How Much To Feed A Greyhound Puppy? [Answered]

Greyhounds like their meals despite their low body fat and slimline frame.

But, how much to feed a greyhound puppy?

They, like any other breed, benefit from a well-balanced, high-quality food.

Aside from a good quality, balanced ‘complete' dog food, Italian Greyhounds have no special dietary requirements.

If you don't have a lot of experience with dog nutrition, it's best to stick to full diets rather than trying to make it up' with bits of this and bits of that because you're unlikely to meet all of your dog's nutritional needs that way.

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How Much To Feed A Greyhound Puppy?

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How Much Should A Greyhound Puppy Eat?

When compared to other dog breeds, racing greyhounds and those that are very active in high-energy activities require much more fat and protein in their food.

The best proportions would be 28-30% protein, 15% fat, and 5% fiber.

Keep in mind that ideas on greyhound nutritional requirements vary widely, so this one could be contested.

The best method is to experiment with different foods on your dog and adjust his diet based on his individual needs.

According to the National Research Council of the National Academies, a 70-pound greyhound should need 1740 calories per day.

Every day, two to four cups of food should be supplied to an average female weighing 60 pounds.

A male weighing 70 pounds, on the other hand, should consume three to five cups.

The amounts will be determined by the amount of activity your dog hounds receives; the more exercise, the greater the meal portions should be, and vice versa.

Also, if you want him to lose weight, offer him fewer quantities; if you want him to gain weight, serve him greater portions.

Because of his decreased activity levels, your greyhound may consume fewer meal servings as he gets older.

Your veterinarian will advise you on how to adjust your diet to fulfill all of your senior dog's nutritional requirements.

Greyhound Puppy Feeding Chart

image 4
Cups per day according to Dog's Weight
Feeding Chart 4
Greyhound Puppy Feeding Chart

  Here Are The Feeding Suggestions For A Greyhound Puppy

  • Between the ages of 8 and 12 weeks, Italian Greyhound puppies require four meals in a 24-hour period.
  • Puppies from 3 to 6 months should be fed three meals in a 24-hour period.
  • Puppies from 6 months to a year should be fed twice a day.
  • By the time the italian greyhound reaches his first birthday, he usually only needs one feeding every 24 hours.
  • Adult italian greyhounds often respond well to two smaller meals. Adapting to your italian greyhound's feeding habits is your job.

Full-grown italian greyhounds require a well-rounded diet, which can be supplemented with water, broth, or canned food.

Fruits and vegetables, cooked eggs, and cottage cheese may appeal to your Italian greyhound, but they should not account for more than 10% of her daily diet.

Puppies of Italian Greyhounds should be fed a high-quality, brand-name puppy food.

However, please limit your intake of “people food,” as it can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, bone and tooth problems, and obsessive eating habits, as well as obesity.

Always provide fresh, potable water, and wash water and food bowls on a regular basis.

How To Take Care Of Your Greyhound?

Greyhounds are sighthounds that were once used as hunting dogs, relying on their eyesight and speed to track down prey.

Greyhounds, the fastest dog breed, can attain top speeds of 45 miles per hour, which explains their long history as racing or coursing dogs.

The physical characteristics of this breed present challenges that necessitate specialized care.

Caring for a greyhound includes most of the typical care that all dogs require, such as regular immunizations and checkups, but the physical characteristics of this breed present challenges that necessitate specialized care.

1st step

Maintain your greyhound's health by keeping him up to date on all immunizations and booster shots, as well as scheduling monthly exams.

Greyhounds have a unique body shape that makes them more susceptible to anesthesia and drugs than other dogs their size.

Find a veterinarian that is knowledgeable with greyhounds.

Keep him on a regular flea and tick preventative as well as a heartworm preventative as needed in your area to avoid parasite infestations like heartworm or tapeworm.

2nd Step

Give him plenty of food.

To ensure regular digestion and healthy teeth and gums, feed your greyhound a high-quality dry food.

If you're changing his diet, start with modest portions of the new food and gradually increase the new while decreasing the old over a few days, until he's eating largely the new food by the end of the week.

Use higher food and water bowls so he doesn't have to kneel to get his dinner.

Allow your greyhound to free feed by leaving food available all of the time, or feed him one to three cups of food twice a day.

Always have clean, fresh water on hand.

