The Weimaraner was bred in Germany as a gun dog and makes a superb hunting partner. These canines, sometimes known as the silver ghost, are extremely lively and playful.
Every day, they must engage in vigorous physical activity. The Weimaraner breed gets along well with family and friends, but they dislike being alone for lengthy periods of time.
The Weimaraner's most notable characteristics are its extraordinary speed and endurance. They mix grace, stamina, and an alert demeanor to form well-rounded comrades for the rest of their lives.
They have outstanding distinguishing traits and pleasant, friendly faces. Their short, sleek coat is simple to care for. To know more about Weimaraner growth chart, keep reading!
When Do Weimaraners Stop Growing?
A Weimaraner usually reaches adulthood between the ages of 1 and 2 years. The majority of canines reach full size within the first year.
During the second year, the dog's muscles and other bodily functions will continue to develop.
Some Weimaraners reach their full size between the ages of 6 months and a year. It's crucial to remember that this can vary depending on your dog's diet, degree of activity, and genetics.
To ensure that your dog develops appropriately, feed him with a proper diet and spend some time with him in an auspicious location where he may exercise. Spending time with your dog improves his overall well-being, and he will appreciate it.
Weimaraner Growth Pictures
What is the Standard Weimaraner Size
The Weimaraner, Germany's sleek and speedy ‘Gray Ghost,' is adored by both hunters and pet owners for their friendliness, obedience, and beauty. They like a lot of exercises, as well as a lot of quality time with their people. Male Weimaraners stand 25 to 27 inches at the shoulder and females 23 to 25 inches.
They are easily identified by their characteristic silvery-gray coat. A well-bred Weimaraner will be solid in color, with perhaps a little white spot on the chest. The face is friendly and intelligent, with amber or blue-gray eyes framed by long silky ears. Overall, the breed exemplifies streamlined grace and balance. A well-conditioned Weimaraner on point is a sight to behold. Weimaraners are great with children and aspire to be full-fledged family members. They make terrific pets if their owners are determined to keep them physically active and mentally engaged. They have easy grooming, trainability, a loving demeanor, and a can-do attitude.
Weimaraner Weight Chart
Here is the weight chart of a Weimaraner:
Age | Average Weight in lbs | Average Weight in kg |
8 Weeks | 12.6 lbs | 5.7 kg |
10 Weeks | 17 lbs | 7.7 kg |
11 Weeks | 18 lbs | 8.2 kg |
3 Months | 21 lbs | 9.5 kg |
3.5 Months | 28 lbs | 12.7 kg |
4 Months | 36 lbs | 16.3 kg |
5 months | 39 lbs | 17.7 kg |
6 months | 48 lbs | 21.8 kg |
7 months | 54 lbs | 24.5 kg |
8 months | 59 lbs | 26.8 kg |
9 Months | 68 lbs | 30.8 kg |
10 Months | 72 lbs | 32.7 kg |
11 Months | 73 lbs | 33.1 kg |
12 Months | 74 lbs | 33.5 kg |
Weimaraner Growth Chart – What To Expect
Weimaraner Weight Chart by Age
Weimaraner Weight 1-2 weeks
At this point, your Weimaraner puppies are underdeveloped and in need of their mother's warmth and nutrients.
They can't hear or see yet, but they do have the sensations of touch, smell, and taste. As they gain strength, they will spend the majority of their time napping and nursing. Furthermore, due to their underdeveloped muscles, they are unable to walk.
Weimaraner Weight 3-12 weeks
During this time, your Weimaraner will open his eyes and start using his hearing. His teeth will begin to form, and he will gain muscle strength to stand, play with his littermates, run, and bark.
As his eyesight recovers, he will gradually gain awareness of his surroundings, as well as control over his bowel movement and bladder. As he runs, plays, and discovers, his muscle coordination will improve.
Weimaraner Weight 4-6 months
Your puppy's adult teeth are beginning to form at this time, and he will want to sharpen them, so you should invest in some chew toys so he doesn't chew on vital things he finds.
You are now the puppy's primary influencer, and quality time is required to form a solid attachment.
Weimaraner Weight 7-12 months
During this stage, your Weimaraner will reach sexual maturity and experience drastic hormonal shifts, which differ slightly between male and female dogs.
