Shiba Inu Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

The Shiba Inu is a well-balanced, muscular dog that was initially used as a hunting partner in ancient Japan to flush away birds and small animals. They are also the smallest of Japan's six original Spitz breeds, having origins dating back to 7,000 B.C. The Shiba Inu is distinguished by its distinctive curled tail and alert, fox-like face.

Shiba Inu Growth Chart
Shiba Inu Growth Chart

The species is highly adapted to long hikes via trails and rocky terrain, making them an excellent trekking companion! If you're the proud owner of a cute Shiba Inu puppy, you may be wondering how big your Shiba Inu will grow and when they'll stop growing.

To know more about Shiba Inu growth chart, keep reading!

Information on Shiba Inu
Information on Shiba Inu

When Do Shiba Inu Stop Growing?

Shiba Inus dogs have completed the majority of their growth by the age of one year. Shibas experience a growth spurt that lasts three to seven months and causes them to appear out of proportion.

The period of rapid growth might continue for up to eight months. They don't grow as quickly after that. When most Shiba Inus reach the age of 12 months, they stop growing.

They may continue to fill out between the ages of 12 and 18 months. Males and females have reached a full adult size at 18 months.

You can easily tell whether your puppy is still developing by the size of its paws. If his paws appear disproportionate to the rest of his body, he will continue to grow until his entire body is in proportion.

What is the Standard Shiba Inu Size

The Shiba Inu is a devoted family pet. Despite being Japan's smallest native breed, the Shiba Inu is considered a medium-sized dog, Shiba Inu Size – Not Too Big, Not Too Small. A fully mature male Shiba Inu stands between 14.5 and 16.5″ tall.

The female would be slightly shorter, measuring 13.5″-15.5″. A male Shiba Inu should weigh around 23 pounds, while a female Shiba Inu should weigh around 17 pounds.

Shiba Inu Weight Chart

Here is the weight chart of a Shiba Inu:

AgeFemale WeightMale Weight
3 months6 – 8 lbs7 – 10 lbs
4 months8 – 11 lbs9 – 13 lbs
5 months10 – 13 lbs11 – 16 lbs
6 months11 – 15 lbs13 – 18 lbs
7 months13 – 16 lbs15 – 19 lbs
8 months13.5 – 17 lbs16 – 20 lbs
9 months14 – 17.5 lbs16.5 – 21 lbs
10 months14.5 – 18 lbs17 – 22 lbs
11 months15 – 18.5 lbs17.5 – 23 lbs
12 months16 – 19 lbs18 – 24 lbs

Shiba Inu Growth Chart – What To Expect
Shiba Inu Weight Chart by Age

Shiba Inu Weight  1-2 weeks

The neonatal stage lasts from birth to two weeks. At this stage, the mother is responsible for everything, most notably cleaning and nursing.

The puppies are blind and deaf, but they can feel and taste. They are unable to move much and should not be picked up. They can't walk, but they can move their bodies about.

Shiba Inu Weight 3-12 weeks

Puppy dread develops between the ages of two and three months. Continue to expose your puppy to various settings so that he learns that he does not need to be terrified of everything.

A Shiba Inu may be socialized and trained best between the ages of two and four months.

This is a critical period in the life of a Shiba Inu puppy, and you must not miss out on it if you want a well-behaved adult dog as a friend. If he is afraid of the vacuum cleaner, demonstrate to him that it will not harm him.

Shiba Inu Weight 4-9 months

Continue to socialize your dog throughout this time. Your puppy will try to put you to the test and get away with breaking the rules. The entire family must be watchful and consistent in enforcing the rules.

See also  Havanese Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

Shiba Inu sexual maturity occurs around the age of six months. A male puppy will begin to elevate its legs, thus it is critical to teach your pup where this is acceptable.

Most Shiba Inus weigh between 12 to 17 pounds at six months of age, with females tending to be on the lighter side of that range.

Your puppy will begin to develop adult teeth between the ages of four and six months. It will help your puppy cope during this difficult period if you provide him with some chew toys.

Your Shiba Inu will reach adolescence between the ages of five and six months. He will become just as rebellious as any human adolescent, so keep an eye on him.

You must maintain command and enforce all rules. If you did not socialize your dog earlier, this stage will be extremely difficult for both you and your dog. In fact, most Shiba Inus are abandoned by their human family during this time because they become too tough to handle.

Shiba Inu Weight  10-12 months

When your Shiba Inu is a year old, it's time to take him to the vet for a yearly check-up and booster vaccine.

Even at this point, you may need to train your dog. There may still be commands that your dog does not understand, so keep teaching.

Shiba Inu Adult Weight 

Shiba Inu
Shiba Inu

Your Shiba Inu may be wary of people and other animals if he or she has not been properly socialized. He will be self-sufficient and have little desire to satisfy you. If he is dissatisfied with something, he may shock you with a loud scream.