3rd step

Keep an eye on him.

Bathe your greyhound only when he appears to be particularly unclean, as bathing his coat and skin too frequently might deplete them of natural oils.

Bathe your greyhound every few months with a light shampoo and properly rinse him to remove all soap residue.

Dry him off with a towel.

Brush his coat with a soft bristles brush once or twice a week.

Brush his teeth with a soft toothbrush at least a couple times a week to avoid tartar.

Once a week, use a cotton ball and ear cleaner to keep his ears clean and healthy.

4th step

Allow him to flee. Take your greyhound on a daily stroll to keep him fit.

Locate a safe, open or enclosed space where he can run without injuring himself or becoming disoriented.

When he goes outside, keep an eye on him and use a leash if necessary.

To help him play and get some activity when inside, give him stuffed toys, especially ones with squeakers.

5th step

Make him feel at ease. On hard surfaces, a greyhound's limited body fat provides little cushioning. He'll be grateful for a comfortable area to rest and nap.

Throughout hot weather, keep him hydrated at all times, and keep him warm during the winter months to avoid disease.

To keep him healthy and safe, keep him inside during excessively hot or cold weather.

Dietary Guidelines and Nutrients for Greyhound

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Dietary Guidelines and Nutrients for Greyhound

A BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) diet is a raw meat and vegetable diet that is fully natural.

This is the type of food that a dog in the wild would eat; they don't get salmonella or E. coli, which is a major issue for most humans.

Raw meat is easy on a dog's digestive tract, and it's what they'd eat if they had to catch their own food.

They would not only consume the meat, but also the bones, guts, and fur/feathers.

If you don't want to deal with the hassle of cooking fresh meat and veggies for your dog on a regular basis, you can acquire the same diet in the form of frozen mince from most pet stores or from a company like Nature's Menu.

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Nature's Menu is available in a range of pack sizes and meats.

A 30kg greyhound would require about 1kg of Nature's Menu every day, divided into two feedings.

Feeding amounts may differ depending on the dog.

If your dog is losing weight, increase the amount fed; if he or she is gaining weight, either increase the amount of exercise or reduce the amount fed.

Raw meat, such as Nature's Menu minces or chunks, is combined with cooked pasta, rice, and/or vegetables (greyhounds particularly enjoy vegetables like potatoes, carrots, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower).

Do not use salt while preparing rice, pasta, or veggies for your dog.

This type of diet should provide roughly 500g of meat and 500g (pre-cooked weight) of other items per day for a 30kg dog.

As previously stated, adjust the amount to meet your dog's needs.

If you don't have enough freezer space in your home or the expense of feeding is a concern, we've discovered several more options that are suitable for greyhounds.

Food a greyhound utilizing the following feeding regimens might be expensive, especially if you have more than one.

There are a variety of “complete” dried feeds available for working canines like greyhounds.

G4U, on the other hand, is not a fan of this feeding approach.

Despite the fact that these biscuits are marketed as a complete diet for working dogs/greyhounds, we do not recommend feeding greyhounds this or any other complete food exclusively.

We've discovered that they're finest served with a raw meat mince, based on our personal experience (and some vegetables, if you have them available).

Including meat and vegetables in your diet can help you maintain a healthy weight, muscle tone, coat condition, and digestive system.

Some greyhounds prefer their biscuit lightly softened with hot water, which we recommend. In a dry or softened kibble, mix in the raw pet mince.

If you can't bear the thought of eating raw meat, try Nature's Menu pouches or Naturediet punnets.

Both are holistic diets that are the most natural way to feed without utilizing raw meat.

How Many Calories Does A Greyhound Puppy Need?

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How Many Calories Does A Greyhound Puppy Need?

Greyhounds, like other dogs, do not eat only meat and require a well-balanced diet.

For a variety of causes, a dog may go off its food.

It could be caused by heat, stress, food palatability, or a poor diet.

Don't be frightened unless it lasts for an extended period of time.

Consult a veterinarian if it persists for more than a few days.

Weight and coat condition are the best indicators of a dog's overall health.

When determining the appropriate weight for a Greyhound, several things must be taken into account.

A well-conditioned dog will have more muscle mass, which is both denser and heavier, than an out-of-condition dog of the same size.

Age, exercise, stress from both heat and cold, and overall health all have an impact on a dog's ideal weight.