Female canines undergoing sexual maturation often enter their heat cycle twice a year and last for 2-3 weeks. Male dogs, on the other hand, are sexually active all year.
What is the Full Grown Weimaraner Weight?
Weimaraners are huge canines that weigh between 55 and 90 pounds. Male Weimaraners stand 25 to 27 inches tall at the shoulder, while females stand 23 to 25 inches tall. Their bodies are powerful and built for work, sleek, and capable of long-distance running.
How To Weigh Your Weimaraner Puppy?
If you want to maintain track of your Weimaraner's weight, you must first learn how to weigh him properly.
To begin, you should be able to weigh your Weimaraner at home if he is a puppy or if you are just large enough to hold him. This can be accomplished with a standard bathroom scale.
To begin, weigh yourself and record the result. Then, while standing on the scale, pick up your dog and hold him. The difference in weight represents your dog's weight.
If your dog is too huge to carry, you can either invest in a dog scale, which can cost upwards of $100, or contact your veterinarian. The majority of veterinarian offices will enable you to use their scale.
Unless there is a health problem, you can weigh an adult Weimaraner once every six months. Once a week is sufficient for a puppy to ensure he is growing normally.
What Is A Weimaraner’s Neck Size?
To determine the neck size of your dog, use a soft and flexible tape measure to determine the neck size of your dog where her collar naturally falls. Then, put two fingers between your dog's neck and the tape measure to ensure that the dog collar fits snugly but comfortably. Dalmatian's average neck circumference is between 16 and 22 inches.
How Big Do Weimaraners Get?
Male Weimaraners are 25 to 27 inches tall and weigh 70 to 85 pounds. Females range in height from 23 to 25 inches and weight from 55 to 70 pounds.
A typical Weimaraner is sociable, fearless, vigilant, and obedient, making him a great companion and watchdog. On the other hand, he's forceful, intelligent, restless, and willful. If given half a chance, this dog will take over the household. He'll chew, bark, chase cats, and steal the roast from the counter if you don't provide him the socializing and training he needs to avoid serious behavior issues like biting.
Factors That Affect Weimaraner Puppy Growth
Hereditary characteristics have a significant impact on the growth of a Weimaraner. These biological components, as well as other key aspects that contribute to their advancement, determine the rate of growth.
Your dog's parents play an important role in his current physical health because those genes are passed down and affect your dog's ability to grow as well as his susceptibility to various ailments.
Diet & Nutrition
Your dog's nutrition has an impact on both his growth and his general quality of life. The food you feed your Weimaraner puppy will influence his growth.
If you continually feed your dog low-quality food that lacks the vitamins and minerals he requires for development, his growth will be hampered.
Many dog owners strive to provide their pets with the best foods for sale on the market because there are many low-quality feeds that lack nutrients.
Physical Activity & Health
Weimaraners enjoy being active because they are excellent hunters. If they don't get enough exercise, they get bored and start misbehaving around the house.
Physical exercise is essential for bone density and growth to occur. Your puppy will grow organically and reach his developmental stages if you follow a daily plan.
He will have a fitter body, which will help your puppy gain weight while keeping him healthy. Allowing your Weimaraner to engage in regular physical activity can also improve his mood and overall well-being.
Common Questions about Weimaraner
At What Age Is A Weimaraner Fully Grown?
Weimaraners typically attain maturity at 1 to 2 years of age, while they reach full size at 6 to 8 months.
Weimaraners, like all dogs, require early socialization — being exposed to a variety of people, sights, noises, and experiences — when they are young. However, socialization should continue throughout Weim's existence. Socialization helps to guarantee that your Weimaraner puppy develops into and remains a well-rounded, outgoing, sociable dog.
Enrolling him in puppy kindergarten is a terrific place to start. Inviting guests over on a regular basis, as well as taking him to busy parks, stores that accept dogs, and on leisurely strolls to meet neighbors, will help him improve his social abilities.
How Long Are Weimaraners Pregnant?
Most dogs have a similar pregnancy time length, which is 63 days on average from the ovulation period. However, pregnancy times varied from 58 to 68 days.
How Many Puppies Do Weimaraners Have?
A Weimaraner litter has between six and eight pups on average, with a mean of seven. This is a typical litter size for many dog breeds.
What Is The Life Expectancy Of Weimaraners?
