How Much To Feed A Bulldog Puppy? [Answered]

When you have an English Bulldog puppy, you'll want to make sure he has everything he needs to grow up healthy and happy.

Knowing what to feed and how much to feed an English Bulldog puppy is a big part of it.

Because each breed is unique, you'll need to know what your puppy requires to get off to a good start.

We've outlined all you need to know about feeding an English Bulldog puppy, including how much to feed, which foods to feed, and how to answer typical inquiries about your developing puppy.

How Much To Feed A Bulldog Puppy
How Much To Feed A Bulldog Puppy

Why is it so crucial to feed your English Bulldog puppy?

An English Bulldog puppy takes twice as much energy as an adult Bulldog during that incredible growth stage (at least in size, if not in maturity!). 

As a result, they demand more food, more frequently, and food that is higher in energy.

But there's a catch with the English Bulldog; it ain't that easy!

When a dog's muzzle is exceedingly short, it can be difficult for him to take up food, chew, and swallow.

After all, unlike us, English Bulldogs do not have access to forks, knives, and spoons at the dining table.

And English Bulldogs can suffer sometimes with swallowing their food and with taking in enough oxygen while they are busy eating. 

This can lead to a disorder known as “Brachycephalic Airway Obstruction Syndrome (BAOS)” in English Bulldogs. 

Additionally, English Bulldogs frequently have teeth that are pushed together in their smaller jaws, causing further chewing difficulty.

When it comes to feeding an English Bulldog puppy, it's simple to make a mistake.

Finding the proper food in the right amount to aid their growth while not jeopardizing their health is their main challenge.

Feeding Chart for English Bulldog Puppies

Feeding Chart 1
Recommended Daily Feeding
english bulldog feeding chart
Feeding Chart for English Bulldog Puppies

Feeding Chart for English Bulldogs

You'll have a better sense of how much food your English Bulldog should be consuming if you use an English Bulldog feeding chart, which is based on the puppy's age, height, and sex.

Even dogs from the same litter can be various sizes, so you'll need to match the pup's age to their height to get an estimate of how much he should weigh.

If you can see your dog's waist, you can get a fair indication of how much food he needs.

You should be able to see a defined weight but not the dog's ribs.

2 Week Old English Bulldog Puppy

At this point, he will be completely reliant on his mother's milk and should be feeding on demand.

A person will be necessary to intervene in this procedure only if the puppy has been separated from his mother or if there is a large litter and not all of the puppies are receiving appropriate food.

If this is the case, you should contact your veterinarian for assistance.

Their stomachs are too delicate at this point to eat anything.

4 Week Old English Bulldog Puppy

If you have a 4-week-old English Bulldog puppy, he should still be with his mother and littermates.

He'll be more active at this time, and he may even try to leave his sleeping location and venture outside.

At this point, he's unlikely to be ready for puppy food, but you're welcome to see whether the puppy is interested.

If he isn't, don't be discouraged; it simply means that your puppy isn't ready for solid food yet.

He should continue to drink his mother's milk and acquire all of his calories from her.

6 Weeks Old English Bulldog Puppy

You will notice certain changes in your English Bulldog puppy when it is 6 weeks old.

Weaning should begin now, while he is still too little to be separated from his mother.

He should be fed puppy chow at least once a day. He shouldn't eat much of it because he'll still be nursing with his mother, but she might be more interested in taking a vacation from the puppies.

If your puppy is still not interested in puppy food, it may be too early, and you should try again.

8-Week-Old English Bulldog Puppy

If you're getting a puppy from a breeder or the mother's owner, this is usually when you'll get it.

By the age of eight weeks, your puppy should be weaned from his mother and eating puppy chow.

You should feed him three times a day, even though he is unlikely to consume much at a meal.

Approximately 1.5 cups of puppy food should be ingested each day.

Don't be surprised if your puppy doesn't eat much during the first few days as he adjusts to his new home.

