How Much to Feed An Otterhound Puppy? [Answered]

The Otterhound was developed for a hobby that was forbidden many years ago: otter hunting.

But, how much to feed an otterhound puppy?

They are still bred now, though for other uses, and they are an important part of history.

They have their origins in England.

The Otterhound is a sociable canine. With their long, shaggy coats of weatherproof fur and a zest for life, they are alluring.

With their webbed feet and coat, they're built to be good swimmers.

They enjoy staying in the water for long periods of time and have a great tracking nose.

How Much to Feed An Otterhound Puppy?
How Much to Feed An Otterhound Puppy?

How Much Should A Otterhound Puppy Eat?

Otterhounds are a large dog breed that needs plenty of exercise.

They are capable of consuming three to four cups of food every day.

Their age, size, and everyday activities all play a role in this.

If you're not sure how much to feed them, keep an eye on them or see your veterinarian.

The Otterhound thrives on high-quality food that's packed with proteins that are simple to break down.

Finding food that is made exclusively for large dogs could help you satisfy the nutritional requirements of your pet.

Otterhound Puppy Feeding Chart

How Much to Feed An Otterhound Puppy?

image 4
Cups per day according to Dog's Weight
Feeding Chart 1
Otterhound Puppy Feeding Chart

  Here Are The Feeding Suggestions For A Otterhound Puppy

  • Between the ages of eight and twelve weeks, otterhound pups require four bowls of food every day.
  • Otterhound puppies aged 3 to 6 months should be fed three times a day.
  • Puppies from 6 months to 1 year should be fed twice in a 24-hour period.
  • By the time your otterhound reaches the age of one, one bowl per day will enough.
  • Otterhounds, on the other hand, sometimes prefer two smaller portions. It is your responsibility to adjust to your otterhound's dietary habits.

For full-grown otterhounds, high-quality dry dogfood can be blended with broth, canned food, or water to offer balanced nutrition.

Cooked eggs, cottage cheese, and fruits and vegetables may be enjoyed by your otterhound, but they should account for less than ten percent of her daily food allowance.

Puppies of otterhounds should be fed high-quality, name-brand puppy food.

However, you should limit “table food” because it can lead to mineral and vitamin shortages, bone and tooth problems, as well as picky eating habits and obesity.

Only clean, freshwater should be available, and water and food dishes should be cleaned frequently.

How To Take Care Of Your Otterhound?

If you want your Otterhound to have a longer, healthier, and happier life, you should make providing her with her routine care a part of your daily routine.

The importance of maintaining a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity cannot be emphasized.

  • Keep a close eye on your pet in the same way that you would a young child.
  • Turn out the lights, lock the doors, and be sure to clean up after yourself as necessary.
  • By doing this, she will be prevented from getting into mischief and from eating items that are unhealthy for her.
  • At a minimum of once each week, her mane should be combed out as required.
  • You can keep your Otterhound's teeth in good shape by cleaning them at least twice a week. Otterhounds normally have healthy teeth.
  • Because she has a tendency to follow her nose and chase after tiny animals, you should always walk your Otterhound on a leash, and you should also make sure that your yard has a sturdy fence around it.
  • She takes pleasure in being near or even in the water, and swimming is an excellent opportunity for her to get some exercise.
  • Thunderstorms, New Year's Eve, and the Fourth of July should be avoided around her as much as possible due to her sensitivity to noise.
  • You should feed your dog the same thing every day and steer clear of giving her any food from the table.
  • Give her a diet that is healthy and appropriate for her age.
  • Your dog should get plenty of exercise on a regular basis, but you shouldn't push him too hard at initially.

Otterhound Puppies’ Best Dog Food

Foods for Otterhound Puppies that We Recommend

What is the length of time that Otterhounds require puppy food?

Until they reach the age of 24 months

Otterhounds are primarily interested in growing, and the food we provide them should support that goal.

They require more nutrition than adult dogs because they are still growing, particularly proteins, lipids, carbs, vitamins, minerals, and — don't forget — water.

It's still crucial not to overfeed puppies, so portion food and limit treats to no more than 10% of their daily calories. W

e recommend that your young Otterhound eats food created specifically for puppies from a recognized brand because balance is very vital.

Puppy Formula Dry Dog Food for Large Breeds

  • Farm-Raised Chicken Dry Dog Food for a Healthy Puppy
  • Dry Dog Food Be Natural Puppy Real Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe

Adult Otterhound Foods We Recommend

When do Otterhounds need to start eating adult food?

Until they reach the age of 24 months

Otterhounds become adults in terms of nutrition when they achieve roughly 90% of their projected weight. Our two main nutritional goals as adults are balance and maintenance.

We desire balance since a dog's body is responsible for several things, including digestion, infection defense, muscle strength, and squirrel chasing.