With a lifespan of 10 to 13 years, the Weimaraner is prone to minor health difficulties such as entropion, hypertrophic osteodystrophy, spinal dysraphism, hemophilia A, distichiasis, canine hip dysplasia (CHD), and von Willebrand's disease (vWD), as well as serious health issues such as stomach torsion.
How Much Does It Cost To Own A Weimaraner?
Unless you can find a Weimaraner at a shelter, you should expect to pay between $500 and $1,000 for your Weimaraner. In that situation, you will almost certainly pay less. In terms of monthly costs, most owners estimate spending between $50 and $100 per month on their Weimaraner.
How To Help Your Weimaraner Lose Weight If He Is Overweight
As with humans, exercise is critical for your overweight dog's health. Increased movement helps your dog burn off excess energy (and calories consumed). Avoid panic! Exercising your pet does not have to include marathons or lengthy hikes. Regular walks and the opportunity to run and play safely off-leash.
Even creating a stimulating indoor environment that encourages your dog to exercise on a regular basis can help. Bear in mind that different breeds require varying amounts of exercise, so visit your veterinarian, breeder, or your dog's breed standard for recommendations on recommended activity levels.
Distinguish Begging from Hunger
Begging is not necessarily motivated by a desire for more food; it is also used to gain attention. (And, by rewarding the behavior, you reinforce and encourage it to continue.) If your dog begs, do not automatically assume he is hungry. Trust your instincts and keep track of the date and time of your last meal.
If your dog is prone to begging and you are prone to succumb to those puppy dog eyes, choose a high-protein meal with a fiber blend to help control your dog's hunger and voluntary food consumption. In this manner, you may feed your dog with the assurance that he will feel fuller and content for a longer period of time.
Restriction on treats and table scraps
Even when our dogs are not begging, many of us provide an excessive amount of treats and table scraps. Dogs are not required to share our food! Consider treats and scraps for your pet in the same way that you would candy for children to help you keep them in check. If you're going to utilize snacks for training, choose low-calorie, low-fat ones and keep the portions small.
As an alternative, keep in mind that clickers are excellent for reinforcement… and they have no calories! After all, a few extra pounds can make a significant impact in the lives of dogs, which are significantly smaller than humans. (Even the colossal breeds!) Therefore, focus on a balanced diet and resist the temptation to “reward” them with extra.
Customize Your Dog's Diet
Not all weight-loss foods are created equal, which is why it's critical to match your dog's nutrition plan to their unique needs. Choose a brand that caters to your dog's unique needs, whether they be weight control, dietary sensitivities, or illnesses.
Conclusion on Weimaraner Growth Chart
The Weimaraner is a housedog first and foremost. He's not cut out for kennel or backyard life, and he's also not cut out for apartment living. This hyperactive dog needs a large, securely enclosed yard in which to run, as well as an active family who can offer him with the exercise and mental stimulation he requires.
It also helps to have a sense of humor, especially when you see how your Weim has re-landscaped your yard in his efforts to clear it of mice, moles, and bugs. He'll be proud of himself for his efforts, so don't forget to compliment him as you evaluate how much time, money, and work it will take to bring the yard back to the way you want it. You might want to keep a closer eye on him and give him more exercise.
- Weimaraners require a couple of hours of activity per day if you want to keep them from barking, chewing, and digging. Play fetch and other running games with him, go jogging or hiking with him, teach him to run alongside your bicycle, or enroll him in a canine sport like agility or flyball. And, of course, you may always go hunting with him.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What size will my Weimaraner grow to be?
Weimaraners are huge canines that weigh between 55 and 90 pounds. Male Weimaraners stand 25 to 27 inches tall at the shoulder, while females stand 23 to 25 inches tall. Their bodies are powerful and built for work, sleek, and capable of long-distance running.
Why is my Weimaraner so diminutive?
Compactness has been bred into the best American hunt-lines. This has been done in order to create a hunting partner that is more like the other pointing breeds. As a result, you may obtain a very little Weimaraner on occasion (while rearing the Weimaraner).
How long does it take for a Weimaraner to mature?
A Weimaraner usually reaches adulthood between the ages of 1 and 2 years. The majority of canines reach full size within the first year. During the second year, the dog's muscles and other bodily functions will continue to develop. Some Weimaraners reach their full size between the ages of 6 months and a year.