10 Weeks Old English Bulldog Puppy

At the age of 10 weeks, your English Bulldog puppy should be on the move.

His hunger is likely to have intensified at this point.

He's probably still eating 1.5 cups of food every day, but you'll need to adjust when he reaches a growth plateau.

If your dog appears to be hungry, make sure he's getting enough food.

You should be able to see a waist in your puppy but not be able to count any ribs, as previously stated.

They'll also be losing their puppy fat at this point.

12 Weeks Old English Bulldog Puppy

When your English Bulldog puppy is 12 weeks old, he will consume around 2 cups of puppy food each day.

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Because he will be burning a lot of calories from both growing and exercising, he should still eat three meals every day.

You'll only need to give your English Bulldog puppy 1.5 cups of food every day if he's small, but larger English Bulldog puppies will need more than 2 cups.

What is the recommended calorie intake for an English Bulldog?

English Bulldog Dog Sweet - Free photo on Pixabay
What is the recommended calorie intake for an English Bulldog?

While English Bulldogs' daily meal portions are normally calculated in cups, there are recommended limits for how many calories a bulldog should consume based on its age.

This not only prevents overfeeding, but it also prevents underfeeding, which occurs when dogs are not given enough nutrients due to excessively cautious owners.

While your veterinarian can recommend a more tailored diet for your dog once it has beyond the puppy stage, young, energetic adult dogs require roughly 1,500 calories per day, while less active adults only require around 1,300 calories.

Much of this is determined by how active your English Bulldog is on a daily basis, which determines how many calories are burned and how many must be supplied.

Check the packaging for more information on the suggested serving size for different types of dogs on most dog food packets, cans, and bags.

Bulldog Puppy Diets

The sheer amount of various puppy foods to pick from can be intimidating.

Your breeder might be able to offer some advice.

It's also a good idea to get a recommendation from your veterinarian for the best food for your Bulldog puppy.

Puppies require a lot of protein to create strong bones, muscles, and joints.

About 20% of your puppy's diet should be made up of high-quality, natural protein.

In some circumstances, puppies require more calories than adult dogs.

You must, however, exercise caution because the Bulldog is prone to fat.

Guidelines on labels will give you an idea of the quantity to feed your puppy, but ultimately each dog is completely individual.

A better predictor of a proper portion is their body size, not what the label states.

The size of a serving might also vary depending on the type of food or the brand.

Choosing the Best Puppy Food for a Bulldog

A Bulldog puppy's dietary requirements are unique due to their structure.

Bulldogs are a brachycephalic breed.

Its narrow muzzle is one of their unique features, which makes it difficult for them to pick up food.

Chewing and swallowing might also be challenging.

This is the case because the palate, teeth, tongue, and tissue are all the same size as those of a dog with a much longer muzzle.

Many Bulldogs also suffer from brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome, which causes significant breathing and eating difficulties.

If you're giving your puppy dry kibble, choose one that's in the shape of a triangle or another unusual shape so they can easily pick it up and eat it.

Combining high-quality dry food with high-quality wet food may make it easier for them to consume.

As a Bulldog Puppy Grows Older, How Does Feeding Change?

As a Bulldog Puppy Grows Older, How Does Feeding Change?
As a Bulldog Puppy Grows Older, How Does Feeding Change?

Your Bulldog puppy should be fed four times a day until he is three months old.

You can lower it to three times a day after three to six months.

You can feed him twice a day when he's six to twelve months old.

You can feed him once or twice a day after he's a year old.

It's critical to encourage moderate growth in order for their bones to form properly.

Hip dysplasia is a serious problem in bulldogs.

In fact, at 12 to 14 months of age, none of the hips in this research of 20 English Bulldogs exhibited normal development, and 77.5 percent were mildly to severely malformed.

In a dog who is prone to hip and joint problems, decreasing calorie and protein intake somewhat can promote slower growth.

What Should a Bulldog Puppy Eat?

