kidneys.

Bacterial infection can lead to pain and discomfort, for this reason, it is important to know common dog bacterial infections, those that affect the claws and their symptoms. Regular checking your pet can help you detect any slight changes and then report fast to your vet for immediate diagnosis and treatment options.

Bacterial Infection In Dogs

Generally, an infection is the multiplication & invasion of microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites that are not normally present in the body. This usually happens when a foreign organism invades your dog's body and then infiltrates the system, therefore using your dog to sustain, hosts and reproduces itself.

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An example of a pathogen that causes infection in your dog is bacteria. Bacterial infection can be transmitted in a variety of ways such as, skin contact, bodily fluids, contact with feces, airborne particles, and touching an object that an infected person or animal has also touched.

Bacterial can be described as single-celled microorganisms capable of surviving in many types of environments in and on your dog's body. Although most bacteria may cause no harm to your dog. For infecting organisms to survive, they must move from an existing host — and then cause infection in another place.

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Bacteria is everywhere and while some microorganisms may not have much impact on our daily lives, some types can cause disease conditions. Your dog may be exposed to bacteria daily and in most cases, his immune system is able to fight it without showing any signs or symptoms. Bacterial infection occurs when a dog’s immune system is weak, enabling the bacteria to replicate and spread in the dog’s body.

What Causes Bacterial Claw Infection In Dogs

Dogs usually contract a bacterial infection from dirty stagnant, contaminated water, from coming in contact with a body fluid such as urine from other animals which is infected with the bacteria, via mating with other infected dogs.

However, for a bacterial infection affecting dog claws, they are considered secondary infections associated with nail injuries. The common underlying cause is trauma to the claws or nailbed.

Trauma is the most common cause of secondary infection or claw diseases in dogs and other pets. This could one or a few other nails, the nailbed or the quick. In rare circumstance nails on all the feet may be affected due to the use of infected nail clippers. Untreated or mistreated nailbed injuries or trauma will often result in secondary bacterial infections and may also lead to Nail Removal Surgery In Dogs.

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So, when your pet has a small injury or cut near their nails and then they pass through a bacterially infected area. Nail chewing or biting causes lead to bacterial claw infection as bacteria could be transferred from their mouth to their nailbed. Dog nails should be kept clean, trimmed and properly taken care of to prevent being infected with bacteria.

Signs & Symptoms Of Bacterial Dog Claw Infection

Dogs of any breed or age can contract a bacterial claw infection. Be watchful of your dog's nails for possible signs and if you suspect your pet is suffering claw infection, kindly call the attention of your vet and have a proper diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics.

Keep an eye on your dog and if you caught him paying much attention to one of their feet, kindly examine the affected foot for possible signs of infection. Carefully and closely examine the paws and claws for abnormalities.

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Here are some signs and symptoms associated with bacterial claw infection:

  • Swollen Nailbed
  • Discharges or Pus from the claw bed
  • Severe pain & Discomfort
  • Limping or inability to walk well
  • Oozing or smelly foot
  • Redness around the affected bed
  • Itching
  • Frequent Paw licking or chewing

Diagnosis Of Bacterial Claw Infection In Dogs

Your dog should be rushed to your vet for the diagnosis of bacterial claw infection. The vet will demand the medical history of your dog and then physically examine your dog's paws for signs and know many claws are affected. Your vet will order for laboratory examination to be conducted which includes complete blood count, biochemistry panel, claw bed scraping and bacterial and/or fungal culture. In more severe cases of bacterial/fungal culture tests, blood counts and in severe cases biopsies and x-rays may also be ordered.

Bacterial Dog Claw Infection Treatment

After the diagnosis of canine nail bacterial infection is established by a vet, the next step is to adopt a treatment option or plan. Your vet may prescribe antibiotics ointments and claw soaks. Two to four percent of chlorhexidine paw soaks are generally administered and then Epsom Salts are also used to suck up pus or discharge to reduce inflammation and fastens the healing process.

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Six months of oral antibiotics will be prescribed by your vet if the infection has gone beyond the nailbed and the claws. Cephalexin or clindamycin may be prescribed by your vet for this purpose, followed by cleaning the affected foot to be free of specks of dirt and the use of dog footwear will be recommended if your pet needs to go out.

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Antibiotics For Bacterial Claw Infection In Dogs

Dogs can suffer from infections of any type as well. These infections can put them through a lot of discomforts and if it is not treated, they can become life-threatening.

However, once your vet has diagnosed your dog with a claw infection, they will prescribe antibiotics for about four to six weeks to ensure the infection has resolved.

Here are some of the best antibiotics that can be given to our dogs.

They are:










Prevention Of Bacterial Claw Infection In Dogs

Your dog is one of your best friends. You don't want to see him go through pain from a bacterial infection that can be prevented.

So, follow these tips below and you'll be doing everything you can to keep your dog happy and


  1. Give your dog a clean, dry living room.
  2. Feed your dog a nutritional, balanced diet.
  3. Bath your dog on a regular basis.
  4. Rinse and dry dog’s pads.
  5. Trim your dog's nails and hair.
  6. Prevent your dog from any form of trauma or injury.
  7. Always visit your veterinarian.

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