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We want to make sure that each body function gets its fair share of nutrients because they are all vital functions.

In addition, we must keep a healthy weight.

Malnourishment is a risk for underfed dogs, and obesity is a risk for overfed dogs, both of which can lead to even more issues for an Otterhound.

  • Primitive Natural Grain-Free Grain-Free Grain-Free Grain-Free Grain-Free Grain-Free Grain-
  • Senior Grain-Free Dry Dog Food with Fresh & Raw Animal Ingredients
  • Lamb & Rice, Large Breed Adult Natural, Non-GMO
  • Adult Dry Dog Food Frontrunner Ancient Grains Chicken, Oats, and Turkey

Senior Otterhound Foods We Recommend

When do Otterhounds need to start eating senior food?

Although all dogs mature differently, giant dogs such as the Otterhound can begin to benefit from senior food around the age of 5 to 6.

Have you ever watched kids racing around a playground and wished you had the same amount of energy?

Yeah. Dogs, too, make it there.

Senior Otterhounds' metabolic processes slow down as they age, so they don't require as many calories as they did when they were younger.

Smart dog food companies have created senior diets that are lower in calories while yet providing appropriate maintenance protein and helping them feel full.

Even Nevertheless, everyone is unique, just like humans.

Depending on how their bodies age, older dogs may require the same amount of calories as younger dogs.

So keep an eye on their physical condition and look for senior dog foods.

  • Senior Chicken & Brown Rice from the Large Life Protection Breed
  • Adult 6+ Large Breed Science Diet® dog food
  • Adult Dry Dog Food from Proactive Health
  • CORE Senior Deboned Turkey Recipe Dry Dog Food is grain-free.

Switching From Otterhound Puppy Food To Adult Food 

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Switching From Otterhound Puppy Food To Adult Food 

Until they reach adulthood, pups require comprehensive and balanced puppy food.

Although one-year-old dogs are commonly considered adults, this is not always the case.

Large and giant breeds take longer to mature, thus they require more puppy food than tiny and medium-sized dogs.

Toy and Small Breed Dogs:

At maturity, many toy and small breed dogs weigh less than 20 pounds and achieve this size between the ages of 9 and 10.

Medium Dog Breeds:

At maturity, medium-sized dogs weigh between 21 and 50 pounds. Around the age of 12 months, they achieve maturity.

Large and Giant Breeds:

Large and giant breeds weigh between 50 and 100 pounds and take 18 to 2 years to mature.

They must ingest puppy food for a longer amount of time than small and medium-sized breeds.

It's crucial to contact your veterinarian if you have a mixed breed dog or aren't sure how big your dog will be at maturity.

They'll be able to tell you when it's time to convert to adult dog food and aid you in making the shift.

Leftovers in a bowl may indicate that your puppy is becoming satiated and will require fewer calories during the day. Purina Nutritionist Karina Carbo-Johnson, MS recommends starting with less food per feeding and monitoring his bodily condition.

When you discontinue giving puppy food, you must make other changes as well.

In addition, the number of meals and portion sizes will decrease.

Adult dogs can consume only two meals per day, although pups have three meals per day.

The feeding recommendations on your dog's food label will tell you how much to feed him every day and how to divide it into two meals.

Here's an example of a transitional feeding schedule:

  • Days 1–2: Feed 3/4 of your puppy's normal quantity of food plus 1/4 adult dog food.
  • Serve half puppy food and half adult dog food on days three and four.
  • Feed 1/4 puppy food and 3/4 adult dog food on days 5–7.
  • Days 8–10: Only serve adult dog food.

Extend the transition time as needed if your dog refuses to eat the adult food or has an upset stomach.

If you require extra assistance, call your veterinarian.

What If My Otterhound Puppy Won’t Eat?

It is possible that you will experience a great deal of anxiety if your dog stops eating on a regular basis.

After all, maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires a number of different steps, one of which is eating well.

What exactly could be the cause of your dog's obstinate refusal to consume food?

1. Illness

The most likely explanation for your dog's lack of appetite is one that can also apply to times when people choose not to eat.

The Animal Medical Center in New York has a staff veterinarian named Ann Hohenhaus, and she claims that “They're sick.”

You don't feel like eating when you have a fever, and all you want to do is lie down and get some sleep instead.

Dogs are the same in every respect.

They typically become ill, go without food for a few days, and then make a full recovery afterward.”

Make an appointment with your vet as soon as you can if your dog is not eating and is also experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, or all of these symptoms.

In the meanwhile, here are a few suggestions that are sure to tickle their appetites:

You can reheat the food for your dog in the microwave.

Pouring chicken broth, beef broth, clam juice, or water from canned tuna over food can make it look and smell more delicious.

Pouring warm water over dry food will help to soften it.