Consult a knowledgeable veterinarian about a Greyhound's appropriate weight, particularly one who is familiar with sighthounds, and strive to maintain it.

A few more weight-management strategies for Greyhounds are as follows:

Portion-controlled feeding twice a day is more effective for many dogs.

For large chested dogs who are prone to bloat, smaller meals eaten more frequently are generally recommended.

Dog treats are high in calories. If you're attempting to get your dog to gain weight, that's great; just make sure the goodies don't become a substitute for regular meals.

Treats, like all other foods, should be included in the calorie count.

Vitamin supplements aren't always necessary, but they're unlikely to hurt a dog.

The best course of action is to get advice from a licensed veterinarian.

The total caloric intake required to keep a Greyhound at a healthy weight is impacted by the dog's age, the amount of regular exercise provided, and, in some places, the time of year.

A dog that is recovering from an injury or a serious illness will require more calories than a dog that is otherwise healthy.

Food and weight management for dogs can be done in a variety of ways.

If you're counting calories, make sure to include ALL of the food and treats you feed your dog, especially the potentially high-calorie “table scraps.”

The chart below indicates the number of calories required to maintain weight in dogs kept as pets who receive moderate exercise:

Weight(lbs) –  Calories

  • 50kg -1,350
  • 57kg -1,482
  • 66kg – 1,650
  • 88kg –  2,112
  • 118kg – 2,832
  • 118kg – 2,832

According to Sue Riegel of The Michigan Greyhound Quarterly, a healthy Greyhound at the proper weight will not appear emaciated, but will appear sleek (and possibly a touch lean to the untrained eye).

Look for the following characteristics in a “just right” Greyhound:

  • A few vertebrae can be seen.
  • One or two ribs are visible (just slightly)
  • Hip bones can be seen (just slightly)

Vertebrae and ribs may dissolve quickly in some Greyhounds as they achieve their ideal weight, but just the hind of the hip bones should be seen, according to Riegel.

If you can't see them at all, your Greyhound is becoming obese, and if you can't even feel them, your dog is becoming obese.

What Human Foods Are Dangerous For A Greyhound Puppy?


Avocados contain a chemical called persin, which is poisonous to dogs in certain concentrations.

Avocadoes contain persin in all of their parts, including the leaves, seeds, and tree bark, as well as the avocado fruit itself.


You'd think this wouldn't be necessary to mention, but alas, some folks are morons.

Alcohol has the same effect on a dog's liver and brain as it does on humans, but it takes a lot less of it to cause the same amount of harm.

Even a small amount of alcohol can be lethal to a dog, resulting in vomiting, diarrhea, central nervous system depression, coordination problems, erratic breathing, and coma.


Most people are aware that chocolate is extremely harmful to dogs.

Theobromine is the deadly element in chocolate, and it may be found in any type of chocolate, including white chocolate.

Dark chocolate, unsweetened baking chocolate, and chocolate mulch are the most harmful chocolates for dogs.

Chocolate, even in little doses, can be quite harmful.

Vomiting, diarrhoea, extreme thirst, abnormal heartbeat or palpitations, muscle tremors, and seizures are all signs to keep an eye on.

It's usually too late by the time your dog starts having seizures.

Caffeine, as found in coffee, tea, and other caffeinated products, will kill your dog in large enough doses.

Nothing will save your dog if it has consumed a deadly quantity of caffeine.

Restlessness, fast breathing, heart palpitations, muscular tremors, fits, and bleeding are all signs of caffeine intoxication. 

Table Scraps and Bones

Feeding your dog table leftovers isn't always a smart idea, but certain table scraps are downright deadly.

Bones and beef fat that have been cooked are a no-no.

Both of them are detrimental to your dog's health.

Pancreatitis can be caused by fat, both cooked and uncooked.

Cooked bones can splinter, causing obstructions in the airway or digestive system, as well as lacerations to the internal organs.

This isn't good in any case, and your dog could die as a result.


Grapes and raisins were great for Antony and Cleopatra, but they weren't so great for greyhounds.

In dogs, grapes and raisins can induce kidney failure, and it doesn't take much to poison them.

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These fruits' skins contain a lot of enzymes that are detrimental to dogs, and the fruit's pulp is likewise poisonous.

Vomiting in your dog on a regular basis is a warning indication.