As previously said, keep your new Bulldog puppy on the diet he was fed at the breeder's for about a month after you bring him home.

Then gradually introduce his new diet to your puppy.

There are four primary alternatives when deciding on what to feed your Bulldog puppy.

What should I feed my English Bulldog puppy in terms of food?

First things First.What kind of English Bulldog food should you feed him?

Bulldogs are prone to gaining weight, having a sensitive stomach, having food allergies, and having flatulence.

Being blunt, feeding Bulldogs can be tough!

But I'm not going to advise you the brand and type of food you should buy; there are a lot of options, and each dog will have their own preferences.

However, there are some basic guidelines that should be followed to ensure the health and pleasure of your English Bulldog.

For at least the first three to four weeks after you bring your Bulldog puppy home, you should feed them the same food that the breeder gave them. 

Then, if necessary, make gradual changes. 

This prevents gastrointestinal distress caused by a rapid change in diet.

Calcium is required for bone growth for the first 12 months of life. 

Puppies, on the other hand, do not reach complete physical maturity until they are 18 months old, and should be fed as puppies until then. 

It's also critical to get this calcium. However, recipes with extra calcium should be avoided, and formulations with a calcium to phosphorus ratio as near to 1/1 as feasible should be sought.

What should I feed my English Bulldog puppy in terms of food?

What should I feed my English Bulldog puppy in terms of food?
What should I feed my English Bulldog puppy in terms of food?

The Appropriate Amounts for Your English Bulldog Puppy

When it comes to portion sizes, the major goal should be to avoid overeating in one sitting. 

The first approach is to avoid free feeding an English Bulldog puppy at all times. 

If you leave food out, a puppy will almost certainly consume everything in sight; they are simply too greedy!

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The amount size varies depending on the food and the puppy's size, but for a small puppy, a handful per portion of dry kibble is ideal. 

Two full handfuls may be required as that English Bulldog grows in size.

It can't be stressed enough: overfeeding your Bulldog as a puppy can result in an overweight puppy who is more prone to joint, muscular, and bone problems later in life.

How often should you feed your English Bulldog puppy?

Maintain a regular meal schedule by eating at least once in the morning and once in the afternoon/evening.

The minimum amount of food for a young puppy should be two times each day, primarily because you don't want to overfeed them. 

The ideal portions are those that are smaller and consumed more frequently.

Having two or three meal times a day will keep them properly fed throughout the day while not overburdening their stomach and should prevent any respiratory issues.

The Best Ways to Feed a Bulldog Puppy

The height of the food tray. 

This may not appear to be significant, but it is. 

Your English Bulldog will be able to eat their food without straining if the tray is raised to just below head height. 

This will also make swallowing much easier.

Feeding your English Bulldog puppy by hand at first is an excellent way to encourage them if they are picky.

If you're feeding your Bulldog kibble, ensure sure the bits are small enough to be digestible. 

You can also soften them by mixing them with water.

Feeding your English Bulldog can be a tricky business, especially if you've only recently adopted one. 

Dogs of various sizes and types require varied quantities of food. 

But, on a daily basis, how much should you feed your English bulldog or puppy?

How much food should I feed my English Bulldog in cups? 

Sleeping Bulldog | 💾 Marco Verch is a Professional Photogra… | Flickr
How much food should I feed my English Bulldog in cups? 

The amount of food you should feed your English Bulldog is determined by their age and weight.

A day's worth of food could be anything between half a cup and two cups.

Puppies should be fed three times a day, while adult dogs should be fed twice a day.

Adult English Bulldogs should eat two meals a day, at consistent nighttime times, so that they have a pattern and don't get hungry during the day.

English Bulldog puppies should be fed three times a day because they are still growing and burning calories at a quicker pace.

What should I give my English Bulldog puppy in terms of cups of food?

It's not easy to figure out, therefore here are my own notes on how much food to feed your English Bulldog according to the feeding chart timetable.

