My Dog Wont Let Me Cut His Nails What Can I Do? [Answered]

Because dogs utilize their paws on a daily basis, proper nail care is vital important.

Fortunately, dog's nails are filed in a very natural manner when they walk and run around.

However, to avoid difficulties, you may need to take matters into your own hands and clip your dog's nails yourself.

But what if my dog refuses to let me trim his nails using nail clippers?

Fortunately, there are a few pointers and tactics you may keep in mind to assist you get through this situation!

So, what are you waiting for?

Keep reading to find out!

My Dog Wont Let Me Cut His Nails What Can I Do?
My Dog Wont Let Me Cut His Nails What Can I Do?

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How I'm going to clip my dog's nails without her biting me?

In one hand, hold the dog's paw and the trimmer in the other.

Trim the nail at a straight angle using the trimmer.

Cut the nail to around 2 mm from the quick (the reddish section of the nail).

Leave the nails a little longer on dogs with dark nails to avoid cutting the quick.

Why Is Cutting Your Dog's Nails So Important?

Before we get into what steps to take if your dog won't let you cut its nails, it's vital to understand why it's so crucial to trim your dog's nails.

The trouble is, if you don't cut your dog's nails on a regular basis, this can eventually lead to persistent pressure on your dog's paws.

In extreme circumstances, this could result in your dog's paws regenerating, which would be an extremely terrible situation to say the least.

Aside from that, if your dog nail are excessively long, it is likely that he will have a really uncomfortable experience.

Furthermore, it may cause your dog to walk with a limp, resulting in your dog refusing to walk at all, which would be a true tragedy!

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So, since it's so important, it's quite self-explanatory why you should definitely pay attention to nail trim your dog's overgrown nails.

If you're not sure how to go about it, don't be hesitant to seek professional advice.

They will also be able to provide you with future tips and tricks, so it's absolutely something to think about!

What if your dog refuses to have its nails clipped?

As previously stated, cutting your pet's nails when necessary is critical, but what if your dog refuses to cooperate during nail clipping?

Fortunately, there are a few steps you can do to make the whole process more enjoyable for both of you while nail cutting!

1.Build Your Way Up Gradually

When it comes to clipping your dog's nails, the first and most crucial thing to remember as a dog owners is that you should gradually and carefully work your way up.

This is crucial, because many dogs appear to be agitated when you use the nail clipper.

As a result, you should begin by exposing your dog to the sensation of people stroking its paws and nails at a young age.

Then, introduce the nail clipper to your dog so that it can become accustomed to it at its own pace.

Another useful technique is to reward your dog with a treat when you use the nail clipper.

Your dog will be less likely to link the nail cutter with negative sensations and thoughts this way, which is definitely something to strive for!

Allow your dog to carefully sniff the nail cutter after that.

You must take advantage of the fact that your dog will not be stressed or terrified at this time to avoid nail bleeding.

You should only begin trimming your dog's nails once you've established that your dog is entirely at ease.

To emphasize this, you could pet your dog before clipping.

If you make your dog as comfortable as possible, the entire process will be much easier for both of you, which is the ultimate goal!

However, please keep in mind that this is a period where patience is required.

You must accept the idea that things will not always go as planned, so take your time!

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2.Don't Take Too Long With The Process

Furthermore, remember that cutting your dog's nails in numerous sessions is fine.

That is to say, cutting your dog's nails for an extended period of time increases the danger of your dog being irritated, which you should prevent at all costs.

Furthermore, do not rush the process. When trimming your dog's nails, go slowly enough to prevent your dog from becoming agitated and panicked.

3.Select the Appropriate Time

As previously said, it is critical that your dog is as relaxed as possible.

Furthermore, you may help by clipping your dog's nails at the appropriate time.

You could, for example, wait till after you've gone for a stroll.

Alternatively, you may properly feed your dog first.

This is when your dog will be entirely satisfied, and it's a fantastic place to start if you want to trim your dog's nails!

Finally, don't forget that rewards are the most effective approach to keep your dog happy and content.

4.Seek professional assistance

Finally, if you are unable to successfully clip your dog's nails or simply do not feel comfortable doing it, seek professional assistance as a last choice.

Professional groomers are trained to cut the nails of even the most challenging dogs, so you can rest assured that once the time comes, you'll be in good hands.

What Can You Give Your Dog To Make It Feel Relaxed While You Clip Its Nails?

1.Natural Medicines

To begin, there are a variety of natural medications on the market that will relax and sedate your dog when it's time to trim his or her dogs nails using nail trimmer or nail grinder.

Valium and Diazepam, for example, are fantastic medications for calming your dog down.

Acepromazine and Benadryl, to mention a few, are more alternatives.

All of these medications have one thing in common: they work on your dog's central nervous system to successfully calm him down!

One thing to keep in mind is that these drugs require a prescription, so make sure you see a certified vet first!


Additionally, you might feed your dog casein or melatonin tablets to help settle him down.

See also  5 Ways To Cut A Dog's Nails Without Using Nail Clippers

These supplements can help your dog relax and enjoy a good night's sleep, so it's no surprise that they can also help with nail trimming!

3.Herbal Supplements

You might try giving your dog herbal pills and oils if you prefer truly natural remedies.

These also have the capacity to sedate your dog, making the process of nail trimming much easier!

4.Other Possibilities

There are a plethora of other options available in addition to the ones mentioned above.

This includes everything from aromatherapy to pheromones and other things, so there's a lot to choose from before trimming long nails!

5.Take a bath

Finally, to demonstrate that things don't necessarily have to be “complex,” give your dog a bath before beginning to clip its long nails.

This will calm your dog down and soften its nails, making it much easier to trim your dog's nails!


What can I do if my dog won't let me clip his nail?

Many dogs have issues with clipping their dog's nails, so it's not unheard of.

Fortunately, as previously said, there are a few ways to make this experience more comfortable for both you and your dog.

So, as long as you keep all of this information in mind, you should be fine!

If you're still not persuaded, you may always get advice from a specialist if necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I give my dog Benadryl to clip his nails?

Benadryl (diphenhydramine HCL) is a regularly used anti-anxiety medication in dogs.
It's not intended for daily use, but it will help calm your dog down when it's time to clip their nails.
Dogs should take 2-4 mg of Benadryl per kilogram of body weight, according to the Merck Veterinary Manual.

Can Benadryl sedate dogs?

Benadryl, which also helps with minor road sickness, may be an excellent dog sedative for automobile travel.
Side effects like as dry mouth or a faster heart rate are fairly prevalent.
Some dogs may have an unusual reaction and become excited rather than sedate.

Can you sedate your dog at home?

It may be necessary to sedate your dog at home for medical or grooming reasons.
However, you should first consult your dog's veterinarian to determine the best course of action.

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