The dog will become lethargic and despondent in a short period of time, and will most likely fall shortly after.

The Kitchen Pantry

Our furry four-legged pals will find numerous tantalizing fragrances in the kitchen pantry.

Unfortunately, some of the alluring aromas are also poisonous.

The pantry in the kitchen is clearly a no-no.

Please secure your pantry so that the dog cannot get it.

All edibles should be kept out of reach of the dog.

Please be advised that typical baking components like baking powder and baking soda, as well as nutmeg and other spices, are extremely harmful to dogs.

If your dog is good at breaking into the pantry in quest of prohibited delights, like my bad girl Tilly, please, please, please make sure the doors are secured.

Lollies, sweets, and chewing gum

Let's face it, who doesn't enjoy a clandestine bag of snakes around 3:30 p.m. to ward against afternoon drowsiness?

I'll tell you who it is – your canine companion!

A chemical called xylitol is the evil lurking in your sweets.

It is a sweetener that can be found in a variety of products such as lollipops, chewing gum, toothpaste, some diet foods, and baked goods.

Xylitol will induce a sudden rise in insulin levels in your dog's blood.

This will induce a quick decline in the dog's blood sugar level, as well as liver failure.

Vomiting, general lethargy, and substantial loss of coordination are all symptoms to be aware of. Seizures are also a common occurrence.

The dog might die from liver failure in a matter of days, depending on the amount taken.

Macadamia Nuts

Let's get one thing straight: macadamia nuts are deadly to dogs.

Macadamia nuts and other foods containing macadamias should not be fed to your dog.

Vomiting, high heart rate, muscular tremors, paralysis of the hindquarters, general leg weakness and inability to stand, raised body temperature, and other poisoning signs are all symptoms of macadamia nut poisoning.

If your dog eats chocolate that contains macadamia nuts, the symptoms will get more worse and much faster.

Medication (Human)

Believe it or not, the most prevalent cause of poisoning in all canines is a severe toxic reaction to drugs/medicines routinely recommended for people.

“Keep Out Of Reach Of Children” is a clear warning on all prescription bottles or sachets.

This includes the Fur Kids.

Never, ever, ever give your dog any ‘over the counter' medications unless your dog's veterinarian has specifically instructed you to do so.

Pain relievers and cold/cough medicine commonly contain substances like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Humans will benefit from it. For dogs, it's fatal.

Milk and other Dairy Products

Look, I'm just like the rest of you when it comes to treating my lovely greyhounds to ice cream on a hot day.

Milk and dairy products have no effect on some dogs.

Milk and dairy products, on the other hand, can create an allergic reaction in your dog.

Dairy enzymes and lactose cause a variety of allergies in humans, and they can also cause allergies in dogs.

The start of diarrhoea and other stomach disturbances, as well as a sudden itching, are the most prevalent signs that your pet hound is allergic to dairy.

It's probably time to stop feeding your dog dairy products if it suddenly becomes itchy for no apparent reason.

The sooner you start, the better.

Onions and Garlic

Let's face it, the jury is still out on garlic.

Many people I know give their dogs tiny doses of garlic (typically in the minced form, ie, ‘jarlic') to keep fleas away.

When I say “extremely modest amounts,” I mean less than a teaspoon per 2kg of meat.

You make the decision, but don't say you weren't warned!

It's advisable to avoid taking a chance if you don't know.

Onions in any form, whether raw, cooked, dehydrated, or powdered, should be avoided totally.

Onion enzymes attack red blood cells, resulting in anemia and poisoning.

Be warned that some infant food contains powdered onion, which should be avoided.

Weakness, vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy, and difficulty breathing are some of the symptoms of onion toxicity.

Persimmons, Peaches, and Plums – The Three Deadly Ps

These fruits all have one thing in common: seeds/pits.

Persimmon seeds are tiny and can create an obstruction in the small intestine as well as irritation.

Pits found in peaches and plums can potentially cause intestinal blockage.

To make matters worse, peach and plum pits contain cyanide, a poisonous gas that kills almost all living things.

Because most individuals wouldn't intentionally consume cyanide, they avoid eating peach or plum pits.

Dogs, on the other hand, are oblivious to the distinction and may consume these by accident.

Potatoes (Raw)

Do not give your dog raw potatoes, and if you cultivate potatoes in your garden, do not allow your dog to consume any potato plants.