  • At the age of two months, give your English Bulldog puppy a third of a cup three times a day.
  • At 3 months, give your English Bulldog puppy a third of a cup three times a day.
  • At 4 months, give your English Bulldog puppy a third of a cup three times a day.
  • Half a cup, twice a day, for a 5-month-old English Bulldog puppy.
  • Half a cup, twice a day, for a six-month-old English Bulldog puppy
  • Half a cup, twice a day, for an English Bulldog puppy aged 7 to 12 months.
  • This English Bulldog puppy feeding routine should be followed until the puppy reaches the age of 12 months. After that, your English Bulldog is an adult, and you should feed him according to the feeding chart's recommendations.

What veterinarians have to say about the amount of food to feed an English Bulldog?

When you initially receive your English Bulldog, your veterinarian should be able to advise you on how much food to give them and how often to feed them.

Puppies require less food than adult dogs, and you will need to gradually increase the amount of food you give them as they grow older.

Another element to consider is your English Bulldog's energy level; lively dogs require morefood because they expend a lot of energy running about.

Because English Bulldogs aren't as sporty as other dogs and prefer to hang around more, they don't require as much food as other breeds.

There are various different varieties of dog food available, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks, as well as individual dog preferences.

Dry Food

Dry food, such as kibble and flaked grains, has a very low moisture content, which means they will eat more. 

Dog treats and biscuits are generally produced from dry food, and they can be a terrific in-between-meal snack to keep your dog amused or to reward them for excellent behavior.

Wet Food

Wet food is great for keeping your dog hydrated because it is prepared at high temperatures and is extremely fresh. 

Unfortunately, once opened, they have a short shelf life and might be a messy option for more excitable dogs.


Combines the chewiness of dry food with the hydration of wet food in one package. 

They come in sachets and are a popular option for individuals who aren't sure whether wet or dry food is best for their dog.

If your puppy is refusing to eat, make sure it is properly hydrated before experimenting with a mix of dry and wet meals; every dog has different food preferences, so figuring out what your puppy enjoys may make dinner time much smoother and less stressful for both of you.

Semi-moist: combines the chewiness of dry food with the hydration of wet food in one package.

They come in sachets and are a popular option for individuals who aren't sure whether wet or dry food is best for their dog.

What should I feed my English Bulldog puppy in terms of food?

What should I feed my English Bulldog puppy in terms of food?
What should I feed my English Bulldog puppy in terms of food?

Feeding a puppy differs from feeding an adult dog in that puppies require smaller amounts of food more frequently throughout the day, and their eating patterns change as they age.

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Because English Bulldogs have a tendency to eat anything is placed in front of them, keeping an eye on their hunger and stool consistency is a good indicator of how much they should be fed.

If you're having trouble understanding the puppy feeding schedule, your vet should be able to provide you a daily amount to feed your new bulldog puppy.

However, if your veterinarian believes they are not getting enough, they may offer a higher dose.

What should I give my English Bulldog puppy in terms of cups of food?

Feeding plans for English Bulldog puppies will vary, but three times a day is advised.

When feeding English Bulldog puppies, ensure the food is easy to reach and that the food bowl or tray isn't too high for them to eat from. 

Because English Bulldogs have short muzzles and sometimes struggle to lift their heads high, placing it lower will make swallowing simpler for them.

If your puppy is refusing to eat, make sure it is properly hydrated before experimenting with a mix of dry and wet meals; every dog has different food preferences, so figuring out what your puppy enjoys may make dinner time much smoother and less stressful for both of you.

Your English Bully may vomit if he or her has eaten too much food, but the vomit could also indicate something else. 

Is It Safe To Feed An English Bulldog Puppy On Its Own?

A free-fed English Bulldog puppy gets constant access to the food and can eat as much and as often as they like.

This method of feeding, while simple and quick, puts your puppy at risk.

This strategy works if your puppy eats only when he or she is hungry, which is not the situation for most dogs.