Don't be deceived by his little stature – he's a big dog. His strong prey drive will always be present, so he'll chase after anything that moves and don't believe you'll be able to capture him.

If you must leave him outside alone, make sure you have a very secure fence or a high wall in place, as Shiba Inus are expert escape artists.

Keep your Shiba Inu on a leash when you go for a stroll. If you let go, he will leave and you will never see him again.

This strong-willed dog breed thrives in the company of equally strong-willed owners who are tough and in command.

What is the Full Grown Shiba Inu Weight?

A male Shiba Inu will stand between 14.5 and 16.5 inches tall, according to the American Kennel Club Official Shiba Inu Breed Standards. A female Shiba Inu, on the other hand, will be slightly shorter at 13.5 to 15.5 inches tall. At maturity, both males and females can weigh between 17 to 23 pounds, however females tend to be on the lesser side of that range.

A mature Shiba Inu should be compact but well-balanced.

How To Weigh Your Shiba Inu Puppy?

Shiba inu puppy
Shiba inu puppy

If you want to maintain track of your Shiba Inu's weight, you must first learn how to weigh him properly.

To begin, you should be able to weigh your Shiba Inu at home if he is a puppy or if you are just large enough to hold him. This can be accomplished with a standard bathroom scale.

To begin, weigh yourself and record the result. Then, while standing on the scale, pick up your dog and hold him. The difference in weights represents your dog's weight.

If your dog is too huge to carry, you can either invest in a dog scale, which can cost upwards of $100, or contact your veterinarian. The majority of veterinarian offices will enable you to use their scale.

Unless there is a health problem, you can weigh an adult Shiba Inu once every six months. Once a week is sufficient for a puppy to ensure he is growing normally.

What Is A Shiba Inu’s Neck Size?

To determine the neck size of your dog, use a soft and flexible tape measure to determine the neck size of your dog where her collar naturally falls. Then, put two fingers between your dog's neck and the tape measure to ensure that the dog collar fits snugly but comfortably. Shiba Inu's average neck circumference is between 14 and 17 inches.

See also  Shollie Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

How Big Do Shiba Inus Get?

Shiba Inus dogs cease developing around the age of one year. If your canine partner is less than a year old, they will continue to grow. Most breed members have completed their largest growth spurts by the age of eight months and will gradually taper off growth between the ages of 12 and 18 months until they are fully mature.

If you purchased your Shiba Inu from a breeder, try contacting them for a more accurate mature size estimate based on your pup's parents and past litters. Because a puppy is rarely larger than its larger parent, this also provides a maximum size estimate.

Finally, examine your Shiba's puppy paws. Do they appear disproportionate in comparison to their legs and bodies? If true, this is a typical puppy characteristic indicating that your puppy is still filling out and developing into its paws.

Factors That Affect Shiba Inu Puppy Growth 


The development of the physique, shape, and size of all breeds is determined by genetics. All canines' sizes are determined by their DNA. The Shiba Inu is a small breed, with many dogs weighing no more than 20 pounds.

Your puppy will be the same size as his parents and grandparents.

Diet & Nutrition

Puppy feeding is essential for their health and development. It has a direct impact on their immune system. The amount of food and how nutrient-dense the food is can signify the difference between a healthy full-grown adult dog and a dog that doesn't thrive.

Feed your Shiba Inu puppy the greatest quality dog food you can afford. These dogs have a predisposition to gain weight, so avoid giving your dog snacks in between meals.

Physical Activity & Health

Shiba Inus can easily become overweight, according to studies. It is critical to feed your dog only at mealtimes and to continually monitor its weight. Obesity in dogs can lead to major health problems later in life, as well as a high veterinarian fee for you.

To keep your dog's weight under control, avoid giving him treats and make sure he receives adequate activity on a daily basis.

Shiba Inus, on the other hand, are hyperactive and enjoy being active. Your dog will like being outside with you while you run and play games. They will also stroll and run with their owners; just remember to keep him on a leash at all times.

Will Neutering/Spaying Affect the Growth of My Shiba Inu?

 Shiba Inu
Shiba Inu

It is better to wait a little longer before spaying or neutering your Shiba Inu puppy because it impacts their growth in a variety of ways. This is especially true with male Shiba Inus.

Even though they are considered small-sized canines and have less growing to accomplish, it is best to wait until they are at least 12 months old.

When it comes to male dogs, premature neutering can lead to ACL problems, bone tumors, prostate cancers, and even hip dysplasia.

Their bodies' testosterone governs growth, and neutering disturbs this process, causing joint difficulties as well as a slew of other maladies.

It is likewise not recommended that females be spayed too soon. However, spaying them can help avoid ailments such as carcinogenic or malignant breast tumors, as well as urinary tract infections.

There's also the obvious advantage of avoiding unplanned pregnancies that your dog might not be ready for.

Overall, you should be aware that there are benefits and drawbacks to spaying and neutering your dog.

It is up to you to undertake the necessary research and make the best option for your Shiba Inu.

Common Questions about Shiba Inu

At What Age Is A Shiba Inu Fully Grown?

Shiba Inu puppies experience rapid development spurts between the ages of three and seven months. During these growth spurts, they nearly double in size before slowing down to a slower growth rate at about eight months of age, which they will sustain until they achieve their maximum size at one year of age.

Most Shiba Inus will be deemed fully matured in terms of height and weight by the age of 12 months. Larger dogs, on the other hand, may take up to 18 months to fill out and achieve their full size.

See also  Catahoula Leopard Dog Growth Chart (Weight Chart & Size Chart)

How Long Are Shiba Inus Pregnant?

Dogs have a normal gestation length of about 63 days from conception, though this can vary by several days. While this may appear to be a simple response, conception is often difficult to determine.

How Many Puppies Do Shiba Inus Have?

Shiba Inus have an average litter size of three puppies, but litter sizes can range from two to five puppies. This modest litter size is related to the dog's small build.

What Is The Life Expectancy Of Shiba Inus?

The Shiba Inu, which has an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years, is prone to minor health conditions such as allergies and cataracts, as well as significant health issues such as patellar luxation.

How Much Does It Cost To Own A Shiba Inu?

The annual cost of owning a Shiba Inu is estimated to be between $1,525 and $8,525 PER SHIBA. The vast difference in prices is due to factors such as your lifestyle, where you reside, and your Shiba's unique demands.

How To Help Your Shiba Inu Lose Weight If He Is Overweight 

As with humans, exercise is critical for your overweight dog's health. Increased movement helps your dog burn off excess energy (and calories consumed). Avoid panic! Exercising your pet does not have to include marathons or lengthy hikes. Regular walks and the opportunity to run and play safely off-leash. 

Even creating a stimulating indoor environment that encourages your dog to exercise on a regular basis can help. Bear in mind that different breeds require varying amounts of exercise, so visit your veterinarian, breeder, or your dog's breed standard for recommendations on recommended activity levels.

Distinguish Begging from Hunger

Distinguish Begging from Hunger
Distinguish Begging from Hunger

Begging is not necessarily motivated by a desire for more food; it is also used to gain attention. (And, by rewarding the behavior, you reinforce and encourage it to continue.) If your dog begs, do not automatically assume he is hungry. Trust your instincts and keep track of the date and time of your last meal. 

If your dog is prone to begging and you are prone to succumb to those puppy dog eyes, choose a high-protein meal with a fiber blend to help control your dog's hunger and voluntary food consumption. In this manner, you may feed your dog with the assurance that he will feel fuller and content for a longer period of time.

Restriction on treats and table scraps

Even when our dogs are not begging, many of us provide an excessive amount of treats and table scraps. Dogs are not required to share our food! Consider treats and scraps for your pet in the same way that you would candy for children to help you keep them in check. If you're going to utilize snacks for training, choose low-calorie, low-fat ones and keep the portions small. 

As an alternative, keep in mind that clickers are excellent for reinforcement… and they have no calories! After all, a few extra pounds can make a significant impact in the lives of dogs, which are significantly smaller than humans. (Even the colossal breeds!) Therefore, focus on a balanced diet and resist the temptation to “reward” them with extra.

Customize Your Dog's Diet

Not all weight-loss foods are created equal, which is why it's critical to match your dog's nutrition plan to their unique needs. Choose a brand that caters to your dog's unique needs, whether they be weight control, dietary sensitivities, or illnesses.

Conclusion on Shiba Inu Growth Chart

A well-bred and socialized Shiba Inu will be a friendly and faithful family dog. Because these dogs have a strong will, they must be properly and persistently socialized from a young age.

Many individuals purchase Shiba Inus without fully comprehending what it means to own one of these dogs. When a dog enters adolescence and has not been properly socialized, they become difficult to handle, and the sad reality is that many of them end up in shelters.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long does it take for a Shiba Inu to mature?

Most Shiba Inus will be deemed fully matured in terms of height and weight by the age of 12 months. Larger dogs, on the other hand, may take up to 18 months to fill out and achieve their full size.

Is it better to get a male or female Shiba Inu?

Males are normally preferred over females for those who are new to the Shiba breed. Males are more gregarious, playful, and friendly than females, making them simpler to handle.

How large is a full-grown Shiba Inu?

Males are 14.5 to 16.5 inches tall and weigh approximately 23 pounds. Females weigh about 17 pounds and stand 13.5 to 15.5 inches tall.

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