Raw potato enzymes are extremely toxic and will cause food poisoning symptoms.

Raw potatoes, unlike cooked potatoes, have some starch that is poorly absorbed.

It's known as'resistant starch,' and it goes past the small intestine into the large intestine, where it's fermented by the large intestine flora.

As a result, your dog may develop increased faecal bulk, bloating, and other gastrointestinal problems.

In the upper plant, the potato plant develops some defensive (i.e. poisonous) chemicals (being the stems, leaves and above-ground potatoes themselves).

Toxic alkaloids like solanine may be found in some cases.

Cooked potatoes are considerably healthier for both people and dogs!

Raw Eggs

The jury is still out on this one, but it's useful to know the facts.

or years, I've fed raw eggs to my greyhounds with no apparent side effects, but now I'm not so sure.

I've always believed that giving my greyhounds raw eggs was good for their coats.

However, some veterinarians will inform you that giving raw eggs to your dog can cause two problems.

The first risk is that they will get food poisoning from bacteria like Salmonella or E Coli.

The second concern is that raw eggs contain enzymes that prevent the absorption of a specific B vitamin.

If uncooked eggs are fed for an extended period of time, this might cause skin and coat problems.

If in doubt, offer your dog cooked eggs instead of raw eggs.

Alternatively, omit the eggs entirely.

Uncooked meat and fish

Once again, bacteria can cause food poisoning when consumed raw.

Make sure the meat you feed your dogs has been handled and kept properly before feeding it to them.

Fish, while providing your dog with beneficial Omega 3 and oils for their skin and coat, can also cause difficulties. Humans are all too aware of this.

Certain types of fish, such as salmon and trout, might carry a parasite that can be lethal if not treated promptly after consumption.

You may be familiar with the terms ‘fish disease' and'salmon poisoning disease.'

The parasite is to blame for this.

This parasite's poisoning can kill you in two weeks.

Vomiting, a high temperature, and swollen lymph nodes are all clear indicators of parasite poisoning.

All seafood served to dogs should be well cooked.

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Please don't feed sushi to your dog.


Just like humans, your dog's health can be harmed by too much salt.

Salty snacks like chips and pretzels, while tasty, can be hazardous.

Excessive salt in your dog's diet will induce excessive thirst, increased urination, and sodium ion toxicity.

Symptoms of sodium ion poisoning include vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy and depression, muscle spasms, high fever, and seizures, like with many other types of poisoning.

A hazardous dose of salt can kill dogs.


Unless you've been living under a rock, you're probably aware that eating too much sugar is unhealthy for you.

Sugar is linked to obesity, tooth decay, and other dental issues, as well as the development of diabetes.

What's more, guess what? Your dog is subject to the same rules.

Sugar is not a natural component of a dog's diet and should never be given to them.


It appears that more people are baking their own bread at home.

We're all aware that before making bread, the dough needs to rise.

There's nothing more satisfying to a baker's eye than seeing dough rise.

The bad news is that if your dog consumes uncooked dough, his stomach will react in exactly the same way.

The dog's stomach will grow when the yeast activates and causes the dough to rise, stretching the belly and causing severe agony.

Furthermore, as the yeast ferments (which causes the dough to rise), alcohol is produced as a by-product. Poisoning can occur as a result of this (see alcohol above on this list).

Greyhound Puppies’ Best Dog Food

A healthy and well-balanced diet is best for greyhounds, as it is for other canines.

Always feed your dog the highest-quality food that you can afford.

Cheap dog food brands do not give the nourishment that your greyhound requires, and might even harm your dog.

If you're not sure what to get, your veterinarian can prescribe a high-quality kibble and/or wet food.

We urge that you do not feed your dogs tinned food unless it is a high-quality brand that your veterinarian has recommended.

Many canned foods contain fillers that are harmful to your dog's health and can cause gastrointestinal problems.

If your dog gets diarrhoea after eating canned food, it's time to switch to a different brand.

Dogs, like people, should consume as natural and unprocessed a diet as possible.

Your greyhound's coat, skin, and eyes will show that he or she is healthy and content.

Your dog's bright, lustrous coat, smooth and healthy skin, and bright, clear eyes are all signs of good health.