With unrestricted feeding, house training and establishing feeding patterns might be difficult.

Obesity can develop in dogs who are unable to quit eating when they are satisfied.

Free feeding is not an option because wet meals cannot be left out in the open for long periods of time without deteriorating.

Can an English Bulldog Puppy Eat Human Foods?

Can an English Bulldog Puppy Eat Human Foods?
Can an English Bulldog Puppy Eat Human Foods?

The list below includes a variety of human foods that your English Bulldog can eat. 

They provide vital nutrients that can aid your puppy's growth and development while also providing health benefits such as improved breath, joint strength, and allergy immunity:

  • Cheese
  • Cashews
  • Coconut
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Ham
  • Milk
  • Pork
  • Quinoa
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Turkey
  • Yogurt

What Human Foods Are Harmful to a Puppy English Bulldog?

Because they contain certain compounds that are harmful to their health and can cause serious health issues, the following human foods are dangerous for your English Bulldog puppy:

  • Chocolate
  • Macadamia nuts
  • a scoop of ice cream
  • Garlic
  • Cinnamon
  • Almonds

Bulldog Background


The Bulldog is a well-muscled, thick-set bruiser whose sourmug' face has become an international icon of bravery and persistence.

The Bulldog is a well-muscled, thick-set bruiser whose sourmug' face has become an international icon of bravery and persistence. 

These placid, obedient companions are equally at home in the city as out in the country.

A Bulldog cannot be mistaken for any other breed. 

The head's loose skin, furrowed brow, pushed-in snout, small ears, undershot jaw with dangling chops on either side, and unique rolling gait nearly scream “I'm a Bulldog!” 

The coat is short, sleek, and glossy, and comes in a variety of colors and designs. 

Bulldogs can weigh up to 50 pounds, but it doesn't stop them from trying to curl up in your lap. 

But don't confuse their laid-back demeanor for laziness; bulldogs enjoy brisk walks and require frequent moderate exercise, as well as a healthy diet, to maintain their shape. 

In hot and humid weather, a Bulldog's short snout can cause hard breathing, therefore summer afternoons are best spent in an air-conditioned environment.

Frequently Asked questions (FAQ)

How much should a bulldog eat a day?

To summarize, feeding Bulldogs 3 to 4 cups of high-quality kibble per day, divided over two meals, is a good place to start. 
Amount fed may go up or down according on your dog's size, weight, age and total daily activity.

What do you feed English bulldog puppies?

Bulldog Puppy Dry Dog Food by Royal Canin Breed Health Nutrition. 
IAMS Proactive Puppy Dry Dog Food is a high-quality dry dog food for puppies.
Puppy Recipe from CANIDAE PURE.
Purina Pro Plan Puppy Dry Dog Food Purina Pro Plan Puppy Dry Dog Food Purina Pro Plan Puppy Dry Dog
Blue Buffalo Wilderness Grain-Free Natural Puppy Wet Dog Food is a high-protein, grain-free puppy food.
Purina Pro Plan High Protein Wet Puppy Food Purina Pro Plan High Protein Wet Puppy Food Purina Pro Plan High Protein Wet

How do I know if I'm feeding my puppy enough?

Puppies require a lot of food at all times.
 However, you can use a method to evaluate whether or not you are feeding them enough.
When you put your palm on the rib cage area of your puppy, you should feel the ribs, but they should not be visible.

Can 5 week old puppies go all night without eating?

In summation, your puppy can go up to 5 hours without feeding while he's between 4 and 7 weeks old, but we don't recommend waiting that long because they're going through a developmental stage. 
If your puppy is between the ages of 6 and 8, he can go for up to 8 hours without eating.

What if I accidentally overfed my puppy?

Overeating can cause bloating and possibly a life-threatening disease known as gastric dilation-volvulus.
GDV basically implies that your puppy has eaten himself ill and is on the verge of developing a twisted stomach.
It might mean the difference between life and death for your puppy.

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