The Best Way on Clipping Dog Nails [Answered]

Taking care of your dog's nails is an important component of their overall health and well-being.

Checking that they aren't growing too long on a regular basis is a good idea.

If your dog's nail grow too long, they can snag, splinter, or even grow into the pad, which can be unpleasant and lead to bleeding and infections.

The majority number of dogs do not like getting their claws being clipped.

Young animals should have their claws trimmed already to get acquainted to the procedure.

How to Keep Your Dog Calm when Clipping Dog Nails

While some dogs will willingly sit in your lap or on a table while you trim their nails, others will need to be restrained.

  • Placing the dog on a table is one way of restraint. Stand on the table's opposite side from the claws you're trimming.
  • Arms and upper body should be draped around the dog. Keep your left forearm over the dog's neck when clipping the front claws to prevent the dog from elevating its head. In your left hand, grasp the paw, and in your right hand, hold the trimmer.
  • If your dog tries to stand up, bend your upper body over his shoulders to keep him from doing so.
  • If your dog is excessively wiggly, try laying him on his side.
  • Keep the dog resting on his side by using your right arm and upper torso. In your right hand, hold the trimmer.
  • Keep the head on the table with your left arm, and the paw with your left hand.
Clipping of Dog's Nails
Clipping of Dog's Nails

How do I know if my dog's nails are too long?

Holding your dog's paw flat on the palm of your hand is a nice technique to find out.

As a general rule, if your dog's nails contact your hand, they are likely to be significantly longer.

As they walk, you might hear them clicking on solid surfaces.

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Or, you may observe them licking or chewing their paws, which could indicate that they're bothering them.

Dog Nail Trimming Tools to Use?

The following will be your primary nail trimming tools:

1. A nail clippers or a cutter

Trimming your dog's nails can be done in a variety of ways. While some people like guillotine-style clippers, most veterinary professionals prefer spring-loaded scissor-style or plier-style nail cutters. These are especially beneficial for dogs who have thick, difficult-to-cut nails.

Some models even include a protection to prevent you from cutting your nail too short.

Small and large dogs can both benefit from scissor-style or plier-style nail clippers, but if you have a miniature pup, you may find it easier to use nail clippers designed for cats or small dogs.

Human nail clippers can be used on very little or young dogs, but it is usually simpler to see what you're doing with them.

2. Styptic powder

It is a good idea to keep some styptic powder on hand in case you cut your nail too short by accident. Styptic powder will assist you to care for your dog's toe by stopping the bleeding.

How do I trim my dog's nails?

Before you attempt to cut your pet nails, it may be beneficial to gradually acclimate your dog to the sight and sound of the nail clippers.

Bring out the nail clippers, click them, and let your dog sniff them on various times (without cutting their nails) to get them used to them.

When the clippers come out, give your dog some nice treats.

Here's how to safely trim your dog's nails:

  1. Find a peaceful spot where your dog will be at ease and not be distracted.
  2. Hold your tiny dog in your lap or place them on a stable surface if you have one. If you have a large dog, having another person hold them while you clip their nails is a good idea.
  3. Hold one of your dog's paws between your thumb and forefinger gently yet firmly.
  4. To expand the nail forward, gently press down on the paw pad. Make sure there's no hair in the way of your full view of the nail.
  5. Clip the tip of the nail straight across when your dog is still. Clip away from the natural curvature of the nail.
  6. To connect nail trims with significant rewards, provide lots of high-value goodies before, during, and after.
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How to File Your Dog's Nails to Smooth Them After Clipping?

Remove any sharp tips or fragments left over after the trimming process on your dog's nail with filling.

1. Carefully grasp your dog's paw and spread the toes apart using a powerful nail file.

2. With your dominant hand holding the file, carefully round off any rough edges left for a flawless finish.

Questions that you may have related to your Dog's Nails.

How Short Should You Cut Your Dog's Nails?

It's crucial not to clip behind the nail's natural curve, as this is where the “quick” begins.

The quick is the part of the nail that contains blood vessels and nerves in the core. If you cut this section of the nail by accident, your dog will experience bleeding and agony.

It's better to leave your dog nail a little longer if you're worried about cutting too close to the quick.

Please stop and contact your local veterinarian or a professional groomer for further guidance if you are uncomfortable with the process or believe you are injuring your dog.

How to Cut Dog's Black Nail?

Black-nail dogs can be more difficult to train. It can be tough to determine where the quick is located or where it begins because their nail is naturally colored.

You may notice a chalk-like white ring around the beginning of the quick once you start cutting. Schedule a nail trim appointment at your veterinarian's clinic if you are uncomfortable trimming your dog's black nails.

You can also request a demonstration from a veterinary clinic professional on how to correctly cut black nails.

How Often Should You Trim Your Dog's Nails?

The length of time between nail trimming is determined by how quickly your dog's nails grow and wear down.

The normal dog's nails should be cut every three to four weeks, although it should be done as needed to protect the nail from contacting the ground when standing.

If your dog is a lapdog with feet that rarely touch the ground, you may need to clip their nails more frequently, but dogs who run on pavement or uneven surfaces may not require nail trimming as frequently or at all.

How to Stop a Dog's Toenail From Bleeding?

For both you and your dog, a bleeding toenail can be extremely disturbing. Here's how to put a stop to the gushing.

Styptic powder can be used to help the blood clot and stop the nail from bleeding. If you don't have styptic powder, flour or cornstarch can be used in the same way as styptic powder to stop a dog's nail from bleeding.

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Place a small amount of powder on the tip of your finger and press it into the nail tip.

To get the styptic powder to stick, apply pressure for a few seconds.

If the bleeding does not cease within a few minutes, contact your veterinarian for more advice.

Dog Nail Trimming Alternatives

Some individuals prefer to grind their dog's nails down instead of cutting them with a Dremel tool (also known as a nail grinder) designed specifically for pet nails.

To grind the nails down rapidly and safely, the Dremel uses a specific sandpaper-type bit and a 30,000 RPM speed.

For maintenance, it is best to use the nail grinder every 7 to 10 days.

Trim the hair around the toes of dogs with long hair before filing, and move the Dremel around regularly to avoid friction that can give an unpleasant heat sensation.

With the correct equipment, a little patience, and a lot of treats, you can save time and alleviate the stress of taking your dog to the groomer or the vet.


What happens if you don't clip your dog's nails?

If you ignore it, a variety of things can happen. Nails, for example, your pet's nails can grow and curl into the footpad. The nails might also get crack down to the quick in with some circumstances. That would not only be uncomfortable, but it would also put your dog's claw at danger of infection.

What angle do you cut dog's nails?

The best way to clip dog nails that are curling in a circle is with a scissors-type nail trimmer. Trim the nail at a 45 degree angle below the quick, with the nail clipper's cutting end toward the end of the nail. Instead of one massive nip, make a several little ones with the clippers.

What can I use if I don't have dog nail clippers?

The finest options for clipping your dog's nails without clippers are hand filing with a standard emery board or utilizing a scratch board. Grinders can also be used, but you must first acclimatize your dog to them. On little puppies, only use human clippers can be used instead of scissors.

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