Younger greyhounds, although sleeping for lengthy periods of time, have huge spurts of energy and enjoy playing.

Your greyhound demands a high-quality diet that provides all of the nutrients the dog requires throughout the day in order to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

Giving your dog human food can have tragically disastrous effects because human food and dog food do not always mix properly.

That isn't to suggest you can't treat your pets to a special meal made from human cuisine.

You should be fine if you keep in mind that ‘treat food' should be confined to modest portions served seldom, and that the food should be pure, prepared, and not overly seasoned, salted, or too fatty.

Here are some fundamental guidelines to follow:

Depending on the size of the dog, greyhounds should consume 250-300 grams of meat every day.

This meat should be supplemented with vegetables, fish oil, and some dry food (see list of healthy and harmful veggies).

At Gumtree Greys, we propose Blackhawk as a high-quality kibble that will suit your hound perfectly.

It should be fine to eat lean cuts of meat that have been thoroughly cooked.

Remove all visible fat from the chicken, including the skin.

Cooked meat should be bone-free.

Various fruits are excellent for dogs and they enjoy them as treats.

Apples, oranges, bananas, and watermelon are all delicious and nutritious fruits.

Just make sure to get rid of all the seeds first.

Fruit leaves, stems, and seeds can all be dangerous.

Some vegetables are really beneficial to your dog and make excellent rewards.

Carrot sticks, green beans, zucchini slices, and cucumber slices are all delicious.

Potatoes that have been cooked are also acceptable.

Rice and pasta are both good for your dog as long as they're properly cooked.

Plain white rice with a modest bit of boiling chicken (without skin) can make your dog feel considerably better if he or she has recently been ill or had some tummy discomfort.

How Much Exercise Does A Greyhound Puppy Need A Day? 

To stay active, engage their brains, and stay healthy, Italian Greyhounds require some regular physical activity.

Daily activity also aids in the fight against boredom, which can contribute to nasty behavior in italian greyhounds.

Many of your italian greyhound's desires to chew, dig, pursue, retrieve, and herd could be satisfied with a little fun and games.

Exercise requirements vary depending on your italian greyhound's health and age, but 10 minutes in the backyard and a couple of daily walks around the block are likely insufficient.

If your italian greyhound is a six to eighteen-month-old adolescent, her needs will almost certainly be higher.

Greyhound Background Information

greyhound, dog, racing, pet, swift, fast, speedy, slender, graceful, breed  | Pxfuel

The Greyhound, the world's fastest dog, is a polite, noble, and sweet-tempered friend with a strong will.

For thousands of years, painters, poets, and kings have been enthralled by these beautiful hounds.

Greyhounds epitomize the dog breeder's concept that “form follows function.”

From their slender, aerodynamic skulls to their shock-absorbing pads on the feet, Greyhounds are built for high-speed pursuit.

For as long as humans have called themselves civilized, the slender beauty of the Greyhound's ‘inverted S' shape, generated by a deep chest sloping gently into a neatly tucked waist, has piqued the interest of artists, poets, and rulers.

Greyhounds have served as a model for the development of other coursing hounds.

Frequently Asked Question Greyhound

How much should I feed my greyhound puppy?

We feed our dogs 1 litre of biscuits and about 1 pound of meat per day. 1 tin of meat per day for each dog. This is frequently split into two meals at home, one in the morning and one in the evening. Due to the sensitive digestive systems of greyhounds, meal adjustments should be made gradually.

Can greyhounds be fed once a day?      

According to a review of surveys completed by 24,000 pet dog owners, dogs fed once a day are less likely to be diagnosed with age-related diseases than dogs fed more frequently.

How many cups of food should I feed my greyhound?

If you find a food that works for you, don't change it. A male greyhound of typical size should consume 2 cups of kibble twice a day. The majority of greyhounds eat as quickly as they run.

How much food should a greyhound eat a day?

Depending on the size of the dog, greyhounds should consume 250-300 grams of meat every day. This meat should be supplemented with vegetables, fish oil, and some dry food (see list of healthy and harmful veggies).

What do you feed a greyhound puppy?

Raw meat, such as Nature's Menu minces or chunks, is combined with cooked pasta, rice, and/or vegetables (greyhounds particularly enjoy vegetables like potatoes, carrots, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower). Do not use salt while preparing rice, pasta, or veggies for your dog.

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