If your dog typically only consumes wet food, you might want to try transitioning him over to dry food.

Hand-feeding is an excellent choice for sociable eaters whose primary goal is to be observed as they consume food.

If your condition is serious, your veterinarian may recommend that you take a drug that will assist you in eating.

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Hohenhaus is of the opinion that a dog's refusal to eat due to dental issues is an extremely uncommon occurrence, despite the fact that a lot of people hold the belief that this is the case.

However, she does warn that if there is a tumor in the dog's mouth, it may stop eating.

2. Medication requiring a doctor's prescription

Have you just lately started administering medication to your dog?

It's possible that the medicine, in combination with the change in their routine, will upset their stomachs.

Hohenhaus notes that the therapy for a disease may cause an individual to stop eating.

“Antibiotics may induce discomfort in the stomach.

Certain drugs might cause nausea and vomiting.”

According to her, two of the potential causes are chemotherapy and the usage of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Rimadyl.

3. Psychological and interpersonal issues

Changes in your life that are significant, such as moving to a new location, switching employment, or ending a relationship with someone, can have an impact on your appetite.

A dog's appetite can also be affected by significant life changes.

Hohenhaus has even witnessed a dog patient cease eating after being re-homed after her owner's death.

Hohenhaus continues, “She was on a bit of a hunger strike, and I think it was because her life had turned upside down.”

“There are two distinct categories of people living in our earth.

As a result of being distracted with the events transpiring in your life, you will either overeat or not eat at all while your life is in a state of disarray.

My opinion is that dogs are in the same position.”

4. The owner's inability to be present

Keep in mind that it's probably not your imagination if your dog doesn't appear to eat or drink while you're gone, but then goes on a feeding frenzy as soon as you get home and devours their food.

“Dogs tend to congregate in packs.

When you're not there, their pack isn't there, therefore Hohenhaus says, “They're waiting for the pack to arrive before they eat.”

5. The practice of daylight saving time

There are some canines that will not consume food at any other hour of the day.

It's possible that your canine companion eats solely at midday, or that they save the last bite of their meal for the evening.

It is common practice to give food to your dog at the same time each day, regardless of the preferences of the dog itself.

If they only eat during particular periods of the day, it is not very probable that there will be an issue.

“Dogs and I both have our preferred mealtimes,” explains Hohenhaus. “I have mine too.”

6. Preferences Regarding One's Own Food

It is also likely that your dog's eating patterns have changed as a direct result of a recent modification to the recipe of the dog food that they are used to eating on a regular basis.

It is highly recommended by Hohenhaus that you feed your dog a variety of foods on a regular basis so that you can sidestep this issue.

According to Hohenhaus's explanation, “if the bag says ‘new and improved,' that may not reflect your dog's opinion of the food.”

“This indicates that the manufacturer has made changes to the food, and it's possible that your dog won't enjoy the new flavor.”

“It's excellent to have a backup plan in case the food is taken off the market, recalled, or upgraded to the point where your dog no longer appreciates it,” Hohenhaus says more.

“It's a good idea to have a backup plan in case the food is taken off the market, recalled, or increased.”

How Much Water Should A Otterhound Puppy Drink? 

How Much Water Should A Otterhound Puppy Drink? 
How Much Water Should A Otterhound Puppy Drink? 

On a daily basis, adult dogs need around one ounce of water for every pound of body weight that they carry.

Despite their smaller size, growing puppies have a higher caloric intake than their more mature relatives.

However, the age of your puppy, its size, and its level of activity are all factors to consider.

The puppy's mother's milk is the only source of hydration for the young animal.

As soon as they are weaned and start eating solid food, they will have an insatiable thirst for clean water.

Puppies need an average of a half cup of water every two hours to stay hydrated.

You will need to keep a close eye on your puppy to ensure that he consumes an appropriate amount of water, but not an excessive amount.

Every day, weaned older puppies have a higher water requirement, requiring between 0.5 and 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight.

If your dog weighs 20 pounds, for instance, he will require between 10 and 20 ounces of water on a daily basis.

It's possible that he'll need even more water on days when he's really pushing himself.

How Much Daily Exercise Does An Otterhound Puppy Require?

These puppies require daily exercise to stay healthy and in shape.

They fare better if they have some type of occupation.

They can be employed as hunting or tracking dogs without any training because it is in their genetics.

Otterhounds are a breed that is not recommended for apartment dwellers.

They have difficulty adjusting to the restricted setting because they prefer to exercise alone.

They do, however, have a penchant for laziness, so don't expect them to accomplish everything.

Swimming is a great way for kids to get some exercise.

They can spend hours investigating in the water.

Set a weekly target of at least 7 miles if you enjoy walking, hiking, or running.

Regardless, people should exercise for 45 minutes per day on a daily basis.

Otterhound Background Information


Do you believe life would be ideal if you had a giant, loud, hairy dog?

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If that's the case, the Otterhound might be the right dog for you.

The Otterhound is an ancient dog breed that originated in England from Bloodhounds and other breeds.

There are currently less than 1,000 Otterhounds in the world, with only 350 to 500 living in the United States.

In reality, in the United States and Canada, just four to seven litters are born each year. Expect difficulty in finding an Otterhound if you have your heart set on one.

What is the reason behind the breed's rarity? Nobody knows for sure, but it's not due of the Otterhound's demeanor.

The Otterhound, also known as the “class clown,” has a charming, affectionate, and fun-loving demeanor. He's independent, too, not expecting a lot of care.

The Otterhound is likely to finish the nap he was taking when you arrived after welcoming you with delight.

Otterhounds are a huge dog breed.

Females can weigh up to 65 pounds, and huge males can weigh up to 125 pounds.

They're obviously pets that take up a lot of room in the house.

Otterhounds get along well with youngsters, although their enormous size and energetic demeanor may make them too boisterous for extremely young or little children.

They can also be overly loud for elderly people.

The shaggy appearance of the Otterhound is unusual.

His head appears to be huge and lengthy, with long, folded ears that give him a draping appearance. He has a long, striding movement and is physically robust.

He possesses a hound's sensitive nose, which will most likely lead him to investigate his surroundings.

The Otterhound has a rough, double coat and huge, webbed feet since he was bred to hunt both on land and in water.

He comes in a variety of hues, the most prevalent of which is a black and tan grizzle, which often lightens as the dog ages.

The Otterhound has a characteristic hound bark that is almost melodious.

This deep, loud, and lengthy bay may be music to a hunter's ears, but it may not be so pleasant for the neighbors.

Although some Otterhounds are quiet, the majority appear to enjoy the sound of their own voices, therefore teaching your Otterhound the command “quiet” is a good idea.

The Otterhound has a diverse range of vocalizations, ranging from grunts to groans.

Some canines even like “singing” and vocalizing with other dogs or people.

If raised with other dogs and animals or introduced slowly, otterhounds are usually good with them.

The Otterhound, especially as a puppy, benefits from a lot of socialization, thus he should be integrated in all aspects of your life.

Because otterhounds are opinionated, training them requires patience, especially because they become extremely playful when they don't want to perform what you're asking.

And, because of their size, they require extensive training.

The Otterhound, despite his size and power, has a “soft” demeanor and does not respond well to severe training methods.

It's best to be even more obstinate than he is, while keeping the training sessions brief, enjoyable, and beneficial to both of you.

Because the Otterhound enjoys eating, it can be a powerful motivator in training.

Be wary that his passion for food can lead him astray: stories abound of Otterhounds who have learned to break free from any restraint in order to gain access to the kitchen, where they unlock cabinets, drawers, and even the refrigerator in order to steal a sweet morsel.

The Otterhound requires a lot of exercise.

He has a lot of stamina and energy, and running for three or four miles is nothing more than a walk in the park for him.

If left alone in the backyard for an extended period of time, especially if not given enough exercise, the Otterhound will find methods to busy himself that will annoy you, such as incessant baying or digging up your recently planted flower garden.

The Otterhound is a diligent dog that can be trained for obedience and agility competitions. Otterhounds excel at tracking, with a higher percentage of them earning American Kennel Club tracking championships each year than any other breed.

The Otterhound isn't particularly suited to guard duties, despite his size, strength, and booming bark – he's far too friendly to take the job seriously.

Frequently Asked Question Otterhound

How do I know if I'm feeding my puppy enough?

How much does it cost? Puppies require a lot of food–but not too much. When you look down at them, you should be able to feel but not see their ribs, and they should have a discernible waist. This is true for pups of any size, whether they are large or small.

What should I feed my 8 week old puppy?

You can start feeding your puppy soft foods like canned or dried dog foods (if you're not sure what that is, read our entire guide here) once they've been weaned off their mother's milk (about 8 weeks). Hard meals should not be introduced to your puppy until they are at least 9-10 weeks old.

Can a 1 month old puppy eat rice?

Adding some rice to your dog's diet is safe as long as he maintains a healthy weight. Boil the rice for your puppy in water without adding any herbs or spices.

Can a 2 month old puppy eat rice?

Is it OK to feed rice to a two-month-old puppy? Adding some rice to your dog's diet is safe as long as he maintains a healthy weight. Boil the rice for your puppy in water without adding any herbs or spices.

Do puppies sleep a lot?

Puppies, despite their high energy levels, sleep an average of 18-20 hours every day. Your puppy could be a little whirlwind one minute and then fall blissfully asleep in the middle of a dash the next.

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