Many pet owners are apprehensive about clipping their dog's nail.
Many canines aren't delighted about it either.
There are still a lot of unanswered questions.
Aside from the practicality of trimming around 20 nails on a wiggling dog.
But the question is, how often do we cut dog nails?
Let's find out!
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How frequently should I trim my dog's nails?
Trim your dog's nails a little at a time on a regular cadence.
About once a week is enough.
With this, the quick will recede, making it easy to keep them short.
How Often Should Your Dog's Nails Be Clipped?
What Factors Influence Dog Nail Growth and Trimming Frequency?
What kind of surface does your dog spend the most of their time on:
Are they usually indoors and only touch carpet?
Is it on grass or dirt outside?
Or do they go for walks on the asphalt or concrete on a regular basis?
How much of their time do their feet spend on the ground:
Do they spend the majority of their time in your arms or on the couch?
Or do they manage to travel around on their own?
What they eat:
Your dog's nutrition, particularly the balance of certain minerals and vitamins, might affect the health and rate of growth of their nails.
Nail bed infections, auto-immune illnesses, and tumors are among conditions that can impact the health and growth rate of a dog's nails.
The Golden Rule On Cutting Dog Nail
A decent rule of thumb is to nail trimming your dog nail as often as necessary to keep them from touching the ground when they're standing.
While the frequency will vary depending on the dog, the more you do it, the more accustomed and accepting they will get.
If you're starting out young, proceed cautiously and avoid the nerves and blood supply to the dog nail especially if it is a black nail.
If you can trim your dog's toenail weekly or every other week if it's possible and reasonable, you'll likely notice greater results, have a much less agitated dog, and suffer less stress yourself.
Take just enough off each dogs nails to keep it short, but not so much that the quick (blood supply) or nerve endings that extend just beyond the leading edge of the quick are cut.
Naturally, this is easier in dogs with clear nails than it is in dogs with black nails to nail trim.
It's crucial to start carefully with either colored nails or goodies, and to offer your dog lots of praise and positive reinforcement (treats) during the process.
Consider using a Dremel or a Nail Grinder
For some dogs, dog owner prefer grinding their puppy nails rather than clipping them using nail clippers.
And then, finishing with a grinder to smooth out the edges so they don't snag and rip, may be preferable.
Grinding can be easier for dogs than using nail clipper or nail trimmer since it can be done more slowly, reducing the risk of cutting a nerve or blood vessel.
It's a terrific alternative to nail cutting for a dog who despises it.
It's also simpler to trim closer to a long quick for the overgrown nail with a grinder, which helps the quick shrink over time.
When looking for a nail grinder for your pet, look for one with variable speeds (so you can manage how much nail is removed) and one that is relatively quiet.
The Dremel nail grinder is the most popular, as it uses a rechargeable battery to eliminate the need for a cord and is comfortable with the dog's paw.
If you decide to go the grinding way, make sure to clip the fur on your dog's paws before using the grinder so it doesn't get caught in the moving parts and cause your dog pain and harm.
If you have long hair, remember to pull it back when grinding your dog's nails – long hair can easily get tangled and wound around a Dremel!
How to Get Your Dog to Accept Having His or Her Nails Trimmed
Check out this helpful video for some terrific, step-by-step instructions on using clicker training to encourage a dog to accept — and even like – nail trims.
If your dog becomes very stressed during the treatment and refuses to cooperate, take a break, reassure and play with them, and then try again later using dog nail clippers.
Consider going slower and focusing on just one nail or paw at a time.
Why You Shouldn't Allow Your Dog's Nails to Grow Too Long
When your dog's long claws touch the pavement or the floor with each stride, they might cause pain.
- Long nails might make it difficult for your dog to maintain a firm grip on smooth surfaces such as hardwood, linoleum, and tile.
- Long nails are more likely to become tangled in objects and ripped off.
- Nails that aren't cut properly can curl and grow into your dog's skin or paw pads, causing infection and suffering.
- This applies to all nails, but particularly to the dewclaws.
- Then there's the potential for long nails to cause harm to your floors, furnishings, and skin.
If You Cut Your Dog's Nail Too Short, What Should You Do?
You'll want to have something on hand to stop the bleeding if you ever trim your dog's nails too short, which many people, including professionals, have done.
Your dog's nails may be “quicked” as a result of this.
This occurs when the blood vessel (known as the quick) is severed.
It is more common in dogs who wiggle a lot during nail trims and dogs with black nails.
When the quick is cut, it can bleed profusely, so keep something on hand to stop the bleeding just in case.
You can use styptic powder such as Kwik-Stop or, better yet, ClotIt (a blood-clotting stimulant that should also be in your dog's First-Aid Kit).
In a pinch, you can also apply cornstarch on the nail and hold it there for a few minutes to stop bleeding.
Of course, if you have patience, care, and a well-acclimatized dog, you won't need either.
How to Increase Your Dog's Traction
Some dogs have a tougher trouble acquiring traction on particular surfaces, such as tile, linoleum, and hardwood, regardless of how long their nails are.
This is especially true in the case of an arthritis-stricken dog.
Consider using doggie socks for dogs who have traction issues that aren't resolved by simply cutting their nails.
The primary worry with socks is that they may twist, fall down, or come off depending on the brand/style, the size of your dog, and their level of activity.
Make sure you get the correct size, then spend some time getting your dog used to wearing them so they won't try to pull them off.
Socks, on the other hand, can considerably aid dogs with movement issues on otherwise slick floors.
They may not be suitable for all dogs, but they're worth a try before laying down wall-to-wall carpeting.
While trimming your dog's nails, keep them from squirming
If you have a squirmy dog and need some help keeping them still while you trim and grind their dog's nail.
Try putting some peanut butter on a plate.
This will help to distract them while you work on their nails.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can I cut my dog's nails every week?
If you're starting out young, proceed cautiously and avoid the nerves and blood supply to the nails.
If you can trim your dog's nails weekly or every other week if it's possible and reasonable, you'll likely notice greater results, have a much less agitated dog, and suffer less stress yourself.
What happens if you don't cut your dog's nails?
The nails might also crack down to the quick in some circumstances.
That would not only be uncomfortable, but it would also put you at danger of infection.
Finally, it has the potential to impair their capacity to stand and walk.
It might also cause bone defects if left untreated for a long time.
How do you tell if your dog's nails are too long?
When a dog's nails are overly long, they will click when walking on hard surfaces.
It's easy to tell whether your dog's nails are excessively long.
When standing, the claws should not protrude over the pad and should not contact the ground.
Your dog's nails can be